By the way, what do you Kristiina think, about people with weak , that is ESTPs and ENTPs, how would they behave? Let me first tell you a few of my experiences/perceptions:
1. There was an old man, 60 years perhaps, which lived alone in a small rented room in Zagreb. He was a bookworm and a adventurist/traveler - so he said on a documentary. He never had faculty education. And now, in his old age, he's dealing his number to any girl that walks around the town square regardless of age of the girl. You should've seen this. This guy want's to get married NOW, when he's old... Does that mean that he was a coward before and now wants to get laid because of weak ??? I ask myself.
2. I went in my short life ( I'm 22 y/o), through bad experiences when considering attraction of opposite sex. I mean, when I wanted to get a girl (during my teenage days from 13-19 years), I was always badly rejected. They didn't want me. I never had any luck. I'm not fat, it's because of pimpels PPP, perhaps... When I finaly got a girl that was crazy about me, I rejected her five times and I we came together five times. After the fifth time, we broke up for good. From that day we didn't talk and said hello to each other. I see her around the town, but we're like the worst enemies.
PPP I never said sorry or anything. And since then (3 and 1/2 years or so have passed), I hadn't had a girl. -> College duties. PPP
3. My friend ENTP is also like me, but has a bit more luck in getting more girls that me. But hey, he's worse at college. ??

Now, when I felt pain in being rejected by girls, it hurt like a FREAKIN' HELL!!!! Tell me, Kristiina, if you're ENTJ personality, what are your POLR bad experiences? Did you get offended when someone said: Hey, your skirt is from Victorian days! You have a breath as if you ate a dead rat! You barrely ever enjoy fine things in life like beautiful and colorful clothes, tasty food, nice perfumes! Do you even know how you smell? }:->
IF you get offended by this or you got offended in your past and you're truly ENTJ, then you know it HURTS! POLR is very weak!

I revealed how ENTP suffers, that is, me. Now, for ENFPs I just don't know, but I believe in one little thing:
ENFPs would handle these problems I had very easily because of their creative which is very strong. However, at intepreting laws and finding them in rows of numbers, or anywhere else, using these laws to compare things... It's a FREAKIN' HELL for them. Do you agree with this on me?