What do you think or would like to learn about them?
What do you think or would like to learn about them?
Ethical-intuitive introvert
Dostoyevsky, The Humanist
Fedor Dostoyevsky - the famous Russian writer.
1. Bearer of quiet introspection, hidden sea of feelings. The world of his feelings is so fine and rich that he does not need verbal reassurances of someone’s love for him. Even without words he observes, who loves whom and how, who needs or doesn’t need whom. His most important capability is his ability to adapt to his partner’s emotions, to empathize, release emotional tension, to calm down.
2. He is usually a quiet, amicable man. Being in groups, he prefers to keep silence and watch, but among his close friends his behavior switches to the opposite – then one cannot call him too shy, because he remarks perfectly, how other people treat him, and knows how to improve their relation to him. Strives to submit other people to his own understanding of ethical and non-ethical. He never imposes his own emotions on others, but accompanies, empathizes emotions of his partner. He demonstrates specific emotional standstill. He is sure that other people need him to be quiet, calm, tranquil. He strives to be something like a "compress" other people can apply to their wounds.
3. Cannot refuse if asked to do something. This is why people often exploit him. He needs such a partner, submitting to whom, he can shield himself from excessive chores. In relations with people his interests are narrowed to a certain group, but in the objective world he is interested by absolutely everything: his intellect and skills are really omnivorous. He is scarcely capable of evaluating the quality of his work and time spent to accomplish it. Often he cannot distinguish between a triviality and what is really important. He knows what he can do but does not know what he needs to do. He cannot stay aside when other people are working, and keeps on working when other people already finished. He dislikes very much being ordered to do something new while some other things have not been yet done.
4. Critical towards his own beauty (handsomeness), will, energy. He feels much pain when criticized for these aspects. Compliments on these aspects are not accepted as ambiguous only when they are expressed face-to-face, in a mild tone, without emphasis. He needs silent or not emphasized recognition. He cannot afford being untidy.
5. Deed is the best care. His partner can provide pleasant emotions he needs from time to time through intelligence, logic, demands, and ability to protect. One needs to show up for the rendezvous on time, fulfill promises, be polite, thoughtful, and there is no need in more proofs of love or further conversations. If the smartest interlocutor explains his opinion in the form of speculations, instead of short and resolute formulations, then Dostoyevsky feels permanently dissatisfied and unhappy of being together with him. And his main requirement to his partner is: faithfulness. He does not forgive infidelity.
Your dual (psychologically complementary type): Holmes, The Director (logical-sensory extrovert).
INFJs have a very characteristic dispassionate facial expression. This is often reminiscent of the depiction of saints and martyrs from early Christian icons. Their faces convey the feeling that their soul is suffering even when it is not. INFJs faces are often perfect ovals but can be rectangular in shape as well. Their noses are usually straight and slightly elongated, but not prominent.
INFJs do not show intense positive emotions, instead they simply smile. All their facial expressions openly reproach nefarious happenings. The same can be noticed in their intonation. In many cases INFJs have a slim, ascetic figure. Their movements are often quite harsh although not lacking mobility. INFJs with more fuller figures are less mobile and active. When walking, INFJs may keep their feet close and parallel to the ground, maintaining a short distance between each step.
INFJs are generally very modest, which is also noticeable in their choice of clothes. However from time to time they may wear something very flashy according to the latest fashion especially is noticeable in males. INFJs prefer to observe people for sometime before making contact in order to identify social hierarchy in a group. Normally INFJs do not show initiative when making contact for the first time.
INFJs can be very touchy and this may strain the easy atmosphere of a conversation. Sometimes they adopt a monotone speech pattern that can snuff out all playfulness in others. INFJs have a special ability to listen to people and as a result they are often asked for advice or sympathy. They never push people away and are always prepared to listen for as long as it takes to make others feel better, even if they theoretically have better things to do. INFJs are always ready to help friends in difficult life situations. They care not with words but with real actions.
INFJs do not really make good cheats or frauds. This however, does not stop them from trying sometimes. And even if they do, they are likely to feel pretty bad about themselves afterwards. This gives INFJs a reputation as naive and impractical people. INFJs are very conscientious in their work . They do everything carefully, paying great attention to the quality of their labour. INFJs demand cleanliness and order. At home they tend to keep everything tidy, carefully storing their belonging, especially females INFJs. They like a calm and measured style of life and therefore try to prepare and anticipate everything beforehand, often making them quite reliable.
INFJs know how to establish peace between conflicting sides. They take a neutral position in the conflict, often being fired upon from both sides. They rarely push, shout or show aggressiveness. Instead they punish offenders by completely ignoring them until they realise their mistakes and apologise. INFJs do not like to project themselves: when everybody works, they work too, when everybody rests, they rest too. INFJs often cannot stand violence, conflict and graphic depiction of injuries.
I am an INFj; I've tested as one through both socionics and mbti ... so I don't exactly know what that means in the grand scheme of things :/
Anyway... yes. Just thought I'd make note of myself here.
Well our logic would say you cannot be both, you would be one or the other. Of course the judging/perception question is tricky. You are most likely emotional. I hear the best way to determine if you are socionics INFj(Fi,Ne) and INFp(Ni,Fe) is to say if you are very demonstrative of your emotions or hold them close, the first example would be INFp and the second would be INFj. Hope that helps.Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sorry to nitpick on your own personality type, just trying to clear up confusion. If you're going to make note of yourself, who are you and where are you I'd like to know
You think so after these couple of phrases? (((((: You'd make a great fortune-teller ((((((:Originally Posted by metaiwan
This info sounds very interesting. I like learning about myself. lol
Is there any more info about INFJ's ?
Last edited by alexia; 02-26-2011 at 07:07 AM.
I guess I might have gotten a lil carried away here...but my assumption was that if you scored as a INF(whatever) on a test then emotions would be a big part of your life and value system.Originally Posted by Malyshka
There's all kinds of information about INFjs and INFps all over the web. If you look at socionics.com's statistics you will see the intuitive introverts seem to be the most interested in personality typologies(even tho they are apparently the rarest of types). I can tell you about INFjs/INFps from personal experience also.This info sounds very interesting. I like learning about myself. lol
Is there any more info about INFJ's ?
These subtype descriptions by Valentina Meged - Psychologist (intuitive-ethical extrovert) ENFP and Anatoly Ovcharov - Craftsman (sensory-logical introvert) ISTP, can be confusing and opinions on them are divided but nonetheless they should be worth looking at, in my opinion they can be of some use in typing.
This description was from www.socionics.org
Sotsionicheskaya newspaper: № 01 (01), 22.11.2002
Note of editorial staff.
Attention! Until now in sotsionike there is a large problem because the authors of the different theories of subtypes so did not agree about the general terminology. There exists as the minimum of 3 theories of 32 subtypes (authors of present article, V.V.Gulenko and Ye.S.Filatovoy). In each of these theories the type is divided into two subtypes, as the authors consider, with the "intensive" first or second function (i.e. for example logico- intuitive introvert it can be "logical" or "intuitive" subtype). Problem in the fact that each divides type in in own way own way, and here terms are used the same. We request to consider this with reading of article.
We focus attention on the fact that also the pseudonyms of types all the more subtypes, used in this article, they are not in sotsionike conventional.
Ethics- intuitive introvert: HUMANIST, INFJ
In EII usually the attentive, analyzing view, penetrating, but soft. Sometimes a little suspended, scattered, while sometimes studying and confused. Now and then it expresses silent reproach as the consequence of the concealed and unexpressed thoughts or impressions. Eyes are very expressive, they transfer well a feeling of compassion or offence. Then into them the secret pain and melancholy. Happiness is much thinner.
The mimicry of face, on the contrary, is sufficiently scant. Most frequently face EII generally seems inspired, calm and impassive, although its muscles are a little stressed. Smile is rarely - timid or a little confused.
Are held BY EII several neuverenno and it is timid. Poses and gestures are modest, nedemonstrativny. It is usually restrained in the conversation, its speech low, even exclamations seem muted. It rarely is eloquent and it is even more rarely emotional - usually only when its feelings and principles are deeply touch uponed. It will not always argue, but is very obstinate beskompromissen in its persuasions.
Ethical subtype is polite and tactful, restrained and impassive. Usually it soblyudayet a certain distance in the contact, it now and then seems strict, cold, bezemotsional'nym. Gradually this impression is scattered, since in the process of contact sincere sympathy is manifested and desire soak by the matter. It is usually serious, calm and benevolent. It is very penetrating, but it is reserved. Rarely it shares its observations. It is punctilious and very tactful. It does not know how to joke, it fears to say excess. It departs silently from the disputes, without resorting to diplomacy. It is very industrious, tedious, patient and assiduous. It does not transfer injustice and violence. It is sequential and solid in its principles. It knows how to create comfort, to decorate house with distributions. Much it knows how to make with its hands. View is alerted, rarely it smiles. It follows the figure, it is always accurate, pulled. It is modest, but it is dressed with the taste, if means are allowed - izyskanno is elegant. Motions are smooth, although are stopped up stop up. Gait is sufficiently rapid, is light, frequently semenyashchaya, a little forged forge. It sits directly, rarely it gesticulates.
Intuitive subtype is with restraint emotional, strict. To those, to whom it sympathizes with, manifests cordiality, benevolence and affability. Sometimes it loves to joke. He tries not to tell people unpleasant things, but always it cannot be held in order not to express its disagreement or disturbance, about which then greatly it will regret. It is serious and punctilious. Converging with the man, he tries to be to it anything useful. It is acted unsure of itself, it is touchy even we wound, although it attempts to hide this. Has a good descriptive thinking and creative abilities. It knows how to interpret different symbols, dreams, mystical means. It loves to advise, to bring up, to add, but only in the narrow to circle. It is held modestly and unnoticeably. It dresses simply, adhering to classical style, is frequently conservative. Mimicry and gesticulation is not very expressed. Speech is emotional, but not flattened, tone it frequently edifying. It has frequently disproportionate figure, are somewhat thickset or with the tendency toward the completeness. Gait is a little clumsy, only waddle.
is ENFP and INFJ a good love match?
Well... maybe... it's the 3rd best possible match...
But I know an ENFp myself, even if I could notice the reverse understanding, and the coherence of values of the same quadra... I as INFj am way too sickly jealous to survive being close to one, and way too damn possesive to allow the ENFp to survive.
Personally I married my identical, and can't but be happy about it.
E's may have their appeal by being E's but neither I nor her could live pleasing lives with them. Not even totally healthy close to our duals.
It can work well, but it still comes down to individual prefrences.Originally Posted by tutie_fruity_cutie
I think you can easily become best friends yet can't fight together because both strive to very different ideals.
ENFp's are known to look for freedom on relationships, that's why the ISTp is the right dual for them.
INFj's are known to look for -reclusion- on relationship (i do, my wife does too).
Both would speak the same language, and striving for the opposite and there's a potential serious danger. It's a litte risky, but just as rmcnew says... up to preferences. Nobody says you can't get along with someone that isn't your dual or identical.
Of course the reason I say that is because my mother is INFj and my step-father is ENFp ... they have a great relationship and get along well.
That is really what matters ...
With no intention to offending nor really minding if you don't feel like answering at-all.. but,
Does by chance..
your INFj mother is "symmetrically jealous" and
your ENFp step-fapther "asymmetrically jealous"?
In a way that she behaves as she would like he to behave and he behaves as he wouldn't like she to behave and not really trying to be "bad" neither of them?
Just for the sake of testing my theory... sorry about my excessive curiosity... just that I very rarely can read INFj's oppinions about anything and feel like gathering all possible information I can...
my apoligyzes if you find it offensive, I'm afraid of being too near on my speech to your PoTR, and no need to answer if you don't like of course...
I do not really understand what you are trying to ask ... I am not sure what you mean by symmetrically jealous or assymetrically jealous.Originally Posted by Koneko
But, they do have a mirror [ENFp,INFj] type relationship ... I suppose maybe you are speaking of their judging and perceiving prefrences?
Exactly, and if it isn't that a way that the different "rhytm" of living conflict expresses itself in the INFj-ENFp relationship.Originally Posted by rmcnew
xNFx <-*jealous people*
ENFp's share values and skills with INFj's but they give me the feeling they "try out everything that's dangerous needlessly when it comes to loving" and that they "hestiate on the obvious". So I imagined a difficulty in dealing with jealousy is quite probable for the p/j asymmetry on this particular case.
Still... probably only they, or maybe only her can know the answer to this. INFj's aren't prone to show off their own thoughts enough for you to find out if they don't speak first.
Well, they seem to give each other conflicting advice and debate over which way is best alot ... I am not really sure who I get along with best, because my stepfather normally gives alot of advice that is totally useless to me and my mother tends to be critical of my weaknesses alot. So, it just depends.
lol, true, ENTp just can't be really happy about having INFj's and ENFp's talking their own supervising and comparative noise on you.
I also suppose your own mirrorage with an INTj would be easier because xxFx mirrors can have a worse time getting along since they lack the "cold" xxTx that can help getting along solving their differences. Not to mention Delta quadra people is rather unadaptive about changing their minds totally unlike Alpha people are.
But despite the fact my sole speech should be nagging for you you answered, and that really adds data to what I supposed, so thanks, really. =^^=
I am an ENFP, I am most attracted to INTJs. But INTJs are too demanding of me, so I am going to try going back to an INFJ. (I was married to an INFJ). But I cannot and will not tolerate any non Ns. I am also attracted to INTP. I need intellectual stimulation with my mate. So I basically think for me, INFJ might be the best.
They can be plenty intellectual without being Ns.But I cannot and will not tolerate any non Ns. I am also attracted to INTP. I need intellectual stimulation with my mate. So I basically think for me, INFJ might be the best.
Ask about what type would like too... on my case an ENFp would add way too many waves to my "Quite pool" and would make me run away easily. What's so bad about your dual ? ISTp's are the good-at-everything Masters, they often -are- intellectual people, no doubt.Originally Posted by ENFP
Pardon me if I'm out of line here - I'm new and feeling my way around here......
I don't understand this interaction:
What did you mean by "you cannot be both?" That doesn't seem logical to me.Well our logic would say you cannot be both, you would be one or the other.I am an INFj; I've tested as one through both socionics and mbti ... so I don't exactly know what that means in the grand scheme of things :/
Anyway... yes. Just thought I'd make note of myself here.
Could someone explain?
Let love be without hypocrisy....
It doesn't mean anything, you CAN be both. It's actually a big mess that people argue about, but the truth is that you can be an INFJ in socioncs and an INFJ in MBTI (not always, though, that's the tricky part).Originally Posted by talitha
And they also know when to keep quiet... which is imperative for peace.Originally Posted by Koneko
Are there any INFjs still posting on this forum?
Koneko said he has had trouble with connecting to the network on his latest post. I guess now he's in it again and gone.Originally Posted by Megan
the reason a lot more people arent into socionics in general is because MBTI makes them see contradictions when reading the types, and the uninformed ones think its one in the same.
oh well!
{♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }
Does anyone know any INFJ authors? I'm curious to see how I react to reading a book by my Quasi.
Hmm... Through studying the INFp and -j profiles, it seems that I'm a socionics INFj. I even act like one: Very rapid and forceful gait (I can outwalk most and keep the pace up for hours. About 6 hours, in fact, if I get water. I tested it unintentionally when I took a wrong turn, once, and ended up walking to another city ), little mimicry, doesn't show intense positive emotion (I try to avoid "flashing" emotion, but at times cannot avoid showing them. That's when I have a slight smile on my lips), slow to make contact etc.
The physical figure doesn't fit me. I'm quite heavy (Big bones and big belly, . No, I'm not really overweight, merely at the very upper end of the normal scale) and my face in neither oval nor retangular, although closer to the later, with my chin breaking it up. I'm not all that organized, and I dislike routine (Except for when I'm tired. Then, only routines and schedules keep me from falling asleep in the wayside). I do have a hard time changing my mind, but that is partially weighed up by my "mental sledgehammer" that I use to break down bias, preconcieved ideas and hypocrisy.
People keep calling me arrogant. I guess that hiding emotion + being quiet = arrogance. This never fails to surprise me, as in my view, typically extraverted behaviour is the most arrogant: Loud, boisterous laughter (Makes me feel like they're laughing of me), shouting, and generally filling the space up completely without leaving room for others. Particularily in the evenings.
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
if an INFJ hangs out with an ISFJ they might be perceived as arrogant by others around them...
INFJs seem to quite often come in all sizes so dont worry too much about the VI....
Thats interesting my Mom is INFJ and can walk forever like you stated before....
Wouldnt bother parking close in the parking lot, come to think of it it was probably bvecause she wanted to avoid conflict or something..
{♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }
Probably. You can never be sure when somebody's "laid claim" to a particular parking space. I prefer walking, at any rate.
I started walking as rapidly as I could at the age of 13, when I started going to a school which laid an hour away "regular" pace. So I'd walk faster in order to get there or get back home. By now, if I'm motivated, I can do that trip in 15 minutes. That's the same time I use if I'm biking and not rushing it. In crowds, however, I don't walk that fast. In crowds, in fact, I hardly gain ground at all.
At least part of my alleged "arrogance" comes from me always thinking the positive sides of things obvious, so I need only point out the negative sides.
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
100% match here. And that irritation on the obvious comes mostly from correction perception with people from quadras where -Fe- is a value, I believe.Originally Posted by Darklord
This goes for ESI's too but they would very rarely put this into words on their whole life unlike we.
yeah i think this irritates Fe's a lot, but it is far from true...i feel people's pain, often way too much, but it's like i just forget to react, and if i did it would seem so unnatural and fake. i think it's just that i'm so busy thinking from other perspectives that i forget to actively show my own. i don't know it's like my mind floats outside my body...as if i forget that i have a body or something!Originally Posted by Pedro
about the walking thing...i also used to run six miles a day, but i think it was just for a mental boost...endorphin release. i could park closer in the parking lot but i just don't think about it sometimes, and i don't care to walk. as an infj, i really have tried to work on my lately and memorizing where things are and paying attention to common stuff, like what people are wearing........i pickup way to much intuitive side of things, like i can feel other people's thoughts, but i won't remember what they had on!
It depends on what kind of pain it is with me. I will go out of my way to champion the defenseless like little kids and animals from physical or mental abuse, but if you're sick or hurt then I have no sympathy.Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Same for me, but I tend to explain it in another way: I just react inside myself, feeling and thinking of others a lot, but do not show it at all until I have any constructive decision or cure for them. I actually cought myself thinking that people shouldn't see me suffer from their pain or condition because it makes them feel even worse. Instead I should look calm and, well, confident as it will provide more help.Originally Posted by fever (logged out)
In my opinion the Emperor Marcus Aurelius was INFJ, so you might try his Meditations. They're available online for free.Originally Posted by HarryBottom
Bill Clinton has claimed it was his favorite book - make of that what you will.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
True, and EII's will be quickly annoyed by people who in appearance can't feel what they won't yell, by the nuisance caused form perceiving very inmature the problem that in addition to the one the yell talks about the yelling generates itself.Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
's oppinion is that such attitude is irritably childish as it's like trying to turn fire off with gasoline. And we go in turn even more irritated by others inability to read our minds wordlessly which is what we do all the time, and that leads them to hurry in terrible and unaccurate judgements and makes us waste energy on needless kindergardenish explanations.
And we look cold because we don't see a tribute on our own grief as but an additional burden for everyone; and is annoying to receive a yell in return to our "favor".
Just type in INFj authors in a search engine, there are a ton of them out there.Originally Posted by HarryBottom
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Since most results are MBTI, I would go for the references in russian pages that are clearly socionic-oriented. Lytov's page has some representatives of the types and other pages do too as well.Originally Posted by Artemis
I admit the amount you can find properly typed is disastrously low...
In the worse case at least try MBTI's results for INFP authors, which are the functional unproperly-stated "equivalents" to socionics EII.