For a long time I thought I would make a great
Revelations that a certain career path may not be the best are quite valuable. The question is always, did one really discover something deeper about one's interests and abilities, or did one put theory above sounder intuition and experience?

I strongly believe that there's a certain principle one should follow regarding the sound application of any theory regarding personality, behavior, or generally regarding how one should organize and understand important decisions about life, art, etc..

That principle is to give a lot of credence to the empirical evidence, and allow the theory to help one understand, organize, make sense of that evidence, but not allow the theory to take precedence over the evidence. If someone says, "I love doing x, but the theory says it's not my thing, so...." or if someone says "I love being around these kind of people, but theory says that they're my conflict type, so....," that's when I get concerned.