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Thread: Type me? :))

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  1. #1
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    You're might be an E because you try to "stay on good terms with people...."
    As in "Extrovert"?

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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  2. #2
    eunice's Avatar
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    I'm thinking of Alpha XXXp.

  3. #3
    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
    I'm thinking of Alpha XXXp.
    Yes! I have troubles differentiating between ILE and SEI here. Some things make me incline towards SEI - and lol @ "someone who lets me think". Though her cleanly reasoned principled rules make me thing of ILE, too, there are very many Alpha values there but which are normally not so highly rationalized by SEIs, as far as I can tell.

    lemon, I really like what you wrote! Especially your principles, btw I classify ppl into conformists, non-conformists and "non-conformists" (notice the quotes). You are - and I relate to - the second, IMO.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    What do you mean? Socionics is Jungian personality types.
    "Jungian" doesn't mean "Jung's typology". They're historically related, though, so is chemistry with alchemy.
    Quote Originally Posted by lemon View Post
    EDIT: I find that, though, in most cases, people get offended by practical advice, because it makes them feel like I'm trying to make them look stupid or something (I don't understand it, usually I'm just trying to help). So I hold back with the advice-giving unless they are family or close friend, like you said.
    I just wrote something similar (but in a way the opposite), this projection is reaaaly bothering to me:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolt View Post
    To exemplify, one thing is the incapacity of Deltas to take an impersonal and objective approach on evaluating people's qualities, the opposite of what I'm trying to establish. It's ok to evoke great deeds, predictions or whatever, but not qualities, capacity or value - to them it's one thing to positively evaluate yourself (to them: boasting, or self-promotion), someone in the family (care for them, love, protection, promotion), friends (mutual help, or whatever kind of friendship it is) or "the rest of the world". Now take that "how did I miss that" and put it into two divergent contexts, for example: (1) "that he boasts so much", (2) "that he has such qualities" - and you can figure out one kind of blockage I'm talking about, it's impossible to be fully open or receptive with the approach you prefer versus the other one.

    Quote Originally Posted by lemon View Post
    4. I notice similarities a lot. The first thing I do when I meet someone is think about who they look like who I already know. I usually do this to most people I see anywhere, just because it's interesting to me. I also notice when the layout of a town is similar to the one I live in, and I notice when people talk or act like each other. I notice lots of parallels between things.
    Oh! If this is really a leitmotif of yours, that must be Ne. Possibly combined with Ti. Do you see things like they belong to "sets"? Do you create different sets in your mind classifying things, sometimes how things should be? For example, "what would make the perfect special operation troop?" - should there be four, five or other number? - then eventually compare with the complete set of roles in other field and try to reduce them to a small number based on similarities, compatible qualities that can be learned together by one person, etc, to create a truly autonomous and self-contained group.
    (categories, systematization, similarities, correspondences)

    - how persistent are your hobbies and occupations? Why do you think that you'll do art and craft in your life and when did you decide this (years ago)?
    - do you have facebook or have an opinion for or against it?

    I read your older posts and I recalled that I thought you're ILE. Though at one point Vero said that your posts remind her of Steve and you said something like "possibly", but I consider he's rather Beta NF - and also a snob - so I began looking into that but then forgot about it, had different other things to do. I personally don't see similarities between your writing styles (maybe Vero's opinion was superficially based on "visualizing energy"), he's talking more like a poet, in some sort of metaphysical, philosophical - for the sake of philosophy - manner, obscurely.
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    After reading your post(s) I do agree with other posters saying you're Alpha. Don't listen to Maritsa - she couldn't type/V.I herself looking in the mirror not to mention others.

  5. #5
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Please don't listen to Maritsa. She types almost all men as LSE. You appear to be female and she still types you as LSE, which is slightly off her usual typing, but she's still very unreliable.

    Though apparently she thinks only extraverted people care about having positive relations with other people, and that does explain why she types almost everyone as SEE or LSE, since almost the whole world is extraverted by that definition. I'm getting some insight to her method of mistyping.

  6. #6
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    Definitely Si ego. I am leaning towards Si-LSE, though there are a few things that make me uncertain.

    A good part of what you wrote sounds like me, as well, only I rarely have the energy (or the skill) to talk about myself in such great detail. You seem more verbose and energetic.
    Last edited by Park; 02-21-2011 at 02:24 PM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  7. #7
    Filambee's Avatar
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    Can you post a pic?

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