Today I had a final for this tennis class I have been taking for this semester, and the coach was having each one of us either answer a question or demonstrate some sort of tennis skill or technique, and he asked me a question that made me think something about my type.

He gave me a demo, and asked me what a person needed to do first before they hit a ball, I said "to first be prepared," so He is like, "yes, but what position do you need to be in." So I responded "It depends how the ball is coming at you." So he's like," Yeah, but which position does a person need to be in for the most powerful controlled swing, and front one to the side or a strattled position." I tell him,"Probably the one you are standing in right now."

He thought my answer was a little interesting apparently, cause he made this comment after that that I am probably a student studying science, chemistry or biology or something. It seems to me like the way I reacted may have been Se or Te, and maybe Ne.

Ohhh Yeah ... don't vote if you have a predetermined opinion about my type and allow it to influence the decision, that isn't what I am asking.

What do you guys think??? Objective Te, Ne, or Se, or something else?