The relationship of social order

ID Vaysband Working Paper on Socionics

The receiver accepts any grumbling customers as a call to action. However, this action is to move away from him. The family - and it is difficult - a relationship strained. The customer feel that without him the receiver completely disappears, and the receiver finds it impossible to leave such an outstanding, strong man. The customer activates podzakaznogo, but to realize this momentum, he must at some time move away from him. Most romantic love stories: partners agree, disagree, can not live without each other, can not be with each other ("Winter Cherry"). Not the most successful marriages. One partner is called the "Customer" - a person who with his "creative" channel activates a weak function of channel Podzakaznogo. Good feedback is not here, since both strong functions Podzakaznogo not affect the customer. This mechanism is determined and the nature of relations: everything that says and does Podzakazny, customer does not seem too important and significant, and the Customer, by contrast, is perceived as Podzakaznym very significant figure. This order is impossible not to do: he perceived a weak function of the channel, which itself is unable to critically understand the information. Therefore, it is run unconditionally. The customer is not inclined to reckon with Podzakaznym, seeing Podzakaznom weaker partner, so he tends to patronize Podzakaznomu, administer, and even teach it. Naturally, the Podzakazny strives, on occasion, to move away from the customer. In the family, these relations are satisfactory only under the condition that Podzakazny busy with some vigorous activity outside the family, he can then transmit the energy received from the customer, beyond the ring. If such activity is not - likely the conflict until the break.

OB Slinko "The key to my heart - Socionics"

One partner acts as a transmitter sotszakaza (he often referred to simply as "Employer"), the second - as a receiver sotszakaza (or simply "receiver"). The receiver is at a higher stage of social development compared with the customer, but sotszakaznoy pair him assigned a subordinate role. The customer seems interesting, significant, sometimes inaccessible, and at the same time the receiver so clear its concerns and human frailties. Customer is always something requires the receiver, the receiver always like to owe, and he perfectly captures the position of the customer. He, by contrast, does not hear the receiver does not want to look into its problems: it seems that the receiver and so, although it is not clear in what way, happy successful life. To fulfill the social order, the receiver must get away from the direct influence of the customer. Therefore, the relationship with the customer, he tends to resist, "floundering." Nevertheless, the "disloyal" behavior of the receiver is almost no effect on the psychological well-being of the customer. The relationship of social order characterized by warmth. Quite often, "sotszakaznye" marriages. In such families, overwork, both spouses: a customer from the fact that the shoulder (dobrovolno!) on their shoulders the responsibility for both, and the receiver - from the constant psychological pressure from a partner.

RK Graying "Information psychoanalysis"

This interaction, we consider as a combination of Oriental and quasi activation. Ego - Id plus SuperId. Element of similarity with BPI activation gives a surge of activity of the individual. Customers like activator "tormoshat" each other. C / O-order Kvazitozhdestvennaya component brings the possibility of mutual learning and, simultaneously, a rather great difficulties in trying to convince a partner. something to him to prove himself, or stand on his point of view. This sometimes leads to overt or implicit neutihayuschim disputes. These attempts are not useless, because the partners have a lot to learn from each other, so, however, and often not coming to a consensus. In close communion one on one interaction is a bit tedious. Component of activation may, at least minimal attention to the problems of partners of each other to make them very pretty in the eyes of each other. Following that convergence generates discussion partner is tired, temporary leave, rest and converge again. If you do not allow yourself to argue themselves hoarse, you can save sympathy arbitrarily long time. If it does not restrain itself, the place of sympathy may take the opposite sense. Especially dangerous is the situation in the marriage. Because of the artificial approach attempts by all means to persuade a partner in the family are too stubborn. Antipathy arises not necessarily. Many people unknowingly own face the recommendations made in the first part of the chapter. If it turns out, the couple find a way out of the energy released in the BPI, to increase its foreign activity. Know very well the family is now elderly. Wife - Dumas, the husband - Maxim, located on SC-order.

Over thirty years of living together they made a number of social work, who may be the envy of most somatic. Husband, a biologist by profession, working school teacher, has organized more than sixty long-term expeditions with students and created the nation's largest school museum biology. His wife of many years, in addition to the basic work of women's councils managed a large organization, and led courses embroidery. I must say that the problems of relationships in this family was more than enough. Treated their conflicts to the problems of interaction between the two sensor systems. Did not match their tastes in clothes and food, for whom the conduct financial affairs of the family, and so on. Realizing that after decades of living together trying to prove anything to each other are useless, they, nevertheless, from time to time could not refrain from disputes. Superego - SuperId plus Id. Here, about the same problems that have poludopolneniya except that only more pronounced. Partners sometimes feel somewhat obligated to each other, trying to do something. But guess what is done, what partners expect, and whether he is pleased, it's hard. Therefore, services are offered again and again unclear. Attempts to cause a positive reaction from the second participant interaction is surprisingly persistent and did not stop. In this case both all the time feel a dissatisfaction. But do this with something hard. For marriage is hard to IW. For business cooperation, it fits a few more.
Lyme Stankevichyute "Intertype relationship"

Those with first love is social customer, usually for a long time friends and often end up marrying. This is the most romantic love stories, full of passion and jealousy, and full of happiness. However, this romance does not last long, because after the wedding, will only increase confusion. Basically this is not some major scandals in matters of principle, but daily life is colored a constant discontent. The customer always seems pertsepient does everything bad that can and must do better and more perfect. Pertsepient seems to customer non-self, effeminate, weak, it seems that without it, the customer, pertsepient lost. So he calls all the time, teaches, explains. Well pertsepient tries. At the beginning of friendship, or a joint life pertsepient glad and proud to have such a strong and solid man became his partner. From the standpoint of pertsepienta, the customer is not enough to the ideal itself is small, and this smallness pertsepient tries to fill. However, it seems to him that he can never please the customer that he is constantly dissatisfied with them. In fact, it's not just pertsepient not hear clear words of support for him, all the corrective comments and even questions he fancies reproach. People always fight and always seemed over trifles. This is a very tedious relationship, however, people rarely parted. The customer feel that pertsepient quite lost without him, so it can not leave. Pertsepient can not leave because it is impossible to leave such a strong, such an outstanding, all you superior man. Live in such a family is difficult, it is impossible to perform with even the most basic household work. Therefore, in this family are all everyday problems lie on one's spouse. Most often, all does pertsepient. But there are families where pertsepient stop doing whatever it was and discover other areas. For example, devotes a business trip, even leisure time or work in the garden, repairing a car that is engaged only in such case, where it has no control over the customer. By the way, couples who diverge and converge again after some time, usually related to the relationship of social order.

AV Boukalov, G. Boiko, "Why Saddam Xuseyn wrong, or what is Socionics"

The relationship of social order are the transfer of social experience and socially important information for the successful development of society. Interestingly, in this pair, both partners admire each other. The customer seems to receiver person of interest, and customer delight in the receiver the ability to do things that are not available to him. However, there is an asymmetry of perception: if the customer listen, podzakazny perceived as an interesting person, a good but not convincing enough, he tried to help explain something. In general, this relationship a pleasant and friendly. However, excessive stimulation of the receiver the customer is at the first desire to move away - not to be distracted from fulfilling our stated objectives. Transmitter is genuinely surprised by such behavior of the receiver: "Where did he go?" From a social point of view of relations order is very important, because they, along with the audit, provide not only information transfer but also the relationship between quadra, forming a kind of "Ring of social progress." For example, Maximilien Robespierre believed that he puts into practice the ideas JJ Rousseau ("Esenina"), and Niels Bohr ("Don Quixote") was heavily influenced by the philosophy of Kierkegaard S. (Stirlitz "), as reflected in the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics.

VV Gulenko "Tests of reciprocity"

Direct order - Corrects for intervention

Communicating a little tense, but attractive as a partner implementor see their plans. Therefore, looking for ways to trim under him for taking possession of his trust. This happens only when it is possible how would catch him off guard when he was distracted, relaxed, and poorly controlled their actions consciousness. Coming out from under "hypnosis" often partner understands that it in some degree of use, which usually occurs after some cooling. Finding the weakening of its influence, you take steps to better fine-tuning. Communication for this reason that acquires a pulsating character.

Reverse order - warily adjusts

Communication is not so much interesting as a tonic and mobilizing. To view unavowed partner, and his behavior are critical. If a silence, you feel uncomfortable. At times it seems that your partner is something ignores or does not notice and then applying force to bring the matter to his attention. Such partners are thrilled to be much more likely he invites you to a particular case. Depending on how he manages to interest you, relationships are fastened or not. Making sure that your partner provides you with really valuable information, you use it with great benefit for themselves.

Binary attributes intertype relationships

Attitude, extraverted on both sides. It should opt for a stable business. Custom dyads and triads have established ourselves as a very productive group, offering an expansive policy in their areas. For families, these relationships are relevant only when both spouses are committed to joint working with many useful business contacts.

Order plus or minus: without constant verbal contact and scheduling of their cases the customer and the receiver are confused, their performance deteriorates. High rate of their activities can not be chaotic. Disruption of plans customized pair of experienced very painful.

Order-plus competence involves the customer in the face of his successor - the ability to clearly, logically and convincingly set out the essence and necessity of the proposed action. Reservations are not supported by facts coming from one emotion or the ambition to progress in these respects does not.

Order-minus most dramatic, makes a person feel very conflicted feelings. Once "to order", a person is experiencing undeniable emotional lift. This attitude awakens the creative power in man, but also pushes on the annoying bugs due to a biased assessment of their own achievements.

Order-plus increases in man a specific component of his thinking, improve his organizational skills that are associated with the ability to soberly assess the situation and issue clear instructions. Receiver can not be controlled through the enthusiasm, commitment and brighter prospects. Custom control based on specific knowledge of the situation and experiences in addressing the problems of this kind.

Order-minus - the ratio of anxiety and anticipation of negative, but at the same time finding a "custom" improves the imagination and evokes self-confidence. In podzakaznogo often appear innovative solutions that are ahead the current situation.

The customer pays great business activity. He must stay in motion, set an active pace of business, everywhere to keep pace. Receiver Order experiencing a strong emotional dynamics. His condition is dramatized: Expectations give way to frustration, bitterness mixed with pleasant feelings.

The unit aims to emulate the customer in his methods of solving problems, and the customer himself is not averse to teach her the secrets of the receiver. Thus, over time, they converge more and more. Simultaneously, the operating voltage drops in the dyad - she breathed, her performance is reduced. Customer and receiver are interchangeable: the same are of the dyad in the outside world.

VV Gulenko, AV Gars "Introduction to socionics"

These relations are asymmetric, ie unequal. The first relates to the second partner is not so, as the second to first. The first partner, who called the transmitter order, or just a customer, looking at the second, called the receiver down, as more nizkostoyaschego, underestimating him. The second looks at the first (receiver on the client), on the contrary, as a man of interesting, meaningful, overestimating it at first. Receiver can delight in a customer, first, his behavior, demeanor, ability to easily make it aspires to be the receiver, and, secondly, the style of his thoughts, his creative style. Receiver in the presence of the customer unwittingly begins to curry favor with him, please him, for some unknown reason to myself. This starts with little things and then do more and more until the receiver itself does not begin to restrain ourselves. And by this perceived as if the receiver is somehow justified by the customer. However, for the receiver is in the behavior of the customer and unpleasant, irritating moments. Those features that the customer makes a spectacle, so that, from his point of view, to look good in society, to attract attention, get into the subliminal receiver and awaken in her a vague, "a vague desire for activity to address those conditions that make the customer suffer, or behave unnaturally. However, the receiver is always unclear what specifically should do. issued the order is not an individual, and social, that is, behind it the problems of that group of people, which included the couple. From the relations of social order are seen as smooth, conflict-free. initiator them is almost always a customer. The receiver senses the customer some peace of location to yourself. The customer is trying to encourage in every possible way the receiver, to take care of him, support him as best. Reverse the response is usually only at first. Attempts contracts with customers on an equal lack of success, the feedback does not getting better. Customer, alas, does not hear the receiver. Consequently, the receiver moves away from him and trying to keep their distance, and even touch it in any way by floating its strong function that a customer is subject to only periodic care. Thus, these relations can be called a relationship of patronage in the absence of feedback. Over time, they can grow into almost total disregard for the receiver of the customer. coming to a situation suggests that the order is fully understood as a social one.


These relations are asymmetric, ie unequal. The first relates to the second partner is not so, as the second to first. The first partner, who called the transmitter order, or just a customer, looking at the second, called the receiver down, as more nizkostoyaschego, underestimating him. The second looks at the first (receiver on the client), on the contrary, as a man of interesting, meaningful, overestimating it at first.

Receiver can delight in a customer, first, his behavior, demeanor, ability to easily make it aspires to be the receiver, and, secondly, the style of his thoughts, his creative style. Receiver in the presence of the customer unwittingly begins to curry favor with him, please him, for some unknown reason to myself. This starts with little things and then do more and more until the receiver itself does not begin to restrain ourselves. And by this perceived as if the receiver is somehow justified by the customer.

However, for the receiver is in the behavior of the customer and unpleasant, irritating moments. Those features that the customer makes a spectacle, so that, from his point of view, to look good in society, to attract attention, get into the subliminal receiver and awaken in her a vague, "a vague desire for activity to address those conditions that make the customer suffer, or behave unnaturally. However, the receiver is always unclear what specifically should do. issued the order is not an individual, and social, that is, behind it the problems of that group of people, which included the couple. From the relations of social order are seen as smooth, conflict-free. initiator them is almost always a customer. The receiver senses the customer some peace of location to yourself. The customer is trying to encourage in every possible way the receiver, to take care of him, support him as best. Reverse the response is usually only at first. Attempts contracts with customers on an equal lack of success, the feedback does not getting better. Customer, alas, does not hear the receiver. Consequently, the receiver moves away from him and trying to keep their distance, and even touch it in any way by floating its strong function that a customer is subject to only periodic care. Thus, these relations can be called a relationship of patronage in the absence of feedback. Over time, they can grow into almost total disregard for the receiver of the customer. coming to a situation suggests that the order is fully understood as a social one.


Asymmetrical relationship in which the customer usually has more influence on podzakaznogo than podzakazny to the customer. In these respects the customer may be somewhat underestimated partner and podzakazny - or try to please the partner, or to resist its influence. In terms of model A software feature of the customer account for conspicuous feature podzakaznogo, creative - in suggestive, role - for activation, pain - on the lookout, suggestive - in pain, activation - on the program, observation - on the creative and demonstrative - in a role.

Valentine Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov

Artist order (receiver) in the presence of the customer (the transmitter) activates it tries for something to help. He understands the needs of the partner, but reciprocity is only the beginning of communication. Over time, the harmony in the relationship breaks down due to the fact that the customer does not accept the arguments of the performer, he is trying to impose their point of view, even direct his behavior. However, the singer feels that it is difficult to deny anything at all was such a credible partner. The inequality of positions in the future could lead to disputes and the Executive desire to move away from their partner. In industrial relations such removal allows the player to order more effectively carry out their work and personal life leads to tension and conflict.

The customer (sender) perceives his partner as a person in need of his patronage and advice. He appeals to the desire of performer (receiver) to understand it and help in difficult situations, but effective assistance to the customer's perspective is not obtained, because involuntarily he underestimates the ability of a performer, or the requirements of the increased requirements. The customer can take the responsibilities of the artist, but over time this leads to fatigue of the customer, he loses interest in his partner. The customer may feel irritation because of the inability to understand the demands and claims the singer. The latter, in turn, trying to reach an understanding, begins to over-dramatized the situation. He feels that the customer is not considered their interests, he makes no attempt to re-partner, but it is useless, he still does not understand what was wanted of him.

The matter could end up breaking relations, if the contractor does not accept the role of a slave and will not cease to find fault with your partner instead of just trying to help him and without another word to make common cause. That thing unites this pair, then the relationship becomes challenging and productive.

Ekaterina Filatova Art to understand themselves and others "

These relationships, as well as the audit, are asymmetrical. One partner - customer - activates a weak 4-Channel Podzakaznogo. Good feedback is not here, since both strong functions Podzakaznogo not affect the customer.

This mechanism is determined and the nature of relations: everything that says and does Podzakazny, customer does not seem too important and significant, and the Customer, by contrast, is perceived as Podzakaznym very substantial figure - in the sphere of action of 2-th customer functions (from here and received an "order "). This order is very difficult not to run because he is perceived function of the 4-th channel Podzakaznogo told to and not able to critically understand the information.

Just as in the audit, relations order form ring "Customer - Podzakazny. Socionics they got the name "Ring of social order." Each of the 16 psychological types for one - the Customer, for another - Podzakazny (total of 4 rings):

Don Quixote -> Gamlet -> Napoleon -> Shtirlic -> Don Quixote;

Dumas -> Maxim -> Balzac - "Dostoevsky -" Dumas;

Robespierre - "Gabin -" Dreiser -> Yesenin - "Robespierre;

Hugo - "Huxley -" Jack - "Zhukov -" Hugo.

A group of four people is a "ring of social order", can very actively to solve various creative tasks. Especially effective is the group of eight people, which includes two parallel rings, where there are four dual pairs. Here there is a mobilization of all forces participants increased mental activity, on the one hand, and with almost no feel tired, because neighboring chains duals support each other, in the above scheme, such a situation, if employed 1 st and 2 nd chain together, or 3 rd and 4 th together.

Eugene Gorenko, Vladimir Tolstikov, "Nature's own self"

Represent asymmetric relations. One of the partners - the so-called transmitter (the customer), the other - the receiver (podzakazny). Transmitter receiver seems important, important person. He listens very sensitive to what is required of it by the transmitter, even if it is only a hint. It is believed that the transmitter, in turn, not too drew attention to the actions and words of the receiver, although we should note that this is not always the case. Here we must take into consideration the social level partners. If the level of the receiver is higher than the level of the transmitter, and a very fruitful mutual contact is possible.