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Thread: Fi ignoring/Fe leading and adapting behavior for ENFjs and ESFjs

  1. #41
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    this is more indicable of EP temperaments since they have Ne or Se as their leading perceiving function
    being action oriented has more to do with Se.

    indicative of Ti

    indicative of Se's flexible and on the spot thinking and acting, especially Se leads.

    EPs shine better in dynamic (and therefore unpredictable) situations because of their ''flexible/maneuvering'' qualities. Pe functions are natural improvisers, whereas Je functions are more routinely oriented.
    Fe and Te attach to common known facts (te) and customs (fe). those are not necessarily vital when it comes to improvising/thinking on the spot as much as seeing the whole picture instantly (Se) or seeing new opportunities (Ne).

    just put it in a signature bro
    Se and Ne-leading are nosy but not action oriented in the situation-control sense; they can be very reactionary if cornered and are dynamic in game-like activities but that's where it ends. SLEs can be knights but are too detached and reactionary to control many dynamic situations - single purpose missions like slash-and-burn, they would be good at. Homing in on something is more closed-loop functioning and Ti isn't in such a configuration, and rolling-with-the-punches doesn't refer to kamikaze activities. You cannot have seen equal-status LSEs and SLEs going at it in meetings; the latter only seems to win when occupying positions of greater power. I addressed the signature in other posts.

    a.k.a. I/O

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Se leading are nosy but not action oriented in the situation-control sense
    He feels the need to influence people, to control their desires and actions. - Gulenko on SLE

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Se leading are nosy but not action oriented in the situation-control sense
    Zhukov’s message to his troops, if not exactly inspirational, had the virtue of clarity: “All commanders, political workers, and soldiers who abandon the indicated line without written order from the front or military council will be shot immediately.” By organizing a deep, echeloned defense of the city with dense minefields, he managed to stabilize the front. “In less than a month, Zhukov had mastered the gravest crisis, organized an effective defense, and repaired morale, as well as restoring discipline which had crumpled disastrously before his arrival,” Roberts quotes Erickson as saying. The American military historian David Glantz spoke of “the miracle on the Neva.”

    Google on dynamic:


    • 1.
      (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
      "a dynamic economy"
    • 2.
      (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
      "a dynamic young advertising executive"

    On EJ temperament: ''They are sharp and implacable, and their actions are totally predictable. They often end up being the victims of the surroundings – non-dutiful other people, unstable situations and chaotic occurrences.''

    ''Dislikes sudden, abrupt changes'' - Viktor Gulenko on LSE in his LSE description

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    You cannot have seen equal-status LSEs and SLEs going at it in meetings; the latter only seems to win when occupying positions of greater power.
    maybe before you spew ur gibberish on this forum for new readers to be misled, get your facts from actual sources instead of your biased LSE-dicksucking POV.
    Last edited by Number 9 large; 09-19-2021 at 10:37 PM.

  3. #43
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    @Number 9 large I have stated many times from the beginning that I do not adhere to any existing modelling; my comments are based on control system structures. Your defence of what other people have said just tells me that you won't agree with anything that I have to say. I'll never be quoting from any Socionics bible so my comments will likely never meet your standards. Because they seem to irritate, I suggest not reading them at all.

    a.k.a. I/O

  4. #44
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    From my pov it seems that EXEs thrive when they feel a connection to a group of people. It suits them well because they know how to take everybody's taste and opinions into consideration to pull the group in a direction that satisfies the biggest number.

    "Altering" your behavior to best appeal to whomever is the downside of that I guess. But in my opinion it's only a downside if it tricks the EXE into disregarding their own feelings, comfort or opinions just to please others. It's a matter of balance.

    Because they tend to be so selfless EXEs need to only invest in people who truly appreciate everything they give out and to practice kicking toxic people out of their lives without looking back.

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