Quote Originally Posted by EIE View Post
That makes sense. I think my issue lies more in the realm of "I go too deep too fast" and it seems the other party wants to me to continue the momentum but I abruptly back out due to realizing an emotional change. I get exciteable in the beginning but then falter... I guess I unintentionally emotionally lead people on because I get a momentary emotional high from the connection. However, there are only a few people, I like to maintain the connection. Are we saying the same thing in different ways?
"Control the conversation" and "lead people on" imply two very different concepts; the latter isn't type related. Cat-and-mouse games (if that's what you're implying) tend to be baggage related. Generally, EIEs go deep fast but need to come up for air and they don't like being kept deep against their will because that means they've lost control.

a.k.a. I/O