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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Default Four Quadra translation from

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    Upon creation of groups of like-minded people united by a common idea, common goal directed towards solution of any major problems the knowledge of socionics quadras might be beneficial. Quadra consists of two similar in spirit dual pairs. Overall there are four quadras and each has its own worldview, own values, outlook on life, behaviour - all of what is called the "quadra spirit". Even the humour in the quadra is different.

    Members of quadra are united by certain common interests and most importatly the lack of possibility for conflict. They always understand
    each other, words and actions are not considered as offensive. Working together is extremely fruitful and productive.

    Communication in the quadra removes phisical and mental tension, it stimulates, raises the tone, provides mental immunity to life's adversities. This is the ideal form of psychotherapy groups. Quadra can be formed from sufficiently large number of people and it is totally not nescessary to have the same number of people of each type.

    It is worth to note that if a person from a different quadra is put into such a group he either feels himself extremely uncomfortable or makes the whole quadra feel like that. Who will win is determined by the intertype relations. Quadra almost doesnt notice certain "strangers" while others are "splitting" and "tearing" it.

    If you want to form a unified team for bussiness then the most favourable relations will be on a team consisting of people from only one quadra.

    We will look at each Quadra in more detail alongside with Gulenko (Based on material from an article "Quadras and their socio-psihological characteristics", Journal of Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, "# 1, 1995).
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    I Quadra

    First quadra or Alpha Quadra consists of four sociotypes: Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo and Robespierre. Their uniting element is air. Their perception of the outside world is charecterized by particular lightness, opennes and mobility. They are always driven towards all different directions, living in wait of some new and interesting information wherever it may come from. They are very entertaining people who prefer an environment with informal communication. They are democratic by nature, denying any stiffness or overregulation. These sociotypes are almost completely torn off from the ground and easily move to any branch of human activity. Narrow specialization - not for them. While in continuous search, they can become the center of the nascent vortex - a source of future storms. But they do not carry the storm themselves. The most "stormy" on sight seems to be Robespierre but in real life he is a soft and compliant person who only in his dreams creates projects of a fair state.

    Sociotypes of the first quadra when discussing esmerging issues rely on their common values. Firstly it is -Fe () i.e. minimization of negative emotions. Avoidance of quarrels and scandals, emotional instability seems more important overall for this quadra than getting positive emotional outbursts. Secondly it is +Si() i.e. positive sensations, comfort. In an atmoshphere of tension and strictness they are unable to fully realize themselves. Their style of work is characterized by relaxation, freedom, comfort. Relationship with external environment in which their activity takes place must be friendly and pleasant. Their company is always comfortable, relaxed, homelike. It is never rude or eccentric.

    Third value is +Ne() - perspective ideas. Therefore in the "air" quadra there are always talks about the future, the unknown, the possible. These sociotypes might seem as hopeless dreamers. And that is totaly true: They tend to look futher than anyone else - over the horizon, with pleasure they push for and discuss "crazy" theories. Some of those theories however are destined to live long. So long that they always outlive their creators.

    The fourth value of this quadra - global structural logic -Ti(). The tool that they always use in getting to know the world is a systematic analysis. They are primarily interested in the universal laws that govern the world. And all the traditions, conventions and limitations are dropped when doing this. Literally everything is subject for comparison, analysis and analogies. The main objective that they pursue is a comprehensive, breathtaking in its vastness and harmony unified view of the world. The idea of integrity, rationality and justice of all things permeates through their worldview.

    First quadra also has a social mission with coincides with its values. Its purpose is creation and spread of new concepts of social development. In short it could be called enlightenment. In places where such sociotypes gather new social, scientific and political trends are always born and spread that may in the future change the course of history.

    Psychological "age" in which representatives of the first quadra live is childhood. All of them feel and often act like real kids - sincere, direct and greatly curious. They are able to be surprised by everything. Their skepticism is minimal. These "childrenlike" traditions will stay with them for all their life. Their undying thirst for new perspectives and open-minded, uncomplicated view of the world allows us to compared this phase of development to the first season of the year cycle - spring. It is in spring that new life energy wakes and makes everyone know of itself. Spring is a time of hopes and ambitious plans that will come true totally not as planned.
    Last edited by Simon Ssmall; 10-15-2010 at 09:24 AM.
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    II Quadra

    The baton in the relay-race is passed from the first quadra to the second quadra, known as beta quadra. It includes such sociotypes: Hamlet, Gorky, Zhukov and Esenin. Element that controls their perception is fire. This element gives listed sociotypes the following qualities: active nature, passion, determination and strength. They literally burn with passion, seek and find a field of activity for themselves where they can apply their enegry and feel the spirit of struggle so needed by them.

    Core values of the second quadra are as follows. Firstly they are united by the desire to maximize positive emotions +Fe(). They are able to enjoy themselves even with little. In the background of turbulent dramatic emotions which always accompany this quadra even a little detail that deserves a positive response is regarded as an occasion for joy and uplift of the mood.

    Secondly "fire" sociotypes holds as one of the greatest values the minimising of weakness -Se(), i.e.endurance in struggle against deprivation and resisting the enemies. This quadra is where willpower is a prerequisite for effective action. Persistence, determination, endurance and relentlesness will always have the greatest authority amongst them.

    Thirdly the second quadra is united by passionate desire to avoid danger -Ni(). They are set to prevent errors that have allready happened before. In their midst experience, skill, sophistication are highly valued. They feel confident in extreeme situations. The fourth of their values is organizational logic +Ti() which is based on their sense of duty, citizenship, loyalty to the selected cause. Therefoe it is the most disciplined and organized quadra which is able to quickly gather all of the forces in a fist in the event of imminent danger or in case of extreeme situation.

    From the quadra values follows its social role - the introduction of new orders and organizational structures in conditions of resistance of the environment. In history sociotypes of this quadra stand out as creators of states and empires, political activists who relentlesly fight for power. It is enough to remember Alexander of Macedonia or Peter I. Their purposeful energy is hard to resist. Overcoming obstacles with willpower - that is their mission. And they prefer not to defend but to attack. They enthusiastically sing of sacrifices and losses that are inevitable in the struggle.

    Psychological age of "fire" sociotypes is youth. The greatest strength a man has is in his youth when he is brave, active and impatient. He craves for action and self-affirmation. He needs a big task where he could realize his energy. He holds in his heart ambitious dreams of a briliant career, major conquest, glory and honor. This fully corresponds with the worldview of second quadra. Its representative look young and strong, cheeful and beautiful, able to use their bodies well. In the yearly cycle they are corresponded with the most sunny, energy-rich phase - the summer. Summer time - time of accomplishments. Dreams and illusory plans of spring are left behind. The time has come for concrete action.
    Last edited by Simon Ssmall; 10-15-2010 at 09:24 AM.
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    III Quadra

    No matter how attractive summer is the passing of time is unstopable. In place of energetic second quadra comes the third or "Gamma" quadra. It consists of: Napoleon (Ceasar), Balzac, Jack London, Dreiser. Element that best describes their perception is water. Water is a cleansed begining. With its flow it washes away all of the dirt that has accumulated in the second stage. Simultaniously it starts to erode the foundation upon which the solid structure of second quadra was built. Water spreads over the surface filling cavities and cracks. Likewise the nature of the third quadra is characterized by variability, hidden reefs, inner wildness, hidden excitment, currents that are invisible from above.

    The third quadra professes its values. Firstly they refer to -Fi(). This aspect implies criticism of evil, desire to get away from bad people and negative relationships, protect themselves from enemies and adversaries. They want to minimize the negative experiences because all of the repressed issues as we know from psychonalaysis have to have an emotional response, physicall payment for the purification of the subconscious.

    Secondly their intuitive value is +Ni() (intuition of the future). Suppresing their inner turmoil and short temper these sociotypes prefer a gradual move into the future though sharply rejecting outdated ideas and criticizing past mistakes and errors. Step by step closing by to the close, real future they generally believe in a linearity of development i.e. in their mind you just need to remove hindering obstacles, vestiges of the past and immediately in front of us opens up unlimited opportunities for growth. This quadra is not afraid of chaos and upheaval, they are able to act in situations of debacle, risk and confusion.

    Their next fundamental value -Te() i.e. business logic of risk and entrepreneurship. They are characterized by prioritizing rejection of useless, petty, familiar. This aspect stands higher than accumulation and rational consumption. Sociotypes of third quadra can sucessfully operate in conditions of economic scarcity when you need have to find a way out by using what might seem as useless at first but is available in abundance.

    Finally the sensory value of the quadra +Se() - resistance and opposition. This quality suggests that sociotypes of the quadra are able well to defend themselves and their positions. It is difficult for them to come to power as you have to resist the willfull "beta" quadra but when they seize power they sucessfully keep it in spite of all attempts at restoring it. Security, ability to resist, not letting go of what is achieved is a principle that they respect. From these values naturally emerges social mission of the third quadra - cleansing which is to be understood both literally and figuratively. They restore outrageous or subject to ditortion principles, doing everything in their power to remove obstacles and limitation preventing rapid improvement. Third quadra can be called a quadra of criticism and reform. In constrast to the "fire" quadra which is firstly oriented politically the "water" quadra is oriented socially.

    Third quadra is older than the second also by its psychological age. Its period - mid-life, maturity. It is no secred that exactly when reaching the middle of ones life a person thinks deeply about how he lived before and by abandoning old stereotypes is able to drastically change the course of their destiny. Reflection on the journey from the heights of past years, evaluation of gained experience, collection of "harvest" corresponds essentially to fall - the time of the year when everyone can see how he worked during the spring and summer and what he objectively is worth. Fall - time of summing up and making evaluations.
    Last edited by Simon Ssmall; 10-15-2010 at 09:25 AM.
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    IV Quadra

    After the critical work of the third quadra the way is cleared to enter the arena for the last in the cycle fourth quadra or "delta". Its perception of the world is harsh and realistic. It best relates to the element of earth. This quadra consists of the following sociotypes: Shtirlits, Dostoevsky, Huxley and Gabin. Earth is the most conservative but at the same time the most fertile element. In general such is the atmosphere of the quadra which unites realists who value stability and proven traditions above all else. Among them differs Huxley who is able to get involved in the unusual but even he in general is oriented towards the other side of the common in search of sensations.

    Sociotypes of this quadra have the following values. Firstly +Fi() good, warm relationships. Psychological factor plays the vital role. Without ethical values of positive character (such as recognition of religion, individuality and everyones uniqueness, non-interference into the inner world of a man, concrete humanism and etc.) the stability that they strongly support is hardly possible. The second value -Si() - the existance of good working conditions, lack of discomfort, unwillingness to change the existing order of things, exclusion of harmfull influence of the environment - in short to minimize negative sensations. In this quadra one can't work rushingly, comfort of the working place and coherence of the collective is highly valued. Most important place given to ecology and clean products.

    Thirdly the fouth quada is oriented towards the aspect of +Te() which imples the logic of the use and managment of the recources. This is the most cost-conscious quadra which is able to efficiently consume and prefers high quality and sturdy products. For sociotypes of this quadra risk, rush, economic chaos and fraud are unusual. Society of qualitative consumption can only be stable.

    And the fourth value of the quadra is -Ne() aspect meaning the alternative, unusual and sensational. Despite their grounded nature sociotypes of this quadra respect unusual and talented people who offer alternatives. In any case obstacles for the spread of new information no matter how avant-garde is not valued. Therefore in the community located on the fourth quadra stage periodically break out some sensations, outbreaks of interest towards original people and what they preach, alternative ideas for development are pushed forward.

    Social mission of "delta" quadra therefore is to ensure the stable development and judicious use of accumulated recources while preparing the ground for the weak seeds of new. Main quality of such societies (this includes most of the Western countries) is stable use of material and spiritual products. Only in conditions of stability can exist the development and spread of new and still very fragile and unprotected initiatives, beginings, movements. In history of Russia such stable periods include for example the reign of Catherine II during which the "golden age" of Russian nobility happened. Or the industrial boom in Russia at the beginning of the XX century before the First World War. Psychological age of the quadra is old age. It has to bear the fading, torpor and relief. Wisdom and experience accompanies the last period of life that lies on the basis of respect for tradition and a significant proportion of conservatism which is so characteristic for sociotypes included in this quadra. Their time of year is Winter, which they meet not with empty hands.

    Stability for all its positive qualities also means a gradual stop of life. Absolutely stable systems can not endure for long as by law of entropy they decompose and degrade. But life is prolonged as during this period the search for alternative ways ends - finally forms and spreads the new trends that offer new paths of social development that reject traditional ones. One of these trends starts to rapidly grow namely that in which decripit society needs most for the new revival. A new triumphal march begins - after winter comes the new spring. In the depths of the fourth quadra inevitably unfolds and proceeds to action the first one. The entire development cycle is repeated. That is how the complex mechanism of humanity works which we call the law of social progress. While quadras are socio-psychological units that determine the chronology of this process.
    Last edited by Simon Ssmall; 10-15-2010 at 09:26 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    First quadra or Alpha Quadra consists of three sociotypes: Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo and Robespierre.
    one, two, three, four...?

    But keep up the good work! Interesting description.

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post
    one, two, three, four...?

    But keep up the good work! Interesting description.
    Haha what the hell, thanks for noticing. Fixed it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post
    Are the gamma and delta descriptions going to be posted?
    Yep, just need to wait a bit.
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    There are useful, Ssmall, thanks!

    I also look forward to the Gamma and Delta ones.
    Quaero Veritas.

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Gamma and Delta descriptions added. Enjoy! Also if you find any mistakes or certain sentences are just too hard to read (sentence structure in russian is a bit more eloquent than in english) ill try to simplify them for it not to be so cumbersome.

    Anyway any feedback is good and if it will exist I might translate more things in the near future.
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    As for my personal impressions on the article I think its a bit too simplyfied but captures the essence well enough. I especially like the individual valued element descriptions as you can see how the same element differently impacts neighbouring quadras.
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    Thank you

    That was very nice of you.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    By YOUR powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

    Ironically the ring-bearers VI typically for each supposed quadra...

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    This is good shit.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    good stuff but I actually figured Beta are the conversatives and Delta the liberals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Huitzilopochtli View Post

    By YOUR powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

    YouTube - Captain Planet Opening \ Closing Credits

    Ironically the ring-bearers VI typically for each supposed quadra...
    Wow...Superman, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dragonball Z and now Captain Planet too?

    Funny how spiritual alchemy is right in front of our faces.

    Still a badass show.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Funny how spiritual alchemy is right in front of our faces.
    Fascinating, isn't it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by nil View Post
    Fascinating, isn't it?
    They're very suggestive with it.

    Though, I have to admit, the idea is attractive. Who wouldn't want to be transformed into a greater being with super powers?

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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    I like these.

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    Quote Originally Posted by No Longer a Dating Site View Post
    Transalted article from -
    That's like putting salt on it from different places?

    Was just reading this....These +/- interpretations that view "-" as meaning that the person uses the function to avoid something (like out of fear), whereas "+" means the person uses the function to create something, result in a completely different version of Socionics. (Reminds me of hitta who was into this stuff.)

    It's very thorough, but leads to different typings. I'm Alpha in their system, for example.

    It's interesting also that in their system, IEI is no longer that dreamy, imaginative, poetic type that one finds, say, in Filatova. Rather, their IEI is the true "warning about the future" type.

    Of course, the two big problems with quadra value descriptions are often 1) it's not clear that everyone in the quadra necessarily acts according to all quadra values; 2) anybody can identify with all 4 quadras, because most of what's in each quadra is universally beneficial to some degree.

    The one thing in the +Ni description I can identify with is the idea of removing hindrances and (sometimes) being able to operate during states of confusion.

    But who can possibly be against being happy, comfortable, having great ideas, and being logical?
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    it really suck to be a delta. yes. Old timer when 10 yo , conservative, hard worker, concerned with a stability for no real reason (the world is all but not "stable")... 3 world resume : boring, righteous and uncreative

    (im one)

    These +/- interpretations
    Have you some paper on this ? ive read about dont remember where exactly, and ive not understand all what it was about !
    "The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusion."

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