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Thread: Not remembering things about your life

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    Default Not remembering things about your life

    So, like, a month or so ago, I had it "revealed" to me by a friend-o'-mine that I've actually travelled quite a bit in the past--I've been to Paris, Marseilles, Normandy, lived in Sydney, Queensland, Canberra and Perth; I've been to Budapest, Romania (Bucharest and Brasov from memory, but it was a reasonable long tour), Switzerland and Athens too.

    The funny thing is though, it had never occurred to me that I'd even seen various places around the world I just stared blankly at my friend for a couple of repetitions before I had any idea what she was talking about.


  2. #2
    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    Wow.. how old were you? That's weird.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  3. #3
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    Wow.. how old were you? That's weird.

  4. #4
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    I can't remember anything during the first three years of my life and very few things from my fourth year. Some people can remember things from the first few years of their lives. What do you suppose causes the differences?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    it says it's not type related but i do think Ne valuers don't have as good of memory as Ni valuers

    i have a great memory whereas my SLI boyfriend and his EII dad can't remember things very well; sometimes his dad will tell me the same joke over and over, on different occasions, and i have to laugh to be polite even though i already know what's coming.
    also my IEE mom can't. but i don't know many Ni valuers IRL so i can't give any examples besides myself. my specialty would be birthdays; tell me your birthday and i will probably remember it in 5 years even if i hardly talk to you again.

    also i agree with rubicon, that is pretty weird, lol

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenna View Post
    it says it's not type related but i do think Ne valuers don't have as good of memory as Ni valuers
    Definitely not true, you have to understand how Ne works, part of it is making connections between two different things, which is why Ne types make good innovators and have an eye for potentials. Ne is also the classic "light bulb" going off in the head. It's the sudden realization that this connects to this, usually an intuitive notion.

    Ni is incredibly similar however its a giant web or matrix of these connections to form a sort of weave.

    Intuitive types are competent and capable of making these intuitive leaps or connections, and this is confirmed by model A in noticing that all intuitive types are both strong in Ne and Ni, however with a value preference in one or the other.

    "Ni" types prefer to perceive the weave, or web, of potentials and possible forking paths
    Gamma NT's use this with Te to synthesize efficient algorithms, there thinking style has an emphasis on algorithms, procedures, sequences, facts, figures and efficiency.
    Beta NF's use this with Fe to synthesize a comprehensive world view, think about writers who discuss the ideas, the path least taken etc

    "Ne" types prefer to perceive these connections as distinct pieces, light bulb experience, flashes of intuitive connection, a sudden prospect or idea
    Alpha NT's use this with Ti to practice an inventive sort of style of thinking which combines a logical understanding of systems with intuition connecting various system elements and concepts
    Delta NF's use this with Fi to open themselves up to a humanistic kind of feeling, understand the potential of their relationships, what it could be, what a human being could be, what human life is worth, etc... all of that mushy stuff with teachers seeing their students as future presidents and astronauts, or seeing someone as a potential friend

    So Ne types and Ni access things from memory different. Ni types can quickly call things from their memory that have to do with the current web, weave, or mind/dreamscape their mind is in at that time. If it is outside this though, they have a spacey absent minded way about them.

    Ne types can quickly call things from their memory that have to do with certain intuitive connections they've made, which they remember and keep their attention fixated on. Also Ne require alot of mental stimulation, they need novelty because it triggers these extra connections. Ne type are apprehensive of boredom and obsessed with new horizons and prospects (one of the reasons that america is sometimes typed ILE, for the concept of the american dream, and the fresh start). Ne types have trouble remembering things they find boring, standard, or dry of any fresh prospects.

    In short.....

    Ni => spacey, concerned about things which occupy their current mental fixation
    Ne => unamused, concerned about novelty, intrigue, and prospect

    Both have a certain manner to which they perceive things of which memory only plays a part in

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    I've found when I hang out with Ne/Si types my memory is not as good, my level of involvement drops. Illusionary is deactivating for the base, fizzling.

    Such a big gap in your memory seems bizzare. Drugs, alcohol etc? What was the time period in which they occured as well as how long ago?

  8. #8
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    I can't remember anything during the first three years of my life and very few things from my fourth year. Some people can remember things from the first few years of their lives. What do you suppose causes the differences?
    I don't think this is all that uncommon though. I'm the same way. I remember some disjoint flashes from age 3, but the first cogent thing I can remember is getting picked up from school by my father at age 4 because my little brother was born. It was an awesome day, cause I really, really hated school and enjoyed every chance to be excused from it even if it involved new competition that would just steal attention away from my parents from that point on.

    What remember of my early childhood is that I was quite bossy and assertive back then. It was only around age 5 when I moved to another school that I developped a more pensive character. Score 1 for the Freudians, I suppose.

  9. #9


    I think that's considered dissociation...

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    I naturally find it weird that people remember things, especially trivia and really boring details. Most of the time I wouldn't give a fuck so I wouldn't chose to remember it, that's how it is for me. Not sure how many others relate. People on trivia gameshows tend to surprise me with how much pointless crap they can pack into their skulls, and how many people are like that.

    My EIE dad for instance just remembers all kinds of details about everything, and tries to almost quiz himself or others about them, in a way. Not all the time, but when those thoughts come up. Usually my internal response is "uhh, whatever." Because I would rather think about the future and about new things. It might be related to functional repression, when something from your past just doesn't matter at all, like a phone number or a date. I'm good with details, but in my select realm of work where I care, that is, its not a bunch of random trivia, its art. And business folk, I think, who treat their job as a business not as a personal endeavor might have better memory.

    I think it could be correlated to Ne egos in general, but not necessarily.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanks Arthur View Post
    So, like, a month or so ago, I had it "revealed" to me by a friend-o'-mine that I've actually travelled quite a bit in the past--I've been to Paris, Marseilles, Normandy, lived in Sydney, Queensland, Canberra and Perth; I've been to Budapest, Romania (Bucharest and Brasov from memory, but it was a reasonable long tour), Switzerland and Athens too.
    thats so boring you should go to siberia where they have interesting shit like snow and elk and stuff

  12. #12
    not gonna be around as much anymore
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilikesex View Post
    thats so boring you should go to siberia where they have interesting shit like snow and elk and stuff
    Hah, we have all that in Montana...guess that means I don't need to travel now...

    Hijack over...
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    I think this would kind of depend on how recently you had been to all these places... I'm not sure if this was a moment where you didn't remember having been to these places and then later remembered again or if this is like having zero recollection of this still as though in your mind it never happened and I don't know how old you were when you went to these places.

  14. #14


    Mm, I think it was more not connecting that I'd been to/lived in various places with the term used--having travelled.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanks Arthur View Post
    Mm, I think it was more not connecting that I'd been to/lived in various places with the term used--having travelled.
    Well in that case I can relate to this. It began when I started consistently not getting enough sleep... memory tended to become more context dependent at times where I didn't remember something when presented one way and it took putting it another way to spark it. I see it as a memory problem in my case and as related to attention/concentration and being somewhat scattered in thinking.

    That said, I think these things do happen at times anyway and that it's perfectly normal for so-called "brain farts" to periodically occur. Also I could possibly see this as being a little scatter-brained in the sense of when thinking about things in multiple different ways constantly (I'm kind of projecting this onto you but I've seen some of your videos) I think it can create a lot more loose thoughts that fall out of current conscious memory and then return later because there are just too many thoughts and ways to approach them competing for one's present attention... or in the words of Doctor Who, "I think a lot, it's hard to keep track."

    Anyway, strike that if I was projecting and it doesn't hit nearer the mark.

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