How well does your type description fit you? I'm inviting everyone to break apart their type descriptions by category.
Yes, this is TOTALLY me:
Not really:
I used the descriptions at because they're direct ranslations from the Russian. I also did several type descriptions... just for the hell of it.
Yes, this is TOTALLY me: They often have short legs and a bouncy gait, giving the impression of a big springy ball. When ISFps try to explain things, they can move their eyebrows considerably. ISFps can become quite assertive if required. ISFps are often inclined to give advise concerning initiative. They are often outwardly sociable, charming and friendly. They know well how to endear themselves to others and how to make people trust them. They prefer to interact in a democratic fashion, avoiding the spotlight. ISFps do not usually try to push friendships. If they feel that a person does not want to establish contact with them they do not insist. They usually make just one attempt and if it is not successful they hardly ever try again. They maintain contact only with people that they find interesting. ISFps enjoy gathering and sharing interacting facts and news. However, they always add a certain degree of colour to their narrative hoping to make it more interesting. This is the reason that ISFps are rarely caught telling a story the same way twice. They can easily talk about a single subject for a considerable amount of time, especially about their recent experiences. ISFps do not like to unload their problems on others. When asked "How are you?" they usually reply that they are fine regardless of weather they are or not. ISFps do not like to make promises. If someone asks them for their help they will often reply "I cannot promise but I will try..." or "If I can..." ISFps have a strong desire to experience as much as they can and to enjoy themselves as much as possible. They love spending time and having fun with their friends, often joking and playing pranks. ISFps behaviour can be so independent and original that they may confuse and bewilder other people. Because of this people can consider ISFps to be light-minded. This is the reason that they do not like to openly criticise people and do not get involved in confrontations. (*NOTE* I do confront and criticize people, but I do it in a way that does not make them uncomfortable, and not in front of other people.) ISFps try to maintain peaceful relations with everybody.
Sometimes/Sorta: ISFps often have a characteristic stout or chubby, rounded figure. Their faces are usually smooth and round without any obvious projections. In moments of passionate conversation they can often swallow air like a fish. ISFps generally appear to be soft-hearted. Their facial expression can change suddenly and unexpectedly from friendly one to a stern one, especially when they wish to distance themselves psychologically from someone. ISFps have a well developed aesthetic taste. Their clothes are usually neat, colourful and radiate a warm, comfortable feeling. They like to touch things in order to appreciate their physical qualities. When interacting with others ISFps try to maintain a closeness. ISFps find it fairly difficult to interact with people that they dislike, even if it goes against their interests. In these situations they lose their personal magnetism, and their speech may become unintelligible. They do not like to be the centre of attention, but they also do not like to be too far away from where it is all happening. ISFps can usually only be productive when working for themselves. In all other cases it is rare for them to work hard. They try their best to avoid strenuous physical exercises wherever possible, unless it is in the course of a particular sporting activity that they enjoy. ISFps always try to keep well away from bosses and other authoritative figures. They do not like briefings and other boring business meetings. They try to negotiate on an informal level using only safe and reliable acquaintances.
Not really: ISFps are often inclined to give advise concerning will power. They also like to read a variety of newspapers. Another behavioural pattern peculiar to ISFps is their tendency to try and stay in the middle. To be neither the best or to be the worst.ENTp
Yes, this is TOTALLY me: ENTps usually have a distant, far away look in their eyes and it often seems as though they are paying little attention to what is going on. They may gesticulate when passionately telling a story. Can make mistakes when choosing friends. The main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is an incredible absent-mindedness. They usually leave items where they used them and have a tendency to constantly lose smaller objects. ENTps work place and personal belongings are often kept in disarray. They invariably forget what they have already done and what they need to do. The other main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is the ability to mobilise in extreme conditions. They also like to give people advice on how to extricate themselves from difficult entanglements, often proposing the most radical solutions. If ENTps are not interested in a particular job, they try to leave it until the last moment. One more peculiarity is the element of chaos and destruction that ENTps bring to every field of their activity. This is especially noticeable in well established institutions where strong discipline is commonplace. However, they implement this chaotic element creatively, generating reform from the destruction.
Sometimes/Sorta: Their buttons also seem to have a habit of falling off. During conversation ENTps like to play with objects, like a pen for example, often accidentally breaking it. ENTps do not know how to keep the right psychological distance with people. This becomes especially noticeable during long term interaction. One day they can be friendly and the next day they can be completely opposite.They often behave unceremoniously and can rudely butt in on others conversations. They often propose ideas that although have great potential are completely impractical at the time. As usual, they soon forget about that idea and generate a new one, which has no less potential and originality but has no logical connection with the previous. ENTps pay little or no respect to their past achievements. ENTps are interested in and talk about everything that is new and unusual even if it is not in their main field of knowledge. It is as if they are magnetised by all brand new theories and are fascinated by all phenomena that can not be explained with logic or reason, for example: ESP, telekinesis and UFO's. They cannot logically explain their ideas as they are always intuitive and vague. Most people cannot fully comprehend their concepts, they simply believe or do not believe. However, they are quick and shrewd in day to day matters, taking advantage of every opportunity that arises. Then in very short period of time they can complete all awaiting jobs, but of course the quality suffers. Because of this quality ENTps often become leaders.
Not really: ENTps normally have a long, slim figure. Other parts of the body are also stretched, especially the legs and fingers. They often have rounded shoulders. Sometimes ENTps have a characteristic inwardly sloping chin. Because of their particular physical structure their clothes always seem to fit pretty badly, often slipping down and hanging off them in an unflattering manner. ENTps can also find it difficult to evaluate how others feel about them. ENTps like to explore everything and are usually completely unaware of how others react to this. They hardly ever admit when they are at fault. Even if they apologise formally they usually continue to behave the same as before. Because of this others may consider them to be crafty or shifty. If somebody puts pressure on them they immediately counterattack, often with more than equal force.ESFj
Yes, this is TOTALLY me: ESFjs have a wide range of facial expressions. ESFj's facial details are usually fine but proportional. They like to tell stories emotionally and in details. When walking they often look like they are in a hurry. In fact, ESFjs always seem to be in a hurry. They often seem to be overloaded with work that is not so urgent. They do not like to be criticised on this point and can sometimes take offence. ESFjs do many things motivated by pure enthusiasm, but they always show practicality and a sharp-wit in business matters. When someone helps ESFjs with home matters they appreciate it very much. The fact that someone helps them is more important than the actual result.
Sometimes/Sorta: Many people believe ESFjs could be very demanding and tactless. ESFjs take very good care of their appearance. They always show good taste in clothes, making sure that everything is in harmony and that colours are perfectly matched. When choosing clothes ESFjs always rely on their own taste. They will not purchase a fashionable item if it is not compatible with their own physique. They always wear the right clothes for the occasion. ESFjs like to talk about people they know. They easily make new friends, because of their sociability and friendly approach. Items can be old but they must be of good quality.
Not really: ESFjs usually have a straight, upright posture and the body itself is often firm and slim. In fact it is rare to find an ESFj with a full figure, especially a male. Their figure can also be somewhat elongated. When receiving logical information they react with a look of extreme concentration. Some preferred topics of conversations are movies, art and books. ESFjs also can show a wide range of emotions during conversation. They have very characteristic negative emotions, periodically showing indignation which can flare up without warning and which can die down just as quickly. Their negative behaviour often cannot be explained logically as they can create a drama from something that may seem unimportant. During conversation ESFjs pay close attention to the ethics and good behaviour of others. They like to give ethical evaluations and analyses on who behaved well and who did not. They also watch that the norms of politeness are obeyed. ESFjs react negatively to people who do not obey ethical norms. (NORMS??!?!?!??!?!?!?! OMG WTF NO WAY) This is why others can sometimes consider them to be confrontational and difficult to live with. They are always going somewhere or visiting someone. When explaining something ESFjs often repeat specific details again and again and keep asking if they have been understood. By doing this they can easily offend as it can seem that they think their interlocutor is stupid. However, this is not the case. ESFjs repeat themselves because they are never sure if they have been clear and logical enough. From friends ESFjs demand unselfishness. They always try to buy the best quality goods. If these goods do not live up to their expectations they do not hesitate to complain. ESFjs have an excellent eye for composition and can create a warm atmosphere from nothing. ESFjs are incredibly hospitable and are always trying to surprise their guests with something unusual. ESFjs work on the philosophy that guests should first be fed and then entertained. However they can sometimes be over the top with offers of food as they have difficulties judging when enough is enough. ESFjs pay good attention to health matters and the general well being of themselves and their family. For example, after visiting a doctor they always want an accurate diagnosis in order to decide the method of cure for themselves.I was going to do the ENFp description too but I've lost my motivation. Perhaps later.ESFp
Yes, this is TOTALLY me: ESFps usually have a smooth oval facial structure, which is mainly free of projections with the exception of the nose, which can be quite large. Their eyes normally show great alertness and seem to be constantly in motion. They seem to slide over people and objects creating the impression that ESFps are trying to better sense their surroundings. The eyes themselves are almost never deeply set. ESFps often react with aggression and hostility when others try to impose rules, limits or discipline on them. They also become very irritated when criticised for their caprices or illogical behaviour. They become equally irritated if someone attempts to question their behaviour or prove their irrationality. In moments of depression, which are not so rare, ESFps like to complain to others that they are not as people think they are and that this is the reason they are often misunderstood. (Though I generally complain more that I don't understand myself and that I'm inconsistent.) In situations such as these their eyes can become glazed and distant. In company ESFps like to provoke positive emotions in others. However they do not like to entertain people by themselves, but will willingly sustain an easy atmosphere. ESFps are normally very talkative and sociable. They often talk about many different subjects. ESFps know well how to manipulate people's feelings. They have no difficulty attracting attention to themselves if they require it and they do this openly and without embarrassment. ESFps have an ability to transfer their mood to others, especially at home. If they feel bad, everybody feels bad and vice versa. When in good humour they can behave very unpredictably. ESFps find it difficult to do the same thing over a long period of time. They constantly look for challenges. Regardless of their mood they always find something interesting to do. In day to day matters ESFps can be forgetful and careless. They may forget to switch off home appliances etc. When cooking a dish that requires constant supervision, they can often neglect and ruin it. ESFps often demonstrate affection for pets.
Sometimes/Sorta: The lower part of ESFps faces often seems heavy. When walking or moving some ESFps may create the impression that they are walking through water. (I dunno, I have been told that I have heavy foot steps?)
Not really: ESFps usually wear original, brightly coloured, eye-catching clothes and accessories in order to attract attention to themselves. This is especially applicable to females. They are often influenced by the latest fashions, but will not wear something if they feel it will not suit them. When interacting with others, ESFps openly demonstrate their real feelings towards others. However their feelings are very flexible and changeable. For example, after an argument that would end most relationships they may, after sometime, apologise and then behave as if nothing ever happened. (I was like this as a teenager, including openly demonstrating my feelings. I rarely do that these days.) This is one of the reasons their telephones are constantly in use. (Though I do like to TM throughout the day ) ESFps often have a wide circle of acquaintances. They usually experience difficulties in ending unwanted relationships, and therefore this circle constantly enlarges. (But I used to have a wide circle of acquaintances. ) They rarely keep pets at home, considering this to be unhygienic.
Yes when I am not depressed/low, no when I am: ESFps are very realistic people. If a project is unrealistic from their point of view, they will not participate in it. ESFps always try to solve their problems head on, attacking them as soon as they arise. They always look for immediate returns in their projects and in their work. If this does not happen they can loose their desire to continue on the same path.