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Last edited by DeleteMePLOX; 01-23-2008 at 11:29 AM.
Sounds like an ESFp.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
I washed dishes with a somewhat similar person. I do believe he walked a slightly different, and much more criminal path than your co-worker. Instead of pleasant stories of what him and his buddies were doing he would often profanely elucidate his recently sexual exploits. Or tell me about who he wants to beat up, and why. Many times it was for reasons beyond me, like "he's a pussy ass bitch." The most memorable story was one of him talking about his friends poorly, it goes like this: He had acquired a small amount of cocaine and had decided to share it with his friends. After the group was thouroughly 'on' the drug, one of his friends spoke up about the beauty of life and how he wants to be married and have children. This was a highly unconvential and controversial act amongst him and his friends. There was only one action and one word necessary for response. Action: Laugh. Word: Pussy.
He was a good dishwasher.
Both types could have a lot of friends and be into sports. My perception is that ESFjs like to have conversations with lots of people, while ESFps like to "hang out" and "do things" more. ESFps have a certain 'laid back' feel to them. Just my perception...I got him to take the test and he tested as an ESFj and ESFp. ESFp defienitly matches him the best thou, I honestly can't see him as an ESFj because, for one thing, we wouldn't get along nearly as well and he'd annoy the crap outta me