What is Socionics *like* to you?
(I just felt like ranting here....getting emotional a bit....)
To me, Socionics is like this thing that's right in front of you...this simplicity that's within your grasp...like a hologram, but it's just so real! And then you go to grab it and there's nothing to grab onto...but then you see it again, and it is soooo enticing.
People criticize MBTI, but MBTI makes things simple: If you're A+B+C+D, you're ABCD. End of story. Keirsey makes it simpler: You're a composer? ISFP. Banker? ESTJ. Scientist? INTJ. Mathematician? INTP.
But in Socionics, we try to look at how people *really* think. And we get closer, and closer, and we think we can pinpoint the person right into this little box, and it is so close, and we think we can get them into that box and apply the relationship matrix, and we get closer and closer to having it work, and POOF!!!! It goes away.
And then we say, "Ah, of course, people aren't that simple. People are more complex. How could I have thought that someone could actually be so simple as to fit into one of those little boxes?" And then we feel relaxed in deciding that people are more complex after all, but then we notice that some other people seem to fit the patterns, and all of the sudden we have the urge to grasp that simplicity one more time.....
Anyhow, that's how I feel....my rant for tonight I guess.