Is that the ultimate end result of all Socionic speculation? Are Socionic truths only perceivable AFTER the warping of percpetions to fit a pre-existing model that holds to its validity? I agree that there are certain modicums of truth here and there within the hypothesis, but it seems to me that the matter has more to do with general observations of trends and patterns that only correspond to reality in-part. Is there any significant justifications for Socionic theory or is it all just intuitive hunch?

If the latter statement falls true, do you not think it proper to hold skepticism towards the entire hypothesis? After-all, one must note the countless psychological theories such as those that fall within the analytical tradition that've been thoroughly debunked and are now generally treated as nonsense---despite its wide, or at the very least, wider, acceptance within the circle in which it was born and the general area around it? Does it not, then, seem absurd to believe in the Socionic theory with the overhead looming of systems whose absurdity has been thoroughly shown and exposed?