Quote Originally Posted by plotter View Post
Okay let's see if I've got it right.

I'm going to go about this by comparing F/T. I want to keep it as minimal, and precise as possible.

Te:__ Structure oriented____Reliability/Appliance__________Process (What's going on)
Fe:__Context oriented______Attitudes/Appliance_________ Process
Ti:__ Structure oriented_____Specification/Correction_____ Static (What is)
Fi:___Context oriented______Evaluation/Correction_______ Static

Thoughts and corrections would be appreciated.

EDIT: I first used "Subject oriented" instead of "Context oriented". Thought it was more fitting, but know I'm unsure again =P
Context and structure are actually pretty much the same thing...the relationship between things.
If you're going to do it this way, consider Xe=content and Xi=context.
When dealing with Te, it's the Pi that puts the Te into context..into it's system of interrelationships. (actually applies to Fe as well)

Such that say:
Te: content oriented....logical
Fi: context oriented....affective

Fe: content oriented....affective
Ti: context oriented....logical