Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic View Post
I agree with everything.

The desire for actualization of planned goals may be more gamma because of the Ni + Te as opposed to Ni + Fe, so maybe a logical thing too; something an NF would be less concerned with. I'm curious if there is an alpha equivalent to that, as they are the only comparison when dealing with NTs. It would certainly fit the stereotype of work oriented gamma NTs...

Also, yes, I do have issues actually following through with my plans. Often there have been outside influences in my life to flip a switch to turn on my motivation; I'm terribly poor at generating that sort of stuff myself. I find myself with an abundance of goals though; how many of them will ever be actualized on account of my laziness I don't know...

EDIT; Hold up, I'm still unconvinced; I was told that Nietzsche who some of you might recognize as the over quoted guy on people's facebooks, was EIE and his writing was absolutely based on actualization of goals and aspirations. I looked him up and some identify him as ILI, so perhaps someone has insight into his type and we can declare this truth or not?
i thought he was intx...

and i don't think of him as a facebook guy so much, but some alienated guy that gave up on society and went and lived away from it all and wrote down his thoughts and experiences....

he wasn't really living .. he was observing ...

You know, there are some simple tricks to become more motivated.

It's obvious in your language,

like how you go "I find myself with an abundance of goals though; how many of them will ever be actualized on account of my laziness I don't know..."

When you say "I find myself", it means you're externalising and taking away your will from the situation. As if you can't help it.

When you say you have an abundance of goals it sounds ilke you have more than you need. And so you need to filter them down.

"How many of them will ever be actualized" makes it sound like you realise that you can't complete them all and need to prioritise.

On account of your lazyness ...

Well, that means you're blaming yourself. As if you're inadequete. And can't solve the problem on your own. First, stop blaming your own lazyness. Second filter, third prioritise. Forth, execute.

Fifth, unwind, relax, and don't focus on goals so much. So that you don't get burned out.