Edited for gayness.
Edited for gayness.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
...I used to think I was ENTP, shhh...
My son seems ENTp, maybe ESTp, but I have no way of knowing how much of that is just due to my influence. And I think with Peter around he'll be even more ENTpish.
Edited for gayness.
My whole family is most likely Delta, and I've been mistaken for an ENFp more than once.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
It would appear that my mother is gamma, my father is delta, my sister is alpha, and I'm still working on my brother... INTj? ISTp? INTp?
...yeah, well I used to...nvm...Originally Posted by Rocky
Me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Edited for gayness.
My mother is ESFJ and I thought I was INTj (She so forces me to use that Ti goddamn it. I mean, wtf really, I only use it to criticise her. I don't even like it. It sucks. But she so foooorcees me) for a while and after a couple of months, after the initial idealisation wore off, I stuck with INFp. Actually, after the first time I read Jungs introvert intuitive type it struck me as who I am.
My behavior in the past is pretty consistent with INFp. Perhaps a little ENFp influence from my friend.
In my family my mother is ESFj, my father ENTp and my sister ESTj. Not sure about the sister and father. Never had problems or fights with my sister in my life. She took a online MBTI knock off and came out ESTJ. I know she's E and T for sure. And that she's not from my quadra.
Edited for gayness.
Mum = ISFp
Dad = ENFp
Brother #1 = ESFp
Brother #2 = ?ENFj?
Brother #3 = ESTj
That's quite a mix, any predictions?
There may be something to this, in my immediate family I was the only non-alpha:Originally Posted by Transigent
father: ISFp
mother: ESFj
brother: ENTp
Which I sometimes think may help to account why I thought I was INTj for a time -- but nah. I never had anything but a conflict and quasi-identical relationship with my father and brother, respectively, even though I did and do get along better with my mother (and ESFjs in general) than super-ego would lead one to expect.
I think that the main effect - combined with other things - was to make me watch my mouth around my father and my family in general, which in MBTI led to a perception of "introverted".
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Father: INFj
Mother: ESTj
Sister: ENFp
Brother-in-law: ENFp (most likely)
I was confused for an ENFp when I first came here because of some emotional reactivity; this would line up well with the theory at hand.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
My mom is an ENTj
My dad is an ENFj
My sister is an INFj
My brother is an ISFj
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.-Mark Twain
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
Speaking of familys.
(My)step dad: ISTJ
Oldest Brother:ENFP
Youngest Brother: IXTP
My grandpa:ESTP(or ESTJ)
Just having my grandpa around make days more interesting for our family.
Well... I haven't really dared to think any further, because I don't like the results I have right now:
dad: ESTj
mom: ISFp
And then there are lots of brothers and sisters. I have only managed to type one, because I moved out when I was 18. I don't really like the idea that my parents are in supervision relations. But I'm not saying it's impossible. I was actually suspecting something like that.
I've always been closer with my father (compared to the somewhat shallow relationship with mom). I like the long "discussions" with him.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/