From the beginning when I know socionics the quadras seems strange to me and I donīt care much about them. With ESFPs I have a good relationship, but not with the other dual pair of the gamma quadra (ISFJ, ENTj). Donīt misunderstand me, I donīt have anything against them, I just donīt get along with them. Therefor I get along with ISTps and ENFps much better. My conclusion was that judging and perceiving shouldnīt combinied, but only judging or perceiving like in duality relationship.
When I read the socionics book of Elena Hochnadel she approved that idea. (For those how understand German: http://www.sozionik.info/buch/7.htm#15.3 , last table.) She claims that the relationship of conenergy and illusion are much better than activation and mirror.
- INTj, ESFj, INFj, ESTj
- ISTj, ENFj, ISFj, ENTj
- INTp, ESFp, ISTp, ENFp
- INFp, ESTp, ISFp, ENTp
What do you think?