Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Ok, here's a different question. What if someone else has accepted me? What if this particular person has given me their insights into who I am? What if, on top of that, this person has given me a strong personal sense of being an individual with an identity and a personality?

These are actual questions, so feel free to answer them. I encourage you to.
So you are letting your self-esteem depend on what someone else says about you? And you really believe you have an indentity and a personality? Aren't you confusing the concept of personality with persona here? Self-esteem does not come from other people, it comes rom the inside.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
No, the root of my frustrations is with people who get emotional and pissy at me. It's unjust because I spend so much energy keeping myself calm, and then some petty bloody git has a bad day and takes it out on me because I'm in the .
The ultimte proof you cannot be a leading Si types, because they are calm by default. It's undualized leading Ne types that have to spent much energy to keep calm.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
If you want to psychoanalyse me, try a developmental angle. Or better yet, don't psychoanalyse me. At all. I see a counsellor for this stuff, not some toxic mind-worm who ponces about proclaiming to know the truth and takes every ready opportunity to shove it down other people's throats.
You see a counsellor for your issues, but claim to have identity and personality? That's odd! And I'm not shoving it down other people's throats, only your throat!

Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
My friend, I've had issues with your self-important nonsense for far longer than you've been haranguing me with this psycho-babble, so don't go to that as an excuse. Really.
You've had issues? well, don't expect me to move an inch, because as long as you are continuing your attention seeking behaviors, I'm going to be right behind you, whatever you think of my psycho babble.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Back on calm, sane ground, is this comment based on the assumption that this thread was in any way motivated by me being confused by my type? To clarify, it's a question that I don't have an answer for, and when I encounter questions like that, I ask, because I'm curious.
Ah, you are confused about your type? Now we are getting somewhere!