I'm horrible about this... I have a very limited selection of items that I order from fast food places and restaurants. I get embarrassed going to the same places after work, ordering the exact same food so I'll intentionally go to a different Taco Bell, Steak 'n Shake, whatever occasionally so I won't get the "MAN....don't you ever get sick of eating the same thing every day?! " too much, lol...thinking back though, I've always been that way. I remember growing up...in grade school my mom fixed me a pb&j sandwich for lunch daily for like a couple years straight....then I changed it to a turkey sandwich It really doesn't bother me in the slightest to eat the same thing I'll occasionally change things up a tad, but for the most part it's just a means to an end for me--eating to get full so I can go on about my business, lol (granted I appreciate having the time/patience to savor a good tasting meal)...but, if I know that I like the food, then I'm pretty reluctant to try anything new. Give me a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a gallon of milk and I'll be good for a week, lol I venture out of my comfort zone occasionally when it comes to food, but most of the time I'm the epitome of regimented monotony With that said, I do appreciate it when someone gently nudges me to try a new cuisine and I end up liking it...but then I tend to get stuck in a rut on this new food and the cycle repeats itself, lol...come to think of it, this tendency applies to many other Si-related areas for me as well It would seem that I'm in dire need of someone adept in Si to "gently nudge" me towards new, pleasurable experiences in general....otherwise I tend to get stuck in a rut with my old ways As they say, old habits die hard...:wink: