Im confused about what it means. There is an article on the articles section about it but I looked over it and it doesnt seem to be explained, it just says "it is understood only by a few experts".
Could anyone tell me what it means?
Im confused about what it means. There is an article on the articles section about it but I looked over it and it doesnt seem to be explained, it just says "it is understood only by a few experts".
Could anyone tell me what it means?
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What in particular about what it means?
Just a definition of the main idea. What does it mean when extraverted Intuition is long range as opposed to being short range, for example?
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My understanding is that it's the "focus" of the function. at least where intuition is concerned, it appears to be short timeline (+) vs. long timeline (-).
The descriptions make it sound more like postive vs. negative. This confuses me as well.
It seems to work like that for and moreso than the others.Originally Posted by Joy
Smiling Eyes has a theory concerning this also, and I thought id post it and see what you all think.
You should think about those in relation to the quadras being a series of work phases. You remember how it's said that alfa is conception, beta is building a model, gamma is fixing the model and delta is production.
Ok, well the + and - functions describe how what is abstract (-aspect) develops due to the work of the personality type into the concrete (+aspect).
Eg. when the gamma group is finished with abstract economic theory Te- the theory becomes so clear that it can easily be used for personal gain Te+. This work is done to gain potential personal comfort Si-. But while the ESTj and ISTp workhorses are working the comfort is not yet concrete, real. When that comfort is concrete we've progressed into Si+ and alfa quadra. The alfa quadra is physically comfortable and tries to create an equally mentally cohesive and happy environment Fe-. That communal feeling eventually grows and becomes more important than the physical comfort Fe+. The beta is ruled by this communal emotion and feels he must understand it so he isn't constantly swept by it Ni-. When this understanding of your own and the communitys wishes and emotions is gained Ni+ the gamma person starts to seek the aspect of benefit and purpose for this knowledge Te-. And we've come full circle.
The personality type expresses what part you see yourself having in this process and progress of motivations. The progress of society follows the same pattern as the individual.
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Maybe the thread from Rocky can help you:
"Wenn der Deutsche in einen Satz taucht, dann hat man ihn die längste Zeit gesehen, bis er auf der anderen Seite des Ozeans wieder auftaucht mit seinem Verb im Mund." - Mark Twain
The whole theory of the so-called "signs of socionic functions" is a big mistake. It was not only vague in its basics, it was later redefined in many ways. Many socionists just ignore this theory, and I propose to follow their way is no longer my site.
I like your idea.
I used to think that way, until I noticed that, for example ESFP is more bitchy than ENFP. Same goes for ISFJ/INFJ. Also, the SFs are more sensitive to touch it seems.Originally Posted by Dmitri Lytov
It's because they are sensing, not because of any "signs". is no longer my site.
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