BLOCK Of ego program function * the "logic of systems"
Maxim internally is approached for the stability, the peace, which does not change, to the relations, which do not change, by logically ordered, counted, thought out. For this very reason of all types of intellect Maxim - most social- oriented. Since its social directivity is assumed the very program of its intellect - logic of concrete systems (just as by that method of introduction, to which can be oriented this program, by volitional administrative pressure).
The logical program of Maxim on its social essence is called to be the alternative of any kind of the destabilization of his environment, its surrounding structures - social, political, physical, biological, etc.
For this very reason idea about the consistency, the rationality, the rationality in Maxim is connected first of all with the organization of structural order (the "order of things") within the framework of the concretely existing system.
Maxim never and nothing examines out of the system - is such the storage of his intellect. Any phenomenon is considered by it as the part of certain existing system, in which the specific regularities and the determined logical order, to understand which Maxim considers himself as that obliged, act.
Receiving his surrounding reality from the point of view of its systematization, logical thorough consideration, Maxim constantly analyzes the systems existing around it - the system of logical and ethical interrelations, system of social structures, system of views, system of vital values.
The sense of any phenomenon Maxim understands through the realization of its "systematization", as if assigning to himself the question: this is single fact or it is assigned to some to system? This is particular act or this the model of behavior? If this is particular act, then what motives after it do stand? This single, random motives or after them does stand some system of views and relations?
To understand the deep essence of phenomena, to establish the cause-effect connections between the phenomena of the most varied order, to analyze the observed phenomenon, to systematize conclusions, to derive some more common determination and to enter it in the already existing system of views, to select from all existing systems most suitable for the specific goals and tasks and to improve it, to adapt to the specific social conditions, after thinking over and after working it in the least details. All this is sphere of the most active intellectual activity of any of the representatives of this type.
In view of the defined storage of intellect to a representative of this type to more easily receive the surrounding his reality as certain centralized system. ("one sun it lights up us, one god before the sky, one church on the earth and the Pope - its deputy!") But even if this perception substantially limits method and form of its thinking, it at the same time expresses the specific directivity of its type intellect, namely - social orientation, the arrangement of forces in the social system.
Maxim never exists out of the system of social relations, since circle and nature of its personal interrelations already by itself is systematized and assumes clear hierarchical subdivision, since such more easily in all is entered in its idea about the logical order and the original "order of things". It is generally difficult to itself to present to a representative of this type another point of view, it simply is not plotted in its own mental structure, in its system of views.
Under no circumstances Maxim cannot be "by itself", "itself to whiskers", "itself only for itself" - this too deeply contradicts the program of his intellect. (which just as the program of its duala of Hamlet places by its task to survive vague time, to regulate him, to survive under the extreme conditions. And for this very reason Maxim always very konformen is loyal with respect to the existing regime, sincerely he tries to have an application in the conditions of the ruling social system. Even if we imagine a representative of this type as the "antisocial" element, nevertheless it cannot be "by itself". To Maxim it is difficult to be "lone wolf", in it for this insufficiently strong intuition; therefore it will be compulsorily organized within the framework some of another social structure, where it will fulfill all entrusted to it duties and bear responsibility for its behavior - another form of behavior for Maxim simply there does not exist.)
Specifically, because representatives of this type examine themselves (just as each individual) as the part of the existing system of relations. Any manifestation of individualism they consider for themselves in principle unacceptable as the phenomenon, which emerges beyond the framework of that permitted, which shakes loose public abutments and introducing chaos and anarchy into the existing structure. Therefore they see special social significance in this activity as the composition of rules, conditions, procedures, instructions, public and juridical laws, establishment of standards and standards. To the work in this field the Maxims relate with the great responsibility and therefore especially in it they succeed.
The arrangement of forces in the system, in the opinion of Maxim, must be ordered, logical, thought out, valid. It must assume the clear distribution of responsibilities and the measures of responsibility corresponding to them.
Just as Robesp'er by, Maxim considers as necessary training the public consciousness, whose direction is determined by purposes and tasks of the existing social system. For this very reason of representatives of this type is characteristic not only social, but also ideological orientation. For this very reason just as its duala of Hamlet, Maxim distinguishes active civic stand. Representatives of this type are inclined to see their social destination in the ideological and educational work, in training necessary, ordered of social consciousness in the growing up generation (a. M. Gor'kiy, A. S. makarenko).
By the index of quality and viability of any system, just as by the guarantee of its stability, Maxim counts the interchangeability of all its parts. Man, as the part of the social system, also must be interchanged: with such conditions each will be able to find its place in the already existing social system. And system itself will be already that good, which will ensure full employment to each person. (last position to Maxim especially conveniently in view of his weak intuition of possibilities.)
In the opinion of Maxim, in the perfect system there must not be of unique, irreplaceable elements. (in this once more is manifested the critical attitude of Maxim toward the frankly individualistic position: man can be as much as desired bright individuality, but this yet does not give to it the right to consider itself in principle irreplaceable.) In the working association there must not be of irreplaceable specialists, just as the clearly expressed individualities, since this generates inequality in the interrelations, introduces in them confusion and uncertainty, and for this very reason in the critical situation it becomes dangerous for the vital activity of the association.
Thinking Maxim is very systematized. Entire proceeding attempts to explain only from a logical point of view. (in questions of logic it not easy to reconvince and it cannot be confused.)
Maxim knows how to estimate the intellectual potential of collocutor, although his estimations frequently have critical tendency. In the debates he tries to take initiative - last argument it must be without fail after it. (Sensorik!)
It magnificently develops procedures, calculates tables, drawings, is textbooks and t; d.
Good speaker; material presents step by step, so that entire logical chain of his conclusion would be outlined. Coming out before the audience, are raised the question itself on them answers.
In the expression of its point of view it is extremely pedantic. It defends its system of views, speaking out with the extreme maximalism. To little say that Maxim with respect relates for the hierarchical social systems, where each is obligated to know its place: other systems it simply not priyemlet.
In the opinion of Maxim, the behavior of man is obligated to correspond to his position, otherwise public consciousness will be disoriented by the models of the "unbecoming" behavior, which, in addition will lead to the destabilization of social system. Respect for authorities - one of the most important values of its intellectual structure. Orientation on authority - important motive of his many behavior, in many respects the determining nature of its interrelations and behavior.
From nature that allotted by phenomenal power of observation, Maxim thoroughly gathers and scrupulously processes facts, knowing how to find that which to it is necessary in the information flow precisely. It is very pedantic: it does not approve, when are ignored allegedly "unessential" small facts and even insignificant logical errors allow - in this Maxim is very punctilious and nagging.
People, which do not know how to logically ordered present their thoughts, which are brought down on the detail and which are distracted from the basic theme, irritate a representative of this type. Them irritates negligent relation to the account of formulations, confusion in the terms, in the definitions; and the most terrible - confusion in the account of thought.
BLOCK Of ego*2-ya pozitsiya*Tvorcheskaya function * "volitional sensorika"
Concrete logical program must take root by concrete methods, and which can be more concrete than the method of volitional action?
After appointing Maxim the theorist of concrete systems, nature armed with this his powerful tool, as flexible and manipulation volitional action - goal-directed influence on those surrounding by means of the sensation of its force, significance, by means of the sensation of the lawfulness of its volitional pressure.
The belonging with the actually existing public structures gives to Maxim the sensation of its own social significance, which it sees in the service to the ideals of its system: it creates theoretical base by it, erects the strong administrative arrangements, firm to all periods. (predominating system it can be pulled down, and its administrative arrangement it is capable of rapidly re-form and of continuing to function under another flag and another slogan.)
Maxim distinguishes high exactingness both of itself and of those surrounding; intolerance to any kind to the manifestations of disorder within the framework of its system, to the cultivation in it of anarchy and chaos.
Maxim is sincerely enraptured by this quality as fitness for work. The selfless labor for the good of society, for the good of the association - this is the standard of human activity, which one only and can be permitted in the healthy and viable social system. And vice versa, any slackness, irresponsibility and sloppiness undermine the public of abutment, they lead society to the destruction, the social calamities and the catastrophes; therefore with these phenomena, it counts, it is necessary to fight by all forces, without the pity and the condescension.
Maxim is always ready to fight with the manifestations of disorder in the society. (it can spend the time of its leave on fight with the deficiencies in the system of sanatorium maintenance and of public nutrition; and to return by that by home get tiredded, but happy - one additional center of sloppiness is liquidated by its efforts, and now vacationers can obtain valuable maintenance)
Within the framework of "maksimovskoy" system cannot be simply the groups of people - there is the association, united under overall interest and hierarchically organized; independent of number and age of its members are always assigned someone, corresponding for the management in the "trusted section" (the "commander of asterisk", "critical on the corridor", etc.). (volitional sensorika of Maxim, in contrast to voinstvenno-moralizatorskoy sensoriki of Dreiser is administrative -mafiozno1 "sensoriki of Zhukov, bears" military-administrative "nature - in view of the social specific character of dyad" Hamlet - Maxim ". This partly explains, why within the framework of "maksimovskoy" social system the group of children is converted into the "asterisk", into the "component" or into the "force tyuey oktyabryat".)
Maxim can conveniently be arranged at any level of social hierarchy. For it the main thing - to occupy place in this system. It with the identical zeal can carry out any official work, and its business relations are constructed according to the occupied position: it requires from the subordinates and tries not to argue with the authorities. to "authorities be seen" - quite maksimovskaya saying, and the argument: "I was only subordinated to order" - the most convincing. And to it it is incomprehensible, as this it is possible to dispute. According to its logic, in its system that being subordinate is subordinated to that be highering, low-order - to elder.
It is politely strict in the rotation, it is always disciplined, pulled, accurate, operating, required, punctual: all these qualities ideally correspond to the social function of Maxim - to work for the good of public system.
Its house it also examines as the trusted to it section of system. Therefore there everything is subordinated to its laws and rules. The distribution of family budget, the behavior of the members of family - everything must undergo a strict control and calculation. the "order of things" in the "maksimovskom" house acquires special significance, both in the straight line and figuratively - this not only specific place for each thing, but also specific place of each member of family in the family hierarchy.
The creatively used by it system of encouragement and punishment is the tool of volitional action for Maxim (system of "whip and cake"). Within the framework of the section of system trusted to it Maxim will not suffer even the least resistance to its will. The nearer the distance of his interrelations, the the stricts measure for volitional action it uses.
It is necessary to give credit, Maxim before punishing, has a habit to explain, for which it punishes and why (necessary to bring up consciousness in the member of society), but if "misdeed" is repeated too frequently, Maxim punishes also without the warning. Moreover, the rapidity of his punishment is unexpected and therefore frightening: "occupations music were for me samoi by present torture. They began from the fact that the father itself tuned violin, accurately spread notes and, most important, it weighed to the back of chair belt. It was worthwhile for me only to be distracted or to pass false note, to me here it fell by belt... Then then, after such occupations father was especially affectionate, he laid to me candy under the pillow... It loved to say, that along the same system were trained many great musicians... "
Maxim loves to use the procedures checked, especially if they coincide from its intrinsic point of view and are noted for their positive results.
System "encouragement and punishment" Maxim actually it is constructed on a drop in the sensory sensations, and sensations it, as any sensorik, magnificently examines - knows and what is present pain, and that such present is enjoyment (but if he does not know, then it can want from the purely cognitive considerations to test this on itself or on others). It must be noted that this form of volitional action is calculated first of all for that in order to activate and to discipline Hamlet, and also to his weak, and sometimes also sufficiently inert sensoriku, which without the appropriate ("maksimovskogo") pulse in work will not be included. Without the confidence in the fact that next to it is located the strong and rigid hand, without the consciousness of the fact that there is a boundary of its vsedozvolennosti, without drops in the sensory sensations Hamlet itself it very badly feels - it seemingly it loses rod, tone, support and orientators, it begins to be depressed, to be irritated, to vrednichat', it begins to provoke partner to the quarrel, as if requiring that that would prove, on that it was capable. Hamlet respects force and despises slabakov and slyuntyaev; therefore with Maxim he sufficiently rapidly finds common language, feeling in it partner, in every respect of his worthy.
Furthermore, in this stage in work has already been included and the aspect of sensoriki of sensations, which in Maxim realizes subconsiously - with respect to drops in his own mood. Therefore Maxim himself always cannot realize, why to him suddenly it was wanted to someone to make painfully and which him to this impelled, since this desire in it appears fairly often, but with the least irritation, almost it is instinctive. Then then it can bring under its act logical base and explain that made this for educational purposes. If Maxim calculates, that too he overdid it in the measures for its action, compulsorily will find the method by any good act to smooth out its fault.
BLOCK Of superego*e-ya position * normative function * the "ethics of relations"
Maxim usually easily conquers sympathies and arrangement of those surrounding - disciplined with the authorities, strict with the subordinates, good-natured and obliging with the comrades, severe and uncompromising with the enemies of "its camp", dear and courteous with the ladies (arrangement of whom it attains by the tactics of "siege and assault of unapproachable fortress"), devoted and thoughtful family man.
The system of its ethical interrelations it also constructs on the principles of the social- valid, social- justified ethics, which is evinced by the following relationship: the degree of responsibility determines the measure of rights. Maxim examines the ethics of behavior first of all from the point of view of the lawfulness of the actions of man.
Therefore in Maxim the nature of all forms of interrelations is determined by the degree of mutual commitments.
Within the framework of maksimovskoy ethics to personal desire and to the personal right is given quite last place. Is examined only the relationship of rights and responsibilities: only in such a case, when you fulfill your duties, you have right to the satisfaction of your desires and needs. The measure for the satisfaction of needs is determined, in addition by the measure for the distribution of responsibilities and by the degree of the entrusted responsibility: "that is permitted Jupiter, is not permitted bull".
The principle of the ethical validity of Maxim (just as Robesp'era) first of all proceeds from the principle of the valid distribution of material goods within the framework of public system - distribution of rights on the labor, on the personal contribution to the common cause.
Since the ethics of Maxim is based on the principle of the relationship of mutual commitments, it considers the distribution of privileges according to the degree of responsibility completely ethical and valid. Because of this the ethics of Maxim is deeply hierarchic in its essence. In it the logical order of the centralized system of relations is present. The chapter of social structure - the head of family - it must be allotted by very sweeping powers and privileges, and this is not discussed. The implicit obedience to the acknowledged authority, "majority" and to "seniority" - the corner basis of maksimovskoy ethics.
The principle of mutual commitments is transferred by Maxim, also, to the region of his personal interrelations, but it is carried out with one condition: man, with whom Maxim forms his relations, must be coparticipant in its social system.
It must be someone with respect to Maxim - otherwise there are no bases for the ethical equality. If Maxim meets with the girl, who at least is only considered as the its friend, this already assigns on it the specific obligations: it is obligated to be accurate and that devoted to it (and to the ideals of its system), it does not have a right to lightly tear relations with it, it does not have a right to behave so, "as it it wants". In a word, it does not have a right to compromise Maxim before the remaining members of his system - by his relatives, the friends, the colleagues. Otherwise this will be incorrectly with respect to it. And in this case in Maxim there can be with respect to it the completely valid, from his point of view, claims: it it introduced into its circle (can, even in by something "raised" to itself), it I could use aid and support of its environment, and this assigns also on it some responsibility for its behavior. For this very reason the break of family relations Maxim considers as spot on his reputation. (it is small whether, and suddenly people will say: "where already to it the association to lead, if we it with the wife agree not can!")
Furthermore, the break of relations with Maxim - this, in his understanding, yeshe and break with his system, that in his eyes exactly the most terrible, since the nonparticipation of man in his social system gives a sufficient foundation for allowing everything for itself with respect to it to Maxim, anything, since in this case man in his eyes has no social significance. But to this category Maxim considers himself right to add social criminal, and the changed it wife, and colleague, who careless fulfills his duties, and that it is important, the representative of hostile to it camp. Itself being the excellent and loving family man, Maxim can be merciless and severe to the families of the enemies of his system. In this case his ethics is constructed according to the principle: "an eye for an eye, tooth for the tooth".
In his personal interrelations Maxim, as any sensorik, frequently displays initiative in the quite initial stage of their formation. But if is not obtained timely support from the side of partner, sufficiently rapidly it encounters ethical problems, what usually it does not occur in the partnership with its dualom by Hamlet. (ethical installations of Maxim completely division lyayutsya only by his dualom, since both of them are oriented to the identical ethical values and to the identical logical principles. Out of these ethical installations to Maxim it is difficult to find of close to itself from the spirit people, it is difficult to be correctly understood. With entire his original optimism and sociability Maxim is moved away from the society each time, when do not find mutual understanding and proper moral support. For this very reason to representatives of this type to more conveniently form its personal relations within the framework of the group of the adherents, where all surrounding share its views and it can be more confident in the devotion of its friends.)
In the aspect of ethics to Maxim himself is most intelligible the region of the interrelations of business. To it it is more convenient (and it frequently this makes) to transfer the stereotype of business relations into the sphere of the relations of especially personal. This, as it sometimes seems it, only possibility to introduce order "in the fact that is received by it as something" originally incomprehensible, and, in the essence of its, illogical, since it is based on such subjective concepts as feelings and emotion.
Maxim usually does not understand, what there can be logic in so far as concerns the region of emotions and feelings. He tries to understand the motivation of behavior on the observed external emotional manifestations, it knows how to very accurately and descriptively describe them (or stage to beat), but to understand to it this is difficult. Maxim is considered (and completely correctly) that this not at all yields by the means of its intellect to the understanding: indeed for it so many once it was necessary to observe the absence of any logic in behavior of its surrounding people. In view of this reasoning, and also as a result of the weak intuition to Maxim exactly is convenient the principle of ethical validity as its roll rational ethical standard. Any retreat from this "standard" Maxim evaluates extremely negative, moreover in all forms of the relations, which, in his opinion, are added "not according to the rules".
In view of his vulnerable ethics and problematic intuition Maxim is most frequently inclined to assume precisely worse motives in behavior of people. ("it specially without to demand took my bicycle in order it to break.") To reconvince Maxim is sufficiently difficultly, sometimes almost impossibly, since the ethical categories logically are not checked, Maxim does not always consider it for himself possible to understand them.
It may happen that Maxim sometimes makes possible for himself to believe in the fact that let us assume now the relations are added "according to the rules", but he still thus far in them something does not understand. If Maxim logically is not convinced of the fact that the relations are added "honestly", it counts itself right to them not to believe. Since it is convinced that the degree of the responsibility entrusted to it forces it to be vigilant. In view of his weak intuition Maxim fears to be trusting. Is considered trustfulness not "luxury allow for itself, for which subsequently for it it is necessary too dearly to pay. Therefore it frequently counts its distrustfulness (suspiciousness) of that justified and legitimate. Once after composing negative opinion about the man, Maxim does not usually change him.
Hamlet - only of all types -"3tikov", who completely divides analogous ethical installation, since it is oriented to the partner precisely with this, problematic in the ethics- intuitive plan perception. And precisely in orienting of its partner and ethical, and intuitively in the necessary direction, Hamlet sees its basic destination. (to in proper time expose potential criminal and to give about it entire necessary information to his dualu - precisely for this Hamlet erects his intrigue, precisely, therefore it can on the basis of least its assumption manufacture the "convincing" facts: indeed always "better to perebdet' than to nedobdet'". Excess precaution never will stir, and suspicions at the empty place does not occur, as it does not occur smoke without the fire.) By the same purposes is determined the social function of Hamlet - observation of the lawfulness of behavior within the framework of the ethical relations of the existing social structure.
In the contact with the psychologically incompatible partner Maxim does not obtain him the information about the ethical potential of his nearest environment interesting; therefore frequently without the visible reason and on any occasion in it appears the desire to test devotion and obedience of its partner, but at the same time also all members of its family, moreover in this it manifests exceptional resourcefulness. (if, for example, in it it appears suspicion, that the assigned commission is executed insufficiently honestly, it will send someone other (to whom it more greatly entrusts), in order this commission to recheck: "father sent me into the bakery after the bread. I arrived not with which - bakery was closed to the dinner. It did not believe me, it sent sister. Sister returned with the bread - they already opened bakery by that time. Father solved, that 4 to him sovral and healthily to me poured ". Another case: a representative of this type decided to test his wife for the object of conjugal faithfulness and therefore he directed its friend to actively after it poukhazhivat', and to then report to him about the results.) Of course in the partnership with Hamlet Maxim does not have bases for this behavior - the devotion by Hamlet Maxim usually it does not doubt.
No matter how were added the personal attitudes of Maxim, they, in his opinion, on no account must interfere with relations by business, just as feelings must not interfere with reason. Therefore very undesirably it forced, Maxim to reject its career in the favor of family interests - for it this is difficult victim. (Hamlet, incidentally, never it will place Maxim before this selection, since itself divides analogous persuasions). But if Maxim nevertheless agrees to endow by his career, for it these are the heaviest sincere injury and offence for life, which then compulsorily will affect its personal interrelations.
BLOCK Of superego*ya-ya the pozitsiya*Mobilizatsionnaya function * the "intuition of possibilities"
The thorough concreteness of the logic of Maxim does not leave to it special space for the fantasy and free flight of thought. This circumstance frequently makes it necessary it to regret about the fact that the most interesting solutions and the most daring ideas are advanced not by it, but by someone other, and itself it thus far did not hit upon.
There are the moments, when Maxim very sharply feels the limitedness of his intellectual possibilities. In it appears the sensation of the blind alley, from which the output is only one - bright and fresh idea, about which, as it seems it, it any minute now it will surmise, but for some reason this all in no way occurs. Sometimes it frightens the thought about the weakness of its own intellectual potential (which, for sure, now by all is visible), frightens the impossibility to find way out very; the sensation of its own insipidness and complete failure.
Also very discomfort experiences Maxim and when in proper time is not obtained information on the question super-significant for himself: on the ratio of forces in the system and about its own position in it at the given moment or in the future.
Maxim painfully survives the state of uncertainty and uncertainty of its position in any plan: in the job schedule, career and in the plan of interrelations with its surrounding people, to it it is terrible to remain "not in the matters" in the prevailing around it system of relations, it is terrible to prove to be "rejected outside". For this very reason Maxim so values stability within the framework of any system of relations, so he tries to be adapted to the most difficult and most inconvenient circumstances: it is ready to work with the overloads, under the most emergency conditions, for the most scant ration, only not to fall out beyond the framework of system. To it it is incomprehensible, for example, as it is possible not to value the place of work or as it is possible not to see the advantages of the system, which ensures to population full employment. (possibly; therefore the first-rate punishment in the Soviet, the the maksimovskoy, to system it was communication about the misdeed on the place of work.)
Maxim prefers porezhe to change the places of the work: indeed, "jumping from the place to the place", a never decent career you will make. Furthermore, to it by itself it is unpleasant the process of the search for new work - are unpleasant competitions, interviews, questioning etcetera; it is unpleasant to think that instead of it they will prefer someone other. , in addition it frightens and the uncertainty, connected with the uncertainty of the working conditions at the new place, frightens the uncertainty of interrelations with the new association and the new authorities.
Just as Maxim fears the disintegration of relations in the "trusted to it section", he fears the disintegration of relations in the family. If are decomposed the premarital relations (which it, by the way speaking, and itself receives not always seriously) - this is offensive, this is shameful, this is painful, but this yet it doesn't matter; the present tragedy, when family is pulled down. At the moment of break precisely Maxim tries to be the initiator of reconciliation. But when reunification is impossible (in the extremely conflict situations), it falls into such desperation, which can go to the most exceptional measures.
Usually assuming the worse motivation in behavior of people, Maxim greatly does not love, when someone with respect to it enters dishonestly, not-pretty, unworthily go simply tactlessly. For example, even this, it would seem, trifle: To Maxim it is very unpleasant, when someone without the demand the beret of its thing. (to it indeed god he knows, what thoughts into the head will arrive, until it this thing searches for!) Maxims also do not sympathize with to those, who does not have a habit to in time return strange thing, his this person always pricks up ears. (incidentally, the Hamlet do not make possible for themselves to take strange thing without the demand, perhaps that only namerenno, by way of vengeance. For example: Hamlet- child decided "to punish" sestrenku and in the morning, its pioneer necktie hid before the output into the school; as a result it was late to the lesson and was obtained the observation - "punishment", calculated precisely for punctual and pedantic Maxim)
Maxims try to avoid the societies of people, capable to unpredictable behavior, extravagant tricks, eccentric jokes, familiarity, tactless drawings, in a word, all those, who are capable to cause inconveniences, to create additional problems, or it is simple to place him in the foolish and indecent position.
Maxims do not sympathize with to people, which prefer to achieve success lightly, Maxims do not love aggressive upstarts. Themselves they do not believe in the easy success. They consider that talent - this first of all labor.
They do not love, when their abilities or possibilities discuss. They do not love, when strange luck is placed to them in an example. They have no special liking "vezunchikov". The theme of the success and to vezuchesti in the presence of Maxim it is generally better not to discuss, since at this moment it will experience very discomfort and receive everything said exclusively as "stones into its vegetable-garden". The success in understanding of Maxim can be only in the labor and only deserved; everything else, in his opinion, is not more than adventure or the fake, which sometimes compulsorily will be opened.
The manufactured fakes, the podtasovannykh facts Maxims themselves greatly fear; they fear to be exposed, and they themselves fear to deceive for the same reason, since they are oriented to suspicious and penetrating Hamlet.
Therefore even in most awkward situation to Maxim to much more conveniently refer to some conventional position, to the certain objective information, for authenticity of which will answer someone another how sovrat' and take upon itself entire responsibility for consequences. (Maxim prefers to entrust to those facts, which are allowed to it, but for their authenticity, in his opinion, it must answer the one who them granted. If the manipulation of facts is advantageous to his system and is done from the approval of his authorities, Maxim can calculate this for himself by that by completely permitted - main thing, that for the authenticity of facts answers not he.)
Many troubles reaches to Maxim his habit to speak out maximally concretely, constantly explaining its thought if in the official report to him sometimes it is possible to be finished by general phrases, then in the particular conversation it sometimes blabs too much excess. But, fortunately it has similar of dual as Hamlet, who one only is capable to break Maxim from this dangerous habit. Usually after such "revelations" Hamlet sketches to Maxim the gloomiest prospects, the most terrible consequences of his rash words. Moreover, although they are not always to it they are pleasant, Maxim receives such warnings with the appreciation, since he understands, that the partner this makes not of the desire simply so to frighten him, namely from the fears for his life, its fate, its position in the system.
Maxims are not considered themselves trusting people and greatly they be surprised so that in spite of all efforts to be foresighted and farsighted, they from all possible versions for some reason select quite proigryshnyy. For some reason even with the most thorough analysis of their and strange errors they teach "more rapid than all to climb up into any trap". Sometimes precisely in the "trap" to Maxim is seen overcoming the deadlock - this evil joke plays with it its "problematic" intuition.
For this very reason Maxim greatly fears to be swindled, but frequently (especially in the youth) it becomes the victim of his own carelessness. For this very reason to it it is very important to be confident in the faithfulness, the honesty and the devotion of its nearest environment. To Maxim it is very important so that next to it there would be the man, to which he could completely entrust and upon which could rely as on himself (but under the extreme conditions, to which was oriented its social activity, this it is vitally necessary). Therefore nature itself to Maxim intended this partner in the person of his duala of Hamlet.
Specifically, Hamlet, subconsiously oriented to intuitive blindness and ethical lack of defense of Maxim, constantly is conducted its kind "cleaning" both in its nearest environment and in the environment of close and dear to it people. No suspicious personalities Hamlet in his nearest to circle will suffer, but if such appears in the environment of his partner, it will be immediately exposed and banished. It is sufficient least occasion so that Hamlet would imperatively require the break of relations with the suspicious subject: Hamlet will intrigue, gossip, tell tales, give false evidence, threaten, place ultimatum, but he will do everything on it depending so that relations dangerous for his friends would be torn without delay and irrevocably, i.e. it is irreparable damaged. ("immediately, here now, with me ring it and say that you desire to have with it anything in common! Otherwise with you more no one not will deal! Select - either he or we!")
It is understandable that precisely with this partner Maxim feels himself by thoroughly protected: they solve everything, think over and check for it in the ethical and intuitive plan, and it remains to make to it only that which is required from it. Only feeling this protection, Maxim can allow himself to be weakened, to become sociable, opened and raskreposhchennym in his words, behavior and relations, but, it goes without saying, his personal, confidential relations in this case will be limited only to closest circle, which, strictly, it as introverta completely arranges.
BLOCK OF SUPERID*SHCH-YA pozitsiya*Suggestivnaya function * the "ethics of emotions"
Greatly loves Maxim to live emotionally vividly and nasyshchenno. People with the agitated and rebellious soul, capable of assigning bright emotional sensations, of filling life please themselves it by strong, but pleasant experiences - without these sensations Maxim sufficiently rapidly turns sour, it becomes stiff and dull it sometimes feels himself by patient, sluggish, deprived of tone; it begins to be depressed, it falls into the hypochondria, the misanthropy.
Then Maxim feels himself magnificently under the gamletovskim emotional action - he blooms as the flower, washed by rain. It begins to literally sparkle by emotions.
Contact with dualizirovannym Maxim can deliver rare pleasure - most interesting collocutor, charming, ingenious, and what talented: both it sings and it will parody, and verses impromtu writes - fairy tale! (Dualizirovannye representatives of this type they have already long ago conquered general sympathies, after becoming the most popular film actors, that lead of popular and entertaining telecasts, by the captains of the strongest commands KVN.)
To Maxim it is very important so that its life would be filled with bright emotional events. It is rapidly charged by overall emotional lift, especially, if these are strong and sincere emotions. The sensation of the mass holiday, where he itself feels partly the general celebration, pleases itself it. Holidays with the bright entertainment rituals please themselves Maxims. They love the magnificently designed solemn ceremonies: the discovery festivals, Olympiads, celebration on occasion of adopting the oath. (latter - especially svyashchenno is trembling in this dyad: the union of Maxim and Hamlet - union of force and ideology. The ritual of oath, even for the children in the "maksimovskom-gamle-tovskom society" surrounds very solemnly as the holiday of devotion and faithfulness - qualities, which Maxim and Hamlet especially value.)
Maxim frequently experiences the need for the change of moods. Possibly therefore (especially in the absence of Hamlet) itself tries to assign emotional tone in its company. Sometimes, at the heighth of holiday, in nedualizirovannogo Maxim can suddenly arise the need of sharp sad sensations. (good, if in this case it itself sings or will play anything sad, and that indeed, the reliable case, can place to guests plate with the funeral march of Chopin. Similar trick can be expected, also, from Hamlet, but Maxim this most likely will make unconsciously - simply to him suddenly it was wanted to vzgrustnut')
The subconsious need for the change of moods, for the sharp emotional sensations, and also a constant need to see feelings of partner precisely for that form, in which it only is capable to examine them, makes sometimes Maxim with the unconscious initiator of the family scandals (in such a case, it goes without saying, if it does not live in the dual pair, where to it they do not usually give to be bored.)
It is very important to understand its this property, and, no matter how was to you expensive external peace and rest in the family (but it can be, precisely, for it), it is desirable to satisfy the need of the dear husband for the sharp emotional sensations, moreover by precisely those means, which it itself so obviously prompts, provoking to the scandal. (it is useful to recall that Maxim greatly respects force - one of the basic values of its sotsiotipa. Respects the skill to give rebuff of him sometimes namerenno to the severe or unreasonable requirements, with which it specially experiences its partner in order to verify his system of views and to be confident, that his partner is actually worthy. By this, possibly, is explained zadiristost' and pugnacity Maximov even in the early childhood: not only by the tendency to impose its system of relations, but also on the unique method of the search for duala, since by the same deficiency sin the small Hamlet)
Sincerity of the expression of feelings - one of the most important values of this dyad. Therefore present feelings Maxim visualizes precisely in the gamletovskoy interpretation. Present feelings, in the opinion of the terms of this dyad, must undergo the testing by pain and by suffering, which still more them ennobles, it makes with strong, properly beautiful and hardy. (moreover such tests they must undergo not one love alone, but also friendship, and the devotion to duty, and patriotism)
Maxim with its sensitive and critical power of observation convince precisely gamletovskiye emotions - sincere, thin their touching, their melancholy greatly it they locate, give food to its intellect; through them it obtains the most precise ethical orientation. ("me they immediately struck her eyes, I it searched for girl precisely with such eyes..." - Gleb Panfilov about Ina churikovoy)
No other partner, except Hamlet, is capable to convince Maxim of sincerity and depth of his experiences Hamlet - only, Maxim entrusts to whom completely.
BLOCK OF SUPERID*'-YA the pozitsiya*Aktivatsionnaya function * the "intuition of time"
Maxim, as all rational sensorikov, distinguishes supersaturation by the matters current time word combination the "current moment" - by itself already maksimovskiy term. Maxim constantly observes and analyzes the "current moment" (it draws graphs, it composes reports, are carried out conferences about the state of affairs "at the current moment").
The super-significance of the "current moment" holds it in constant stress, in a constant readiness to return all their forces into the name of the importance of the "current moment".
Is created impression, that in the life of Maxim there are no other temporary categories whatever, except the "current moment" - and this in reality thus. Formally it has an even abstract notion of the distant "bright future", into which, if it find within the framework of system, it looks relatively confidently, but about which, in reality, he thinks not more than about the the other world life. There is the near past, which still very recently was the "current moment" and from today's "current moment" it is differed only in terms of statistical indices. And there is another concept of the distant past, about which he knows by hearsay and even it is ready to this to believe, but it cannot judge itself, because this concept indicates everything which was to its generation; and from the moment of generation for it, in addition there is only "current moment".
The time of Maxim belongs to his work in the system; therefore its temporary categories are directly connected with the "temporary indices" of this system. Its own temporary orientators substitute by the orientators of the system, in which it works: the end of the block - beginning of block, the time of summer leaves, the beginning of change, operating time...
the "time of workday" belongs not to it, but to his matters and to responsibilities; it considers that the workday always exists how to fill, and it will allow neither itself nor subordinated to leave from the work it is earlier than the hour assigned (little whether, suddenly whose- or service still they will be required). Maxim knows how and loves to arrange testings by its subordinate: when they interceded to the work, when they left. If its workers too rapidly carry out standard, it can organize commission for the checking, make a time study, change plan, reduce valuations.
Being chronically incapable of the expectation within the framework of its particular life, within the framework of operating time Maxim it is ready to await as much, as will be required: to it nowhere to hurry, it already on the work.
The temporary attitudes of Maxim within the framework of system are determined by his position in it. It not will hurry authorities with decision making, but it will force subordinates to realize this solution within the "compressed periods" (of course requiring the high quality of the carried out work, although precisely it in this case will suffer). Maxim in its own way ignores time factor - it it substitutes by the factor of the "enthusiasm of the workers of masses".
Maxim itself is connected to that rhythm, which assigns production to it. It most efficiently works precisely in the compressed periods, which makes with its irreplaceable in the emergency situations.
For Maxim importantly indication it is timetable the fulfillment of work. If, for example, there is an instruction, according to which it is obligated to answer the demand within the two week period, this will be executed, but if he does not have those controlled it is timetable fulfillment, then occurs the fact that is called the "bureaucratic cruelty".
The time of Maxim is static, it for it does not change and it does not change it. No matter how were modified historical epochs, until in them there are systems of administration, Maxim will live and work within the framework of these systems. But when the epoch of the predominating hierarchies passes and Maxim falls out from the system, he lives out of the time: he does not see himself in the future and longs for the past. In this case he resuscitates the remainders of the pulled down systems, are restored their structural connections and it works within the framework of these connections, as they not were brittle, until its dual Hamlet fills them by new, corresponding to spirit of the age idea. And here then already Maxim will with the complete return strengthen and improve this system in order not only to inject it in the society, but also to make predominant in it. (example: the victory of Communists at the duma elections and their attempt to resuscitate THE USSR.) Global temporary orientators Maxim sees from the "supply" of his duala of Hamlet.
BLOCK ID*"-ya position * observant function *" business logic "
The aspect of "business logic" Maxim can be examined in two plans: relative to its position in the public system and relative to its position outside of it, i.e., in the sphere of particular initiative.
Work in the public system for Maxim undoubtedly is more preferable. And precisely in this direction he tries to apply the maximum efforts, while in the conditions of particular initiative to it to work is very difficult: and not only because from nature it is allotted by the weak intuition of possibilities, but also because the particular initiative contradicts its logical program, is placed it out of the system generally. Initiative out of the system is antisocial, this - criminal initiative (that also occurs, when Maxim falls out from the predominating social system. Contradicting itself against society, it automatically forms "anti-system").
Therefore in the social plan the business activity of Maxim is directed toward the improvement of his closed and static system and consists in the agonizing search for the solution of constantly vital problem - as to make this system of self-sufficient. Maxim sees its solution in the reasonable, valid and socially justified distribution of material goods on all levels of system hierarchy. In order to strengthen those levels, which they check and lead distribution, and to stimulate those, which produce these goods.
In this question Maxim - virtuoso neprevzoydenneyshiy. What stands only one such trick, as the "artificial creation of commodity scarcity"! Where you will disappear from the system and as will manage without the ration, if "beer - only for the members of trade union"?
Maxim knows how not only creatively "to drive in" into the system, it knows how to make it necessary in it to work. (half copeck coin price it would be entire it to volitional sensorike, and at the same time also to its entire structural- instructional logic, if it this did not know how!) All "methods of the economic stimulation" and of "material encouragement", all these "board of honor" and of the "window of satire", all these "flights" and "congresses" with the "special-canteen" - this entire the holiday of working enthusiasm, honor to the "front-rank workers of production" and to "innovators" (by the way, only by problematic intuition, not capable of seeing further the "current moment", it is possible to explain the introduction of the "proposals for improvement", which give doubtful immediate benefit, but which are inverted by ecological catastrophes) - all this not is more than the methods of the maximum use of internal reserves in the conditions of the closed hierarchical social system, by redistributing the material goods.
It does ask itself, and where the introduction of the advanced technologies, where the encouragement of particular enterprise? Under such social conditions "business logic" it falls into the region of the extruded values, it is presented, as the sphere of the personal interests, contradicted to the interests of society, and therefore harmful and dangerous for it.
The social role of "business logic" Maxim is evinced by development and introduction of the systems of economic stimulation and realization of control of the distribution of material goods.
(to the issues of verification Maxim relates with the special respect and considers proper and necessary the application of methods of control, also, to it very. , where the control is not achieved sufficiently thoroughly, Maxim is inclined to redistribute material goods taking into account his personal, first priority interests, correctly counting: if authorities then careless achieves control, which means, to it these "goods" not too are necessary, therefore, there is no large misfortune, if it receives less anything of these goods. In any case, dealing concerning Maxim, it is appropriate to remember that the system of a strict calculation and of its control in no way will offend.)
In private life the representatives of this type are sufficiently practical, they know how to distribute and to check family budget, but it is not always foresighted - after the small, immediate benefit do not see possible large losses in the future.
BLOCK ID*8-YA pozitsiya*Demonstrativnaya Of functions * "sensorika Of sensations"
The work, created by Maxim, always clearly demonstrates the strong, and weak sides of his sotsiotipa. Logically thought out, highly professionally executed, thoroughly studied in the details, it still without fail must be vividly ideologically or socially soriyentirovanno. The latter fact is especially important for Maxim, to whom it is difficult to create personally for itself, but it is easy for that, who orders this work to it.
The similar quality, inherent and demonstrative sensorike of Dreiser, explains by the fact that the demonstrative function more actively works not so much for the individual himself, as for the support to the naibolezneyshey function of his duala. Maxim can unsuccessfully reflect above the emblem of its own residency card, but it will rapidly and easily make this for the customer on the theme assigned to it. To Maxim to more easily design exhibition pavilion or holiday area, since there there is a concrete theme and symbols, than to develop the standard project of the apartment house, where there is neither symbolism nor thematics, and are only assigned parallelepiped, with which it is difficult to devise anything interesting, the manifestation of the weak intuition of possibilities. (architecture of the pavilions OF VDNKH - EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR - typical model of "maksimovskogo design.")
The aesthetics of Maxim is formed under the effect of sensoriki of the Dumases, but it is directed toward the "maintenance" of weak and vulnerable sensoriki of Hamlet. From the Dumases - its holiday refinement, from Hamlet - ideological fullness and the theatrical decorativeness (sufficient to recall decorative garlands from the vegetables- fruits, the wheaten ears and the tapes of the times of "Stalin empire style"); from himself Maxim adds the "aesthetics of force and order" - a strict symmetry and the monumentality of forms.
The aesthetics of Maxim - these are "the social phenomenon", this the aesthetics of his system, his epoch. Which, as has already been spoken, has an ability "to preserve" in the expectation of its hour, what is manifested in the unique "maksimovskom" retro "- the style, nostal'giruyushchem on the epochs of totalitarian systems. (in this plan and the "German empire style" of the 30th - the 40ths it is annual, and the "Stalin empire style" of the 30th - the 50th, that took as the model the military- totalitarian aesthetics of ancient-Roman empire, also they can be examined as the unique model of "maksimovskogo" retro ".) In our time "maksimovskoye retro" is manifested also in the mode - sport- business style in the spirit of the 30th, and in the popular music - the group "doctor Watson" (style of the 30th - the 50ths) and group "is". It is possible to assume appearance in the near future "maksimovskogo retro", the longing for the specific military style of "epoch stagnation".
Maxim - the "artistic decorator" of its epoch and its system - in this consists the social role of the demonstrative function of his intellect.