Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
I think you make valuable contributions to the forum. I don't know why you upset people so much, but it may have to do with phrases like "Well, that means that you are uneducated." It's strange that you use such phrases (and suffer the consequences), because you don't seem to habor any ill will towards anybody. Perhaps it's a habit you've picked up on these forums, because other people unfortunately say things like that too (?). People might accept those phrases from someone who represents the consensus view or is accepted by the group as an "authority." But when used by others, people don't take it well.
It's statements like "Well, that means that you are uneducated." too, but also his insistence on repeating his point of view over and over again. I think we can safely say "we've heard you alright!", can't we? It looks like he will keep bugging us until we finally give in and say he's completely right about his point of view that MBTI and Socionics are exactly the same. There seems to be no respect for other people's opinions, he does not agree to differ. At least not in his outward behavior. He does not seem to be very open to learn something new. I think such behavior is pathological: a psychologically healthy person would not be persistent in advocating a certain idea to an audience that doesn't want to hear it, but shrug, move on and do something worthwhile instead.

My personal guess is that his underlying cognitive schemas include a maladaptive schema on not being accepted by other people (social isolation and regarding himself as different and an outsider) and behaving in such a way as to perpetuate that schema.

Now normally I wouldn't say such harsh things (typically, but this is a site on Psychological Types, and I think my analysis is type-related. I think this kind of pathology is typical for INTp's