So, dream hitta felt the need to lie to you about who he was with.
And he and the-person-who-must-not-be-named were very happy together.

So, either your subconscious is trying to inform you that Hitta is cheating on you,
Or that the PWMNBN is cheating on you.
Or that Hitta has been wanting you to think he's been Gay for Rob, while actually being gay with PWMNBN.
Or that you are such a loser that even Hitta and PWMNBN can be in gay relationships but you can't yet.
Or that Hitta was trying to give Rob an alibi as a favor for Rob...but then, why would Rob need to give You an alibi?? Maybe Rob is cheating on you?? Or maybe Rob is so sick of you coming on to him that he's trying to get you to think he's already taken by Hitta.

Dude, you have some messed up dreams! Who needs soaps when we can just analyze your dreams??