Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
I have a whole set of dream superpowers that have developed over the years, from simple stuff that I assume that most people do, like flying (I have several different "types" or "ways" of flying) to stranger things like time warp abilities (where I can slow people/things down in my dreams in order to catch or evade them). I can also force myself awake from a dream with a burst of gathered up willpower if things get too sketchy, or do a sort of savegame reset where I can teleport myself out of a bad situation back to the "physical" beginning point of the dream. I use this when i find myself stuck inside a hallway or tunnel that dead ends, then turn around to see that it's sealed up behind me trapping me in. There are also recurring 4th dimensional "warps" to my dreamscape that I've learned to recognize and use (sometimes they mess me up though and leave me halfway across "town" with a few steps having to find my way back)
Cool! I have flown before, and developed the ability to wake myself up. Those 2 things I do as well, but not the other 2, teleporting or doing a reset. Maybe I'll have to practice! I do think it's related to people having some control over their brains while they sleep, and they can manipulate dreams.

Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
Jung interpreted dreams as 1. complimentary 2. compensatory 3. paralellel. He advocated a equilibrium of forces represented by the mandala. According to dictionary.com- mandala: (in Jungian psychology) a symbol representing the effort to reunify the self. If you examine your dreams look for symmetry or opposing forces in harmony. I interpreted my own dreams and I can find hidden symbols after reading Jung.
Interesting. I analyze my dreams very similarly, especially using 3) parallel. I can understand well the emotions that trigger events, how people see things as symbolic. Maybe I'll have to think more using complementary and compensatory too.

Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
What was really strange was falling in love with a different girl and at the pinnacle of feeling I started having uncontrollable flashes of my first high school crush. I had recently been in contact with her but I had no idea I had repressed emotions toward her. Its like she is buried deep in my subconscious laying domant until moments of elevated emotion. has anyone else experienced this? normal? strange? healthy? unheathy? regressive much?
I've experienced this too! My first crush way back from 8th grade, I would still have the occasional dream of her several years later, throughout high school.

I don't think it's unhealthy. I think it's normal. The person symbolizes a feeling to you, love, and your first experience with it is very powerful. As Sheryl Crow says lol, 'first love is the deepest'. Having recurring dreams of that person is more than normal, it's good! Shows you're human and can care/love someone deeply.

Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
I'm on a small island somewhere overcast and chilly, crouched behind a piece of rubble, a thick one this time.
Don't have much time left to enjoy this read but I'll be back later. At glancing though, what a cool dream!