I also had a dream where I was Harry Potter and I was looking for a lost Ginny Weasely, and I could see with microscopic vision that Lockhart had her imprisoned in a tiny tube while chasing her in the tube as a second personality while she had the similarities of a horse, and so i made a spell that summoned them, and fought with Lockheart brutally, perhaps more than necessary, and realized Ginny was being tended to by Hermoinie and others, as she was dazed, and they were checking to make sure she wasn't raped, (luckily she wasn't, and i was happy, but....) all I cared about was being on the lookout for Lockheart, and any other danger in the darkness, rather than comforting my beloved (in the dream I believe she represented someone I cared deeply for, and Ginny was my crush, in my dream).