I dreamt I had magical powers, which didn't seem to have any practical limit. I used them liberally -- when I wished to talk with someone on a balcony above me, I'd levitate up to them. When someone told me I stunk because I hadn't showered, I erased their memory of noticing it and saying it, then made myself clean. I had a sense that these abilities made life easy for me, and I was unconsciously resented for it. I lived in something like a castle, I think, except there was no king or ruler that I was aware of -- everyone who lived there lived with the ease of a courtier, but also was involved in caring for the castle and grounds. Anyway, we were all to attend a feast outside in the courtyard, under a pavilion. Before the feast began, I was walking there, perhaps helping prepare it, and I noticed that beside every seat for the attendees was another seat -- which I knew would be there to hold an apparition of one of the seven deadly sins most applicable to the person seated beside it. Though I took pride in my magical abilities/near omnipotence, I suspected that my real sin was envy or greed, I think, but that nevertheless, since the conjuration of the apparitions did not actually have to do with the genuine personality of the person involved, but rather the conjurer's impression of them, I would be given pride. This supposition was proven correct; at the feast there appeared a monster that represented pride. Anyway, I was seated beside an attractive girl, and I flirted with her. It was difficult to read her; she had a clever look, and I felt that she could see through my attempts to seem natural in the social environment, and perhaps also that she was able to tell when I used magic to cover/redo small mistakes I had made.

After the event, I realized I had a responsibility I needed to take care of. There was an alternative dimension where resided a vampiric monster that reminded me of the villain in Coraline -- though I think mine just abducted people and drank their blood. I entered this dimension, and felt my powers muted. I think the resemblance from Coraline came from that the vampire resembled somehow an enormous spider, she recognized when you entered the dimension, and she at first tried to make the place more appealing to lure you toward her. Anyway, I was treated to a giant parade in a sunny, wide dirt road -- in my honor: an attempt, as I said, to lure me toward her; she didn't know precisely who or where I was yet. The people in the parade appeared to me as insubstantial; my abilities and experience here allowed me to perceive them for the illusions they were. I was on guard when I met the vampire. She (due to past experience) saw me as a "friend" (she undoubtedly would have consumed me if she felt able to, but treated me hospitably in the meantime). She was weakened, having been unable to feed freely for too long. She guided me to a bunk bed, where she had two naked older teenage girls (17-19, I'd say) restrained. They were her only prisoners; she'd been unable to trap more for some reason. I felt I was unable to free the magically restrained girls, or kill the vampire by force, and that my only option was to starve her -- trapping her in this dimension, and evading her long enough for her to die. Anyway, even though she tried to treat me hospitably, her hunger kept overcoming her, and she kept attempting to bite my arm, and I had to swat her aside.

So the vampire was trying to string out these girls to last, and keep her alive as long as possible. I watched her beat the girl on the top bunk with her spider leg, drawing blood and then drinking. When she finished, the girl, who had a hand free, masturbated -- apparently enjoying being beaten. Since I perceived that the vampire would kill these girls either way, I suggested that the vampire drink all the blood of the girl on the bottom to replenish her strength, while I'd eat the girl on top, then I'd help the vampire attract more victims. I suspected the vampire knew I didn't eat people to survive, but she agreed, not having many options, being wary of me, and wishing to remain in my good graces. More importantly, I knew that after she drank the blood of an entire person, she'd go to sleep a while -- and while I wouldn't be able to kill her then, it would give me time to think of a plan. After the spider-vampire killed the girl on the bottom and lumbered off to sleep, I climbed to the top bunk, and told the girl I would be killing her (I had to, since I couldn't free her, and the vampire would just become stronger by eating her). She was aroused, and asked me to torture her before I did so. So I beat her and bit her and was thinking about fucking her before strangling her. That's when I woke up.