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    whenever my cat sleeps next to me, he's in my dreams with me. I wonder if I'm in his dreams too when that happens.

    @the first crush thing... it could also be an anima/animus thing. my first real female best friend + secret crush tends to take that role in dreams. sometimes it's this other girl, who I've never known irl, but swear that I saw on the bus one time. I couldn't stop staring at her, she probably thought that I was a total creep, but everything about her was exactly as she is in my dreams and I felt an incredible attraction to her. I kick myself for not saying something and trying to meet her.
    Last edited by bg; 11-25-2010 at 07:49 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
    Jung interpreted dreams as 1. complimentary 2. compensatory 3. paralellel. He advocated a equilibrium of forces represented by the mandala. According to mandala: (in Jungian psychology) a symbol representing the effort to reunify the self. If you examine your dreams look for symmetry or opposing forces in harmony. I interpreted my own dreams and I can find hidden symbols after reading Jung.

    As for myself I have lots of sex dreams which I think is compensatory . Aside from that I have re-occuring dreams of my first high school crush but oddly I never actually got to know her that well and am no longer in contact with her but I still randomly dream about her occassionally - strange that I likely know her better in my dreams than in real life - it is entirely subconscious. She is my dual too long before I knew what socionics was.

    What was really strange was falling in love with a different girl and at the pinnacle of feeling I started having uncontrollable flashes of my first high school crush. I had recently been in contact with her but I had no idea I had repressed emotions toward her. Its like she is buried deep in my subconscious laying domant until moments of elevated emotion. has anyone else experienced this? normal? strange? healthy? unheathy? regressive much?

    What I do not like about the subconscious and dreams is they always mean more to the dreamer than to anyone else - dream interpretation can be self-indulgent and self-absorbed. sorry if I'm being too honest. if I have a good dream I will share.
    That makes alot of sense. I had a dream every single night for 3 years about my dual. Now that we are together I rarely dream about him.

    I keep dreaming about boats now. Does anyone know what that means?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by twizzlestix View Post
    I keep dreaming about boats now. Does anyone know what that means?
    Since I don't feel like doing a serious analysis right now, it means you want to ride on a boat with T-Pain:

  4. #4
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    You can't say what something means to anybody else but yourself. Meaning is all within.... and so a baby means different things to different people.

    In difficult cultures they think that snakes mean a good thing. In other ones they think it's a bad omen. Who is right and who is wrong? nobody is..... it all depends on the individual.

    that's why you don't really need the outside world to validate your romantic relationships. nobody really can see inside your soul and heart and how good it is. they just see what they want to see and try to figure you out that way. but they don't really know.

    we all let other people effect us too much, don't you think?

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    if meaning is all within then let it out!

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    You can't say what something means to anybody else but yourself. Meaning is all within.... and so a baby means different things to different people.

    In difficult cultures they think that snakes mean a good thing. In other ones they think it's a bad omen. Who is right and who is wrong? nobody is..... it all depends on the individual.
    Yeah meanings are all different to everyone, but most of them are pretty similar. There are symbolisms in art and poetry, which is the subconscious, and they are all pretty universal. And actually, apparently there isn't any culture that does not have an innate fear of snakes. Apparently we've evolved to fear snakes.

    But yeah you're right, these things ultimately mean more to the dreamer than the interpretor.
    Last edited by Singu; 12-02-2010 at 04:54 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    You can't say what something means to anybody else but yourself. Meaning is all within.... and so a baby means different things to different people.

    In difficult cultures they think that snakes mean a good thing. In other ones they think it's a bad omen. Who is right and who is wrong? nobody is..... it all depends on the individual.

    that's why you don't really need the outside world to validate your romantic relationships. nobody really can see inside your soul and heart and how good it is. they just see what they want to see and try to figure you out that way. but they don't really know.

    we all let other people effect us too much, don't you think?
    Yes symbols take on different meanings to different people, and subjectivity is awesome.

    Objectivity is a great for certain things but romance/life/art it is not.... for laws/policies/work/academics/technical things objectivity rules.

  8. #8


    I remember this one dream where I was walking around in this area with buildings, green grass, and it was a sunny day. There was this fountain like they have in front of fancy office buildings, and there was this little platform by the fountain, I went to move towards the platform and it launched me into the air and I flew over this building, when I got to the top there were all these paths like at a water slide, and I got on one of them (while still flying through the air) and glided down the building. I remember being so obsessed by it and doing it over and over, and then the platform stopped working, and I remember trying really fucking hard to figure out what was wrong with my technique and why I couldn't launch myself into the air, eventually I got frustrated and then tried to walk up the building and it looked like a construction site, a bunch of support beams and rods, and impromptu stairways. Then I remember going through all of this stuff.

    The launch pads were really fun I remember, its hard to describe the exact experience but I'm not doing it justice, it was kind of like getting launched into the air and then gliding.

    Another dream I had a while back that was less fun and darker was I was near this seaside town on a vacation or something, it wasn't my home town and apparently there was this storm coming in. I was locked away in this industrial school building that was something like 20 stories high and eventually the storm came in and water surrounded the building so that half the building was underwater and the other half wasn't. The half that was underwater wasn't flooded, but you could see directly underwater and the water was all green and murky and the sky stormy. The windows were all rusted and it made creaking sounds and dripped like a leaky faucet. The thing that sucked was that while people weren't flooded since the building was so high, no one could leave the building until the storm passed.

    Finally another dream that was odd I had was in this building, I walked down this hallway that appeared much like a typical school building and there was this elevator. like the elevator you'd see on the bottom floor of a huge dormitory. I got on the elevator and pressed a floor, and when I arrived there it opened into this little hallway, I walked out of it and it eventually came into this white walkway that led to stairs and connected to another walkway that had glass rails and overlooked a lower floor like a department store, except instead of a department store there was this market/town there and this whole society on this floor. I remember there being some rally and the leader was crazy and I was trying to find the elevator to exit the floor but everyone was really creepy and watching me, and although it wasn't said I felt like I wasn't allowed to leave and something deeply strange was going on.

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    I had a dream once.

    I was walking through somebodies yard as a shortcut to getting home and a dog attacked me that was about half the size of a lion. It forced me on the ground and then put my arm down its throat up to about my elbow, but didn't bite down at all and just growled while holding my arm as if to restrain me and toy with me at the same time.

    Then a woman slowly walked outside and I screamed at her to try and get her attention. She didn't seem to notice me and kept slowly walking toward me with a pitch black face, so I gave up screaming. Then she put two more smaller dogs on the ground and slowly walked back inside without saying a word or giving any indication that she knew I was there. Then when she closed the door the other two dogs started growling. And I woke up.

    What does it mean?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Divided View Post
    I had a dream once.

    I was walking through somebodies yard as a shortcut to getting home and a dog attacked me that was about half the size of a lion. It forced me on the ground and then put my arm down its throat up to about my elbow, but didn't bite down at all and just growled while holding my arm as if to restrain me and toy with me at the same time.

    Then a woman slowly walked outside and I screamed at her to try and get her attention. She didn't seem to notice me and kept slowly walking toward me with a pitch black face, so I gave up screaming. Then she put two more smaller dogs on the ground and slowly walked back inside without saying a word or giving any indication that she knew I was there. Then when she closed the door the other two dogs started growling. And I woke up.

    What does it mean?
    The dog represents something obviously
    as does the lady
    also the shortcut, path, and yard

    what was the mood of the dream?
    how did it feel to take that shortcut before the dog came at you

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    Default Weird dreams. . .

    I don't know about the rest of y'all, but of late I've been having some odd dreams. . . and I still haven't been able to make sense of all of them. . .

    The first one, I was an adventurer/archeologist and the world had just discovered a new/old island that looked a lot like Ireland.. . they said that on the island that there was said to be a pink glowing ring that could restore the world to it's former glory. . . but to be careful, because you needed to awake the "good" people up first before putting on the ring. . . (so that you can be protected). It was said that only the true in heart could travel there. . . so I went searching. . . and found the island.

    While there I went to a lake that was misty from falls, but quiet underneath the falls. The water was clear and beautiful and there were huge bronze statues of Indians surrounding the water. It was a beautiful place and I thought, oh water. Something that I can drink! (Because I was thirsty)

    As soon as my foot hit the water the Indians came to life! They tried grabbing at me, and I got scared and so ducked into the water where there at the bottom I saw a glowing pink jewel. . . without thinking I grabbed it and started running for the hills. The Indians kept following me until I looked down and saw that in the jewel there was a pink ring! Scared to death I put on the ring, and instantly the clumsy bronze statues turned into evil looking fairies. . .

    I had been told that the ring could protect you from the fairies, but that it could not protect anyone else around you. . . so I ran towards the hills to try and figure out how to awake the good people. . .

    One of the bad fairies was a man my age and one day when I went to the water we got to talk. . . I was surprised that he wasn't trying to take the ring from me. . . but he realized that it was futile. He said that all his life he just wanted to be loved, but that when people started screaming at him he knew that all he was was bad. So he had become a bad fairy.

    He said that I was the only person that he could talk to and not worry about hurting because I had the ring. . . slowly and surely I grew to care for the "bad fairy" because I knew that he didn't want to be bad. . . but he was just bad, and couldn't help himself. . .

    Finally, he was brought over to the good side and he ended up telling me where the good people were that could restore the island and the world. The other bad fairies were mad at him and tried to kill him. . . but I kept him safe.
    Finally, when we had awoken the last good person they all joined together and told me that the restoration of the island depended on a decision that I would have to make. . . kill the bad fairies to restore the island, or, rid the world of the ring forever and no one would ever know true happiness. . . .

    It was hard for me and I told them I needed time to consider the offer. . . I went to the reformed bad fairy and told him what had happened. . . he said that he knew it would happen this way and that he was ok with dying. That for once in his life, maybe he could actually do something good. . . but I said that I didn't want him to die for doing the right thing. . . and he looked at me and said: "sometimes doing the right thing takes sacrifice, and I would rather die doing the right thing, then live doing the wrong thing. . . "

    It was sad. . . I tied up the other bad fairies. . . putting them on a boat while he sat waiting for us to get to the middle of the ocean. There I drowned the other fairies, and then when it was his turn, I didn't want to. . . but he said that it was ok. To not cry for him but to smile when I saw others happy. . . and that whenever I saw a rainbow in the sky, to remember him. . . with one last look, I drowned the only person I had felt a personal connection with. . . and then watched as the rest of the world rejoiced. . . . it wasn't fair, and yet, it was good. . .

    The second dream starts out with my being a princess in a castle with a large family and lots of servants. The kingdom was bright and happy (from a distance) and then a shadow crosses over the land. There's a sense around my family that seems to be trouble. . . like you can feel how scared they are of something. So we decide to flee from from the Kingdom.

    When we get to the woods we stop to picnic. I then go out on my own to pick berries. When I come back I see that these knightish/red color flagish people are attacking my family and servants! I get scared so I dig a hole and pile leaves on top of me. Finally after about two days they leave thinking that I am dead.

    I then remember that we were on our way to an old woman's house and my father had told me how to get there. So somehow (I skip the journey in my dream) and end up at this old woman's house. It's out in the middle of the country and there are large puddles in the yard. She tells me to come in, that I was expected, so I do and I sleep there that night. The next morning, I go out to go for a walk and the puddles from the day before had turned into walls of water surrounding the entire house. But you could stand on the porch and not get wet. It made me feel scared. But the old woman said that it kept us safe from the bad people. She promised me that one day she would tell me everything and that I would know all.

    The years went by and I stayed there protected by the walls of water and sustained by her, but then one day she had a stroke, and in her hand was a secret scroll. She said that it would teach me how to fight the bad people and win. And with her dying breath she told me to take the scroll and read it so that that the words inside of it could keep me safe. So when she died I took the scroll and read it. When I went out to the porch the next day, the water had turned into large puddles again. The walls of water were gone. (Like the walls of water and the old woman were somehow connected.)

    I decided to stay at the house for a while so that I could read and learn what the scroll had to say. Once I felt like I had learned it all I decided to venture out and find out why my family was killed out in the woods.

    Back at the woods my family was killed a red rider (like before) was going after a blue one. The blue rider was about to be killed until I stepped in and killed the red rider that was trying to kill the blue rider. Then the blue rider asked me to ride with him so that we could help protect each other. Over time we became friends and I learned that his purpose was to try and protect the "innocent people" (not blue or red rider) from the red riders.

    After becoming very close, one night he tells me that he had used to be a red rider and that he had killed many people from a kingdom far away. I asked him: "what kingdom?" And he describes to me my family and how he was ordered to kill them. (He doesn't know that they were my family) so he says: "one of the girls escaped, and it was said that she would restore peace between the red and the blue riders."

    I was confused for I had thought that the blue soldier was good. . . but he had killed my family. I wasn't sure what to do. . .

    And then the dream ended. . .

    Great ending, huh?

    So if anyone could help make sense of these dreams for me I'd appreciate it!

    Oh, and feel free to post your weird dreams too!

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    my opinion: They're both about the EIE dude you wrote about. You don't know if he's good or bad, if he can be "converted" or how much you can trust him. You're conflicted about giving him up (drowning him) and about trusting him. He's both the bad fairy you befriended and the blue rider.

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    I'm waiting for Trevor answer

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    Obviously, the first dream indicates that you have some ******-like tendencies; namely, you wish to kill all homosexuals (i.e., "fairies") in order to make the world a better place. The second dream only strengthens this interpretation: it suggests that you loathe socialists (i.e., "Reds" or "red riders") and are prepared to side with conservative elites (i.e., "blue-bloods" or "blue riders") to stop the former, no matter how murderous the latter may be. Scary stuff.

    More seriously, dream interpretation is inherently problematic because dreams rely on the various random associations we've formed -- based on our individual experiences -- being activated at the same time. In other words, the characters or events in our dreams are likely to have some unique significance for us that they don't have for other people. This might seem self-evident, but some people believe that aspects of our dreams have universal significance, so that a spider in one person's dream means the same thing as in another's. In any case, both of your dreams have some thematic similarities that might be meaningful. For example, in both you are faced with a moral dilemma (specifically, about how you should act towards a morally questionable character), are protected from evil by a magical object, rely on the advice of good people to determine your actions (the old woman being the good person in the second dream), and are destined to combat evil (this is probably standard in many people's dreams, as we were all exposed to fairy tales using this plot device when we were young).

    There are a lot of possible interpretations for these themes. For example, perhaps you subconsciously doubt that what you've been told about right and wrong is true (the bad fairy was a decent guy, but the blue rider was a murderer), but are unsure of your ability to discern whether particular people are good or bad. Or perhaps you want moral simplicity, a clear line between good and bad (your dreams start out with a clear delineation between the two), but always find ambiguity and confusion (your dreams end without a satisfying conclusion). However, I don't think that dream interpretation is any more meaningful than interpreting tea leaves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    I'm waiting for Trevor answer
    I dream about being in mountains quite a lot. In fact, i dreamed that i was on a mountain just last night. Me, an ENTj, an ISFj, and no one else.

  16. #16


    I think I will give you an analysis of these dreams, but first I must fetch coffee......

  17. #17


    The search for the ring on the island represents an era of self-inquiry in which you find your true self. The ring represents a symbol of power, of self-power/self-esteem/willpower.

    When you find the ring you come across good fairies and bad fairies these represent the angels and demons of your spirit, the good and bad aspect of your nature or moreover your reality (could be the good and bad in the world around you).

    The bronze indian statues represent the primal aspects of yourself (hence native people), statues represent ruinic still expressions. Hence the bronze statues coming to life represent the release of suppressed primal energy that was awakened by you regaining your sense of willpower and vitality.

    This released energy created a manifestation of ill will (i.e. bad fairies) that had to be stopped, your better nature, the "good fairies" was telling you that.

    This lead to a personal conflict... do you destroy the negative aspects of yourself and keep your self-esteem/willpower or do you choose to remain powerless and keep your higher spirit (both good and bad) forever trapped and suppressed.

    This conflict lead to the presence of a meditator archetypal character.... the "reformed" indian, he served as a spiritual consoler to help you in your decision, he willfully submitted to your better nature, so that it did not seem not seem bad or murderous to kill the bad fairies.

    Finally water is a universal symbol in many things, it represent life and vitality. Children are born in embriotic fluid, all live evolved from the water. Its generally associated with feminine/motherly emotion, healing, depth, and restoration.

    Notice you found the ring at the bottom of the ocean.... this represented finding your willpower as you entered into a state of emotional awareness. Notice you drowned the bad fairies, cleansing them in the water, purifying your soul of evil, and notice finally the island is surrounded by water on all sides.... being a place abundant in soul energy.

    I think thats what this is about.... just don't go on a moral crusade in real life thinking you need to cleanse bad fairies....

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    The search for the ring on the island represents an era of self-inquiry in which you find your true self. The ring represents a symbol of power, of self-power/self-esteem/willpower.

    When you find the ring you come across good fairies and bad fairies these represent the angels and demons of your spirit, the good and bad aspect of your nature or moreover your reality (could be the good and bad in the world around you).

    The bronze indian statues represent the primal aspects of yourself (hence native people), statues represent ruinic still expressions. Hence the bronze statues coming to life represent the release of suppressed primal energy that was awakened by you regaining your sense of willpower and vitality.

    This released energy created a manifestation of ill will (i.e. bad fairies) that had to be stopped, your better nature, the "good fairies" was telling you that.

    This lead to a personal conflict... do you destroy the negative aspects of yourself and keep your self-esteem/willpower or do you choose to remain powerless and keep your higher spirit (both good and bad) forever trapped and suppressed.

    This conflict lead to the presence of a meditator archetypal character.... the "reformed" indian, he served as a spiritual consoler to help you in your decision, he willfully submitted to your better nature, so that it did not seem not seem bad or murderous to kill the bad fairies.

    Finally water is a universal symbol in many things, it represent life and vitality. Children are born in embriotic fluid, all live evolved from the water. Its generally associated with feminine/motherly emotion, healing, depth, and restoration.

    Notice you found the ring at the bottom of the ocean.... this represented finding your willpower as you entered into a state of emotional awareness. Notice you drowned the bad fairies, cleansing them in the water, purifying your soul of evil, and notice finally the island is surrounded by water on all sides.... being a place abundant in soul energy.

    I think thats what this is about.... just don't go on a moral crusade in real life thinking you need to cleanse bad fairies....
    That was fucking cool! How do you know all that? I've been dreaming of swimming a lot lately actually. I feel like I've turned a corner the last few months and putting a lot of old demons to rest. What you said makes a lot of sense to me.

    I had a dream a few weeks back that me and my boyfriend were on the beach holding hands running towards the water, we were looking at each other with big smiles on our faces. It was pure gay. He's my dual.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Eye of the Potato View Post
    That was fucking cool! How do you know all that? I've been dreaming of swimming a lot lately actually. I feel like I've turned a corner the last few months and putting a lot of old demons to rest. What you said makes a lot of sense to me.

    I had a dream a few weeks back that me and my boyfriend were on the beach holding hands running towards the water, we were looking at each other with big smiles on our faces. It was pure gay. He's my dual.
    Hehe thanks,

    I'm sure some people may or may not disagree with my interpretation, if you see my name, at one point in my life I was really big into dream analysis and so forth.

    Water is just a typical symbol in dreams, I guess to really understand it, you have to dig pretty deep and find out what water really means to you as a person. Usually most people are oblivious to this level of depth attributed to things, water is just water, you drink it, you pee it out, etc.... but how do you feel about it, like deep down in the soul???? most people don't know. If you can begin to understand that then you'll understand what it means in your dreams, for each and every symbol. Reading dream dictionaries are good, but you can't overfixate on the logic behind it, sometimes a symbol can mean different things in different circumstances, sometimes it means different things to different people, etc.

    The beach usually represent the border between emotional depth and spirit and grounded reality. It represents the border between your typical life on the ground and the depths of one's emotions. Running towards the water may represent approaching a point your realtionship were you feel more and more intimate, partaking in deeper emotion together. Smiling represents this journey being positive -- overall this could mean you have a positive evalulation of your relationships and its growth towards deeper intimacy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Eye of the Potato View Post
    That was fucking cool! How do you know all that? I've been dreaming of swimming a lot lately actually. I feel like I've turned a corner the last few months and putting a lot of old demons to rest. What you said makes a lot of sense to me.

    I had a dream a few weeks back that me and my boyfriend were on the beach holding hands running towards the water, we were looking at each other with big smiles on our faces. It was pure gay. He's my dual.
    Hehe thanks,

    I'm sure some people may or may not disagree with my interpretation, if you see my name, at one point in my life I was really big into dream analysis and so forth.

    Water is just a typical symbol in dreams, I guess to really understand it, you have to dig pretty deep and find out what water really means to you as a person. Usually most people are oblivious to this level of depth attributed to things, water is just water, you drink it, you pee it out, etc.... but how do you feel about it, like deep down in the soul???? most people don't know. If you can begin to understand that then you'll understand what it means in your dreams, for each and every symbol. Reading dream dictionaries are good, but you can't overfixate on the logic behind it, sometimes a symbol can mean different things in different circumstances, sometimes it means different things to different people, etc.

    The beach usually represent the border between emotional depth and spirit and grounded reality. It represents the border between your typical life on the ground and the depths of one's emotions. Running towards the water may represent approaching a point your realtionship were you feel more and more intimate, partaking in deeper emotion together. Smiling represents this journey being positive -- overall this could mean you have a positive evalulation of your relationships and its growth towards deeper intimacy.
    Last edited by Eye of the Potato; 08-04-2011 at 02:18 PM.

  21. #21

    Default Two Strange Dreams

    So these are just some strange dreams I had last night, so I thought I'd share:

    First one I was at an apartment complex and things were feeling a little empty. My sleep schedule in real life has been a little crazy so I've been waking up at nights. I was at an apartment complex and I was up at night, I went outside and the surrounding terrain felt like a desert and no one was out and seeing all the car's lined up was a bit depressing or something. I was walking around the complex just feeling lonely and empty but regardless I had to pay rent or take care of some paperwork task. So I walked down to the central office where the pool was. I went to the office and low and behold no one was around and I tried to get in somewhere but I didn't have a key. However there was like an open mailroom and people were sorting letters. There was this 40 yr old chick there that works at the job I have and she was sorting mail. She asked me if I need anything. This 40 yr old chick in particular has never talked to me but she has like given me flirty looks or something, I think mainly for attention because shes old and thinks it reflects well on her youth if she can be interesting to a younger man. Anyways when she was asking me for mail she loaded all her questions with innuendos and I responded while at the same time asking about my mail. She said it should have already been at my apartment so I was annoyed and decided to walk back to my apartment. On the way I entered in through the pool gate and had some items with me. Then a fat lady that was part of the management staff, a chubby annoying rule-oriented type stopped me and started to tell me its night and they have rules and I couldn't enter in that way and she needed to inspect all my items first to make sure I wasn't breaking in. I paused for a second, and remember at this point in the dream I was so annoyed the lonely empty mood and the fact I needlessly walked out to the office to find my mail which annoyingly was elsewhere that at this point I could have cared less. So I just told her no and started to walk in the gate anyways she tried to physically grab my stuff, so I grabbed it back. Eventually there was like a family with a group of boys that were watching and they started to cheer for me that the lady should let me in. She still persisted and then the boys started to circle her and annoy her, I then grabbed my stuff and jumped into the pool. At this point the lady freaked out and jumped into the pool after me and things got all weird. The boys jumped into the pool after her and she got all crazy and got on a jet ski and rammed one of the boys against the wall, effectively killing him, but in the dream he didn't bleed by faded away and evaporated. She then went after me so I swam under the surface since the jet ski couldn't dive. I didn't run out of air, but eventually she realized this and her jet ski could like dive after me. So I kept dodging her, eventually the single jet ski became multiple jet skis so in the dream I would time it and grab one jet ski and divert its direction to ram into another, they kept splitting up and coming after me so I kept hurling them at each other and knocking jet skis together. It makes little sense but that was the first dream.

    The second dream I woke up on Sunday and drove down to get food in the morning, I was feeling a little bored and depressed because it was Sunday and also I was unenthused about eating (same food as always) and driving around (all the parking lots and malls seemed very boring and all the same). There was a kite festival and the day was overcast, but instead of being a grand spectacle it was a bunch of people lined up on the sidewalks with shitty kites, mainly kids with their parents and was more annoying than anything. I made a kite out of a street sign and when I was driving by transferred it to some kid on the side without a kite lol? Idk makes no sense. I then returned to my apartment. I was eating salt and vinegar chips which tasted awful and thought they were old so I threw them in the garbage disposal and started to think about how I should buy some more. Then for some reason there was this chick in my place that was a blonde and I was watching her have sex or something, she was a whore, and I was just sitting there and I didn't really feel like fucking, I was just in a meh mood. My friend which resides in new orleans then came into the door. He was all excited and the single chick became two and I told him he could have both, he then started to fuck both and then tried to encourage me to have sex with one of them. I went up to one of the chicks and she disappeared lol. I then proceeded to air fuck one of the chicks for like 30 seconds before finally admitting to my friend that she wasn't real. He told me he could see her but I couldn't so I just gave up and I felt shitty. He then told me what about that one girl I originally had in my place (the blonde or something). I know details are fuzzy it was a dream, he said she was a good chick for me and we should find her at the apartment and talk to her. So we left, we walked around the complex but eventually my friend got ahead of me and in the distance I could hear dogs or hounds, and my friend shout something only slightly worried. So I went back to my place, then around the doorway three wolf like looking dogs bolted into my room. The started to bark, and I climbed up the door and smeared my feet on the door and hung from it. The dogs started to knip at my heels and I would have to like kick them in the snouts to prevent them from grabbing me and pulled me down. I started to rock the door as I hung from it and it started to hit the dogs. They frantically moved in and out and I timed it to shut out them out. Eventually my doors then became these massive double doors. Eventually I was able to manipulate them to move outward from my place with a giant shield around me. I could see a bunch of dogs all around the door ready to strike but they couldn't get me, when I would manipulate the doors wrong there were gaps and the dogs would charge and I'd quickly have to seal it. Then a giant horse came running around the corner and charged the door it then became a fence like door and it got tangled up in it and started to violently kick around. I stood back only opportunistically jumping in to try to tame it, and eventually the horse meshed with the fence magically and then my friend came back I remember commenting on it. Then not knowing what to do with the door I remember commenting about giving it to a great white shark because they could eat metal. I then morphed to some aquarium and remember dropping the door with the horse on it in the tank and seeing the great white devour it. I woke up.

    Both are strange dreams.....

    I had another a day before where I was at some bar/cafe and I was sleeping and this guy from high school that knew this one girl I only faintly knew (I don't remember who, I just remember in the dream I apparently faintly recalled the person) came up and he told me she had sex with this guy recently. I remember shrugging and thinking "I don't care" or finding it strange he told me. I then went back to sleep. I then got woke up again and told again by another friend of this friend about it. Once again, strange but I went back to sleep. Then I remember an old trumpet teacher of mine waking me up, he told me something like "I don't think you understand" and he explained the conditions of them having sex as her being forced or something and kind of was being subtle and hinting in his tone. I remember waking up and being put into action, although immediately after I was thinking what was I supposed to do? This happened a while back. I walked outside and I was in some city, and the guy that originally contacted me was walking around the city lost and asking people. I came up to him and offered to helped, he seemed to like it. We then set out to find this guy and I took the lead. I remember feeling a bit odd like "what was the point, I don't know these people, I didn't really even know the girl beyond her name, and I can't really change what happened, and so forth" but oddly the guy seemed to be really happy I was helping so I kept walking around the city completely lost. I then remember this plane landing down and all these people gathered around and the plane had a school bus as its core. A football team got off and they guy who raped the girl was apparently a major celebrity and was a lot more likeable than I was and I remember thinking "fuck this is going to be next to impossible". He walked out and we were awkwardly standing there so instead of directly confronted him for some reason we pretended to be the luggage persons to afford us the opportunity to talk to him in a more private venue. The dream then changed to a montage of the football team leaving the plane and getting cheered at while we started to unpack the luggage from the plane. I remember feeling like really weak, in dreams were you feel like you are moving so slow and its a lot of effort to walk. There were all these cameras and the athletes were like stretching and drinking gatorade and promoting it, and the head quarterback which apparently raped the girl looked like biff tannen from back to the future. Then I remember waking up in the middle of the luggage montage.

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    Your dreams signify changes in your life. Your first dream says you're leaving your former life as you know it. I'm going to comment on rest some other time.

  23. #23


    So I had another series of dreams last night that I briefly recall;

    One I was at some house and we, me and my family, since I saw them yesterday, were fixing a house up (my sister is actually moving into a house with her husband and they are fixing it up). In specific there were four pool at the house that needed to be cleared and cleaned. The mood of the dream was pretty dark, it was at night, and felt almost manor-ish and gothicy/vampiry or something, pretty lonely and empty. The pools themselves were relaxing and moon-like, with lights and fluctuations. Also at some other point in the dream I ran across some magazines that were marketed toward young people, they added sections with sexually explicit pictures of women and talking about sex, there were all these adds for porn sites on those pages though so I remember thinking it was just a scam to exhort money. The rest of the details are fuzzy.

    I think the pools are supposed to represent the subconscious emotions, the fact they are not especially deep as compared to a vast deep dark ocean suggests that these subconscious emotions I'm facing are relatively manageable. The fact I was cleaning and revealing the pools suggest that I may be currently undergoing changes associated to purging negativity and revealing feelings. The fact they are pools for recreation suggest relaxation which I've been doing lately, I've been tired at work and sleeping a lot. I think my brain may be in a cycle of rest and reordering, also recently I've been feeling very vertigo like and I've been training really hard at things. I think these dreams represent changes, relaxation, and restructuring.

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    Default Analyze my dream

    Analyze my dream:

    So I'm a native american running through the fall forest with my loin cloth and tomahawk, running alongside my tribe friend. Then at one point we are running through the forest and he finds a metal hatch in the ground and says, "come check this out!"

    so he opens the hatch and we climb down inside.

    next thing I know I wake up in this buddhist/shinto shrine. I sit up out of bed, rice walls, rice mats on the floor, in a robe, sandals on the wardrobe at the foot of the bed. I put on the sandals and I walk out the door into the building's main hallway. Accompanying me is that awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake.

    its a spa, of some sort. Wooden floor, just at the end of the hallway is the entrance to a wooden sauna/hottub room kinda thing. In the middle of the hallway is this large skeleton creature who is slow moving, and looks like yoshimitsu's face (from tekken 2), except his rice hat was a lot bigger.

    He slowly looks up at me, looking unthreatening, and then out of nowhere his eyes start glowing and I just get scared, so I start running. Behind me are these flaming faces that are screaming and chasing me.

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing. I pause for a minute as it fills me with peace. Then I resume running the fuck away. I kneel down, go into the crawl space. It takes me to this dark midnight blue stone hallway, with the light blue stain glass windows along the right edge. I'm running down the hallway, but at the same time this hallway is underneath a boardwalk, and i'm running along the beach. Just outside the boarwalk, are a bunch of old men on crosses, who are burning alive as i can hear them sizzling. One of them says, "it is neither good nor life" as he begins to have a near death experience. He was regretting his involvement with the cult. These men belonged to the cult inside of the building I just escaped from.

    Last edited by Azure Flame; 12-13-2013 at 12:22 AM.
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    Wanting to become a new person? Chasing away from old patterns (the cult) I don't know...
    Never make a promise when your happy, a decision when your angry

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Analyze my dream:

    So I'm a native american running through the fall forest with my loin cloth and tomahawk, running alongside my tribe friend. Then at one point we are running through the forest and he finds a metal hatch in the ground and says, "come check this out!"

    so he opens the hatch and we climb down inside.

    next thing I know I wake up in this buddhist/shinto shrine. I sit up out of bed, rice walls, rice mats on the floor, in a robe, sandals on the wardrobe at the foot of the bed. I put on the sandals and I walk out the door into the building's main hallway. Accompanying me is that awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake.

    its a spa, of some sort. Wooden floor, just at the end of the hallway is the entrance to a wooden sauna/hottub room kinda thing. In the middle of the hallway is this large skeleton creature who is slow moving, and looks like yoshimitsu's face (from tekken 2), except his rice hat was a lot bigger.

    He slowly looks up at me, looking unthreatening, and then out of nowhere his eyes start glowing and I just get scared, so I start running. Behind me are these flaming faces that are screaming and chasing me.

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing. I pause for a minute as it fills me with peace. Then I resume running the fuck away. I kneel down, go into the crawl space. It takes me to this dark midnight blue stone hallway, with the light blue stain glass windows along the right edge. I'm running down the hallway, but at the same time this hallway is underneath a boardwalk, and i'm running along the beach. Just outside the boarwalk, are a bunch of old men on crosses, who are burning alive as i can hear them sizzling. One of them says, "it is neither good nor life" as he begins to have a near death experience. He was regretting his involvement with the cult. These men belonged to the cult inside of the building I just escaped from.

    I think, the best way to analyze a dream is to do it yourself.
    Whenever I have an extremely vivid dream I write it down in a journal and while writing I get some ideas what it could mean.

    I don't know in what kind of life situation you dreamed this dream. You are the only one who knows that and so you are the only one who has the ability to fully understand your dream.
    I also don't know whether all those details like the appearance of the shrine play a big role. Emotions in dreams play a bigger part and what I can see here is: curiosity => "awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake" (Feeling strange? Like you want do something, but cannot because it would be a disturbance? Is that it?) => fear/panic => a moment of peace => again fear? (What have you felt when you ran away for the second time?)

    As you are Christian yourself, I can tell you the following: There are nightmares and nightmares... Some are caused by your subconscious and some are caused by something different, namely the invisible realm. They can come from God or from demons. Those kind of dreams are often the ones you can remember the best, even after years have passed.
    I have developed a certain awareness for demons in my dreams. I know when they are there. It feels like someone else is manipulating the dream and someone else is also part of the dream. Usually all people in my dreams are either people I know in real life, so they are created from my memories, or people are parts of me, which means I can switch between point of views. But sometimes there is another creature in my dream I have no influence on. It's chasing me or searching for me and my emotions turn into horror and desperation. I don't run away from monsters in my dreams anymore. I face them and start praying or even singing a worship song and usually I wake up then. Sometimes I can't get myself to that point though and it gets really dark and scary. I had this dream about a girl who was eating needles and pins (strange, that reminds me of the last verse of a song by Genesis called "Fly on a Windshield": As the song and dance begins, the children play at home with needles, needles and pins There was also a blindfolded child and another gagged child in that dream and a haggard old woman who was scaring me to death. After having this dream I felt depressed for a few days. Usually dreams shouldn't have such an impact on emotions, I think. :/

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    Geez even your dreams are filled with so many sensory experiences. Mine are just about family and friends
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing.
    sx/so imagery ftw

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Analyze my dream:

    So I'm a native american running through the fall forest with my loin cloth and tomahawk, running alongside my tribe friend. Then at one point we are running through the forest and he finds a metal hatch in the ground and says, "come check this out!"

    so he opens the hatch and we climb down inside.

    next thing I know I wake up in this buddhist/shinto shrine. I sit up out of bed, rice walls, rice mats on the floor, in a robe, sandals on the wardrobe at the foot of the bed. I put on the sandals and I walk out the door into the building's main hallway. Accompanying me is that awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake.

    its a spa, of some sort. Wooden floor, just at the end of the hallway is the entrance to a wooden sauna/hottub room kinda thing. In the middle of the hallway is this large skeleton creature who is slow moving, and looks like yoshimitsu's face (from tekken 2), except his rice hat was a lot bigger.

    He slowly looks up at me, looking unthreatening, and then out of nowhere his eyes start glowing and I just get scared, so I start running. Behind me are these flaming faces that are screaming and chasing me.

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing. I pause for a minute as it fills me with peace. Then I resume running the fuck away. I kneel down, go into the crawl space. It takes me to this dark midnight blue stone hallway, with the light blue stain glass windows along the right edge. I'm running down the hallway, but at the same time this hallway is underneath a boardwalk, and i'm running along the beach. Just outside the boarwalk, are a bunch of old men on crosses, who are burning alive as i can hear them sizzling. One of them says, "it is neither good nor life" as he begins to have a near death experience. He was regretting his involvement with the cult. These men belonged to the cult inside of the building I just escaped from.

    Evaluation of your recent spirituality themed interactions by subconscious.
    Going down the "rabbit hole".
    Evaluating it as people "not having anyone home" - not being conscious, being scary demons and heathens that are going to regret their ways...

    Run mothafucka...

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    It was pretty abstract...

    The was a huge bridge made of red, yellow, white and blue legos. The bridge spanned a large body of water and connected two cities. It was the prize possession of the man who built it but he wanted to blow it up and leave the past behind. He told me if the bridge was gone he would not be able to return to the past again. I was trying to talk him out of destroying it because it was amazing to look at.

    We were all sitting at a bar and the man's mother and ex-gf were there, but in the background. The ex kept shooting me dirty looks and I could tell she was jealous even though she had no reason to be. She was also making snide remarks under her breath so I finally told her to say what was on her mind or leave us alone. I said I wasn't going to try and read her mind because I didn't have the energy for that, nor did I want to.

    The mother looked like an old actress from the 70s I think.


    She told the girl to leave with her and let me continue talking to her son. She was concerned about him and thought I could help. When they were leaving the mother gave me one of the warmest hugs I have ever felt and then they left.

    Next I am in a huge old car with the guy and another couple and someone walks over to the car. We were suspicious of them..thought they were cops. It turned out they thought the same about us but finally we were sure that everything was ok, so they gave us some molly in capsules. Everybody took one but I took three and they started asking if I could handle it. I said of course I can. Then my sister was standing there upset with me for taking so much. I didn't want to be bothered with her so I "poofed" her away in a cloud of smoke. Then I spent the rest of the dream rollin'.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I had a nightmare of this board in which everyone kept attacking me with super mean things ;_; Does this mean I should stop coming here again?
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aivonaima View Post
    I had a nightmare of this board in which everyone kept attacking me with super mean things ;_; Does this mean I should stop coming here again?
    I'd like to comfort you, but that dream is actually within the realm of possibilities ^^

    That said; maybe it means that to grow your personal understanding of socionics you need to be attacked by all different types from the socion! It's your spirit-guide telling you need to behave like AzureFlame and attain "enlightned wisdom" at the expense of your reputation and mental soundness.

    Are you rather a happy pig or a unhappy socrates?

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    I am the chick, Freya, from "Witches of East End" and I am about to be honored for something and it is also an engagement party. While waiting to accept an award, my future sister in-law asks about my religion and makes a comment about where I will go when I die. I announce that I believe in reincarnation so it doesn't matter.

    She gets so angry and starts bombarding me "you will go to hell for that." I leave her and go to change and prepare to accept the award. While I am gone she rallies the old people against me and starts shuffling them out the door. My step-dad (he's dead) say's "looks like you annoyed a few people." He asks if need help packing up so we could leave now. I tell him, "no I got this. You go on."

    I am getting my stuff together to leave and I see my "fiance" (no clue who he is in real life) He is walking toward me and he is carrying his suit. He looks angry and I think, here it comes... I go all preemptive on him and say, "yeah I know. You can leave too" then I turn my back on him. I feel him grab me from behind and wrap his arms around me. He says, "why would I fucking go anywhere?"

    End of dream. Now I am going to look it up...
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-13-2014 at 04:09 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Who's k0rpsy and why care about a dead man?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Who's k0rpsy and why care about a dead man?!

    *fearful shudder*
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I'd like to comfort you, but that dream is actually within the realm of possibilities ^^

    That said; maybe it means that to grow your personal understanding of socionics you need to be attacked by all different types from the socion! It's your spirit-guide telling you need to behave like AzureFlame and attain "enlightned wisdom" at the expense of your reputation and mental soundness.

    Are you rather a happy pig or a unhappy socrates?
    I don't care about my rep, I'm just permanently traumatized by k0rpsy.
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aivonaima View Post
    I had a nightmare of this board in which everyone kept attacking me with super mean things ;_; Does this mean I should stop coming here again?
    Do you want to stop coming here? If not, then no!

    K, I got an app for that

    This is in the dream dictionary:

    "To dream that you are being attacked by someone indicates your character is being questioned. You feel the need to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be facing difficult changes in your waking life. Dreaming of an attack provides a way for you to confront these situations that you may be avoiding in real life."
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-13-2014 at 03:50 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    It means you found the right guy, the one who doesnt care about Anything but you!

    also quite possible your sister is a backstabbing serpent

    now just find out who he is irl!

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    I dreamt that I was lying in Waka Flocka's lap and he was stroking my hair and all I could think about was if I had shaved my legs. My mom walked in and she gave him a dirty look. He jumped up and started to waltz her around the room. She started smiling and let him lead her. Then I woke up.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I had a dream recently... I was walking outside in a destroyed city... it looked like something from fallout; with a large group of disillusioned meth addicts. I was the only non meth addict. They were all deciding which of eachother they wanted to fuck. A few of us split off and we came to this playground. There was some prostitute who had hung herself from a swing, and she was too dark to see her face. Then another prostitute was chained to the ground by her wrists and she was thirsty. There was a big black bird on her head. Nearby some drug lord was cutting up an unknown person with a large sickle. The prostitute was a prostitute who I had known recently in real life. I just looked at her in the eye and then I woke up. I didn't want to save her or let her die...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I dreamt that I was lying in Waka Flocka's lap and he was stroking my hair and all I could think about was if I had shaved my legs. My mom walked in and she gave him a dirty look. He jumped up and started to waltz her around the room. She started smiling and let him lead her. Then I woke up.
    I'm never having inlaws.

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