Excuse me, what does it mean: ambidexterity in functions?

I do agree with the view of different sides of the brain being related to some functions. But even if we find out which function belongs to what part of the brain, do you believe that we shall understand then the magic of personality and will be able to scan the brain and register any change and be able to treat it and change it and know everything? I doubt.

I do not support the view of Bukalov although I heard some people being real impressed about similar articles. It does remaind me psychoanalysis which confines everything to early years of development.
I would rather believe in the expalnations of genetics and influences of astorlogy. I am sure one day we or not we create the wholistic framework when many things can be explained and understood.. and there will be a slot for psychoanalysis and Bukalov theory but not these theories as a mean to an end.

Cheerio wrote:

I keep hearing this term "crosstype". Is that when someone has an ambidexterous function, like an ExTJ with an equal degree of s and n? And what is this theory?

Rick wrote:

think the brain's "job" is to ensure that some sort of psychic lopsidedness develops, so that the individual will be motivated to seek out particular things rather than be equally skilled and happy in all situations. If there were no psychic lopsidedness, people would have little motivation to cooperate, since all people would be equally good at everything. It's like the concept of 'relative advantage' in economics that makes trade worthwhile to both parties.

Cheerio wrote:

@Dimitri Lytov: Would someone who is right handed be more likely to be an NT, whereas a left handed person be more likely to be an SF?

In my article about irrationality which I pasted under the title "Interactions between the creative and weakest functions" I wrote about the differentiation between types again perceived as a dimension where the extremes are irrational feelers and rational thinkers:

P/ feelers .....P/feelers+P/thinkers ....J/thinkers.

It may be there is a normal distribution of the different types. However, it may be also reflected in brain map.

I also argue in my theory of psychic development that people change and thus they improve their weak qualities. There is a directon of development which is hidden in Suprego.
Socionincs suggest that the third and fourth funcitons are weak fucntions but I am arguing that it is not true, as people strive and develop their weak functions through their lifes to a degree that can be higher than in those individuals who naturally have got these functions as their strong ones. The third function is not a pretend one but an "ambition" function, you can not escape working hard on this funciton. You will get a constant flow of info to your through the first function. Creative funciton does support the first function but does not show the direction of development, it ids more a "labour" funciton.. As Rick said it would be no dynamics as such. This is the aim of the third funciton which can be called a "duty" function someting we can not escape and we have not choice to reject..
For example, ESTP and ESFP have to learn about universal laws and patterns and hidden abilities of people if they want to be a good managers and maintain their power . INFJ and ISFJ have to collect the theoretical knowledge if they want to get their answers to the ethical dilemmas and etc. So, what is your duty functions which you learn all your life? However, according to the theory of development, at one point you will achieve a high degree of this fucntion and then you achieve a blalnace. People will differ in the degree of achievement and of course it will depend on genetic factors like IQ, environmental facros and etc..
It is not not only the base function that drives you to understand the world around you it is also your weakest functon - your fear. I would call Superego block a "sefsufficient block"- which sounds as a caricuture to the socionincs' definiton ("I can" block in socionics) but it is not true if you get a deeper look into it.
At one point you feel that you have gained enough knowldedge on your third function so that your fourth funciton is not weak anymore as reagrds to your abilities. While you acknowledge the fear it is not in a way anymore and you confidently use your fourth function. You have reached your goals, you are balanced, you can. Why is it ISFP does not like instructions, because he has a natural gift to figure it out himself and si ISFJ can analyse no worse than analysts. The difference in the use of between two types will be in perspective: feeler will analyse it in his feeling way and thinker will analyse it from a differnt point of abstract concept. Together we can make a difference!