Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
For instance, my good friend who I've typed as ILI says that she acts very silly around approximately three people, and really her best friend more than anyone else (also, there's a good chance they're duals, and I could totally buy this friend as my semi-dual, cause I was pretty into her for a few months, but was of course far too me-like to make any sort of move), but the rest of the time she comes off as serious, especially to people who don't know her, who often think she is arrogant or something like that until they get to know her and realize she's completely down to earth and funny and all that.
this is very typical indeed. people have said that I change 'personality' at times. Businesslike at one time, and totally clown at another time.
I also have read this kind of behaviour for INTP's in MBTI descriptions.

Your remark about Fe might be true, but is not what I think is most evident part of Fe polr. Most distinct is the blunt way of handling people and situations, not caring whether you behave according the rules. Making jokes that are not suited, etc.