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    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Default Instinct variants - last descriptions

    I found this somewhere (EIDB maybe) and thought it relevant:

    sp — When the Self-Preservation instinct is least developed, attending to the basics of life does not come easily. It will not always occur to such individuals that they need to eat or sleep properly. Environmental factors will be relatively insignificant, and they will tend to lack the drive to accumulate wealth or property – or even to care about such matters. Time and resource management will typically be neglected, often with seriously detrimental effects to their own careers, social life, and material well-being.

    sx — When the Attraction instinct is least developed, people may well feel that they have powerful energies, passions, and desires at work. They may know that there are things in life that “turn them on” that they want to explore or pursue, but they constantly procrastinate honouring these wishes. Attending to matters of intimacy and stimulation – mental or emotional – does not come naturally. Such individuals tend to avoid people, situations, or even colours or forms of music that are stimulating and may even have instant reactions to such things. (“I can’t stand that loud music.”) They may also tend to fall into routines, feeling uncomfortable if there is too much that is unfamiliar in their lives. They may feel socially involved with people, and may love others deeply, but feel unable to stay powerfully engaged for long even from spouses, friends and family members.

    soc — When the social instinct is least developed, attending to social endeavours and commitments does not come natually. Such individuals have difficulty seeing the point of creating and sustaining social connections, sometimes disregarding the importance of the opinions of others. Their sense of involvement with their community, at any scale, may be minimal. They often have little connection with people, feeling that they do not need others and that others do not need them. Thus, there may be frequent misunderstandings with allies and supporters, as well as friends and family members.
    I suppose you could use it to figure out your own instinctual stacking if you havent already
    Last edited by electric sheep; 01-09-2010 at 08:54 PM.
    The saddest ESFj


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    those are really good! thanks for posting them, I hadn't read them before.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    My first reaction was that I suck at all of these.

    Then I thought about it and realized that I tend to gratify my impulses at the expense of my social and professional life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes View Post
    My first reaction was that I suck at all of these.

    Then I thought about it and realized that I tend to gratify my impulses at the expense of my social and professional life.
    Same lol. It's hard to fully distinguish where instinct weaknesses end and chemical imbalances begin.

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    i had no problem recognizing i am weak in sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Same lol. It's hard to fully distinguish where instinct weaknesses end and chemical imbalances begin.

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Default Enneagram: last descriptions

    I'm re-posting this from This is the scheme that I've found easiest and most to the point to use for figuring out the blind spot instinct.

    The conceptualization of the Instincts as elements illuminates various characteristics of the stackings:

    sp = earth / matter
    sx = water / fire, (higher vibrations) ice / electricity
    so = fresh air, wind & sunlight

    One approach is to group them by twos into the blindspots that they have in common…and let the elements spin out their characteristic chemical reactions.

    SO-last: For example, sx/sp and sp/sx are significantly missing the Social elements of fresh air and sunlight. Looking at them there’s a kind of shrouded/hooded quality, something of a cave-dweller or a Death theme in some form (scroll back up to the stacking titles in the section just above to get a feel for it). ‹ Take away air, quickly comes Death. › The obliviousness to the collective good (Social-last) contributes to the shadowy/cloaked quality of these stackings — there’s an unintelligence about social stigma that can take people of these two stackings deep into ‘alternative’ territories. On the upside, communications here can be more personal, contactful and intimate because the aura of the collective isn’t brought into one-to-one exchanges in the way it inadvertently is with those who aren’t social-last. This friend-of-the-dark quality can translate to a capacity to work, hands on (figuratively-speaking), in the muck of psyche, and linger long with other people’s ugly/corrupt underbellies and issues, potentially spilling themselves into others’ dark sides.

    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Metamorphosis and transmogrification. Being burned to death and born again into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

    sp/sx :: downward Death :: The chthonic. The decay and destruction side of Death. Filth, disease, degradation, subversion, undertow. Archetypally, among other things, this stacking rules the rotting churn of carcasses perpetually recycling into Earth, fertilizing and feeding the flora and fauna who, in turn, produce more bodies destined for decay to feed the swampy muck, the dirt, the festering ooze. This is Hell…molten fire (sx) encapsulated in the Earth’s core (sp); a pressure-cooker effect. A smoldering-volcano quality here. A swelling threat of a rage eruption.

    ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

    SP-last: The two self-preservation-lasts, sx/so and so/sx, steer clear of the earth element, which itself has a significant amount of dull weight to it, a bland stuckness, ‘a stick in the mud’. So, by contrast, the two sp-lasts are the butterfly stackings, spinning off a considerable amount of shimmer and sparkle, as they’re unsullied by dirt (earth) and the sullen droop and hunched seriousness of self-pres’s mundane concerns. This ungrounded quality is a double-edged sword though: For others, a welcome breakup of the monotony of hardened routines that congeal around self-pres; for those under the direct influence of these two stackings, however, there’s a particular incapacitation, a signature difficulty moving forward in certain areas of life — perpetual ‘immaturity’ on a practical level, sometimes a nomadic quality due to their characteristic ignorance around how to set firm steps and plant roots underneath their feet, or a wondering why one would even want do so.

    ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

    SX-last: So/sp and sp/so are low in water and fire, hence marked by a certain sobriety, less easily led down the road of the fantastical and the addictive. There’s an arid quality here; emotionally difficult to reach on an intimate basis, especially in terms of self-revelation and exchanges around theirs and others’ messy personal underbellies; psychological nudity is much less a reflex or comfort zone for this grouping. Less likely to flash their eccentricities and idiosyncrasies, and the eye might more typically be found casting around pragmatically for resources or political advantage or established channels of cooperation or support, in contrast with Sexual’s susceptibility to impractical highs and masochistic draw toward personal injury by the juicy and the seedy. None of this is to say that people of these stackings can’t find themselves in the midst of drama and intrigue, or that they can’t be sexy — in fact, the traditional Hollywood leading man is sx-last, inspiring women of a bygone era to try to unlock the puzzle of the dry steel chest, search out the elusive (sx) trickle of a tear or passionate fiery blood coursing through the man, somewhere. Less is more, in other words.

    Minimization of sx equates to a reticence in these stackings as regards marking the environment with their own personal/individual imprints; same goes for seeking out such markings in others. What can arise from this same space is a tendency toward the provincial, or the patriotic and nationalistic — some wider perspective, exclusive of the Personal. Using the elements, the native land (self-pres earth) commingles with the air (the social mores), infusing these people’s mental concept of a nation with the spirit of righteousness and loyalty to higher principles, a sense of pride in its history, a Social theme. The physical space (sp), then, becomes the natural subject of a communal protective drive. Or we might say the sx-instinct is, in some respect, driven down, sublimated into a social romance with the land, beckoning us with quasi-religious imagery of a glorious transmogrification into the Promised Land.

    ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

    NB: The elemental correlations made to the stackings & Instincts may be somewhat easily confused in their overlap with various elemental attributes inherent to certain Enneagram types. For example, Type Four, in the abstract, could be said to have an emotional wetness to it, or a habit of intensifying feelings, as if throwing gasoline on a fire — which, if we’re looking at these aspects through the elemental lens, can be misconstrued for the Sexual Instinct’s drive for ‘juice’ and the narcotic of extremes. Thus, sexual-lastness in a Four can be less easy to spot. And a sexual-first of another Type could be misconstrued as a Four.

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    and these :

    sp/so: the land surveyor
    sp/sx: the grave digger

    so/sx: the strolling minstrel
    so/sp: the bishop

    sx/sp: the alchemist
    sx/so: the chanteuse

    Further iterations…

    sp/so: farmer, patriot, businessman
    sp/sx: pirate, sex trader, voodoo fetishist

    so/sx: ‘regalia’, jester, the Mayor
    so/sp: witch hunter, ethnic cleanser, culture warrior

    sx/sp: shaman, ‘cutter’ (self-injurer), tattoo artist
    sx/so: comet, flamenco dancer, shooting star

    Flow #1

    sp/so (animals) = practical cooperation ~ revering the work of the harvest, the beasts of the field, the ‘fat of the land’
    so/sx (humans) = multifaceted/multidirectional attraction ~ the radiant festival of the four corners of the Earth
    sx/sp (hungry ghosts) = urgent bonding / ‘unfortunate’ belonging ~ the perpetually orthogonal embrace of the seeker/searcher

    Deeply human, compelled toward the process of humanity.

    Flow #2
    sx/so (gods) = cultural revolutionary ~ attractive social catalyst, steering popular culture/the arts/the cultural zeitgeist in a new direction
    so/sp (titans) = culture warrior ~ social change by force and/or eternal/higher principle, the lightning thundering ‘voice of God’
    sp/sx (Hell) = acultural solipsism ~ counterculture original, underbelly exposure, brooding mysterian, the fermenting underground

    Outliers, antisocial, autonomous, chemically provocative, reverse-flow change catalysts. On some level, successfully rejecting the human condition…their own and that of others.

  9. #9
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    sx/sp: the alchemist
    I could never really relate to this association ...

    on a random tangent, this seemed like a sp-instinct inspired clip
    edit: something along the lines sp/so or so/sp

    Last edited by silke; 03-13-2014 at 06:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    I could never really relate to this association ...

    on a random tangent, this seemed like a sp-instinct inspired clip
    edit: something along the lines sp/so or so/sp

    That video is weirdly fascinating, with all its playful-sarcastic tinge.

    How about this one ... in a more "mythically serious" note

    P:S: I´ve always related somehow to the alchemist archetype .... the idea of transformation , regeneration, turning almost death-like experiences into something an octave higher, metaphorically speaking.

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    I remember the 3 brothers story. I can't remember where I saw it before. I like Joseph Campbell's power of myth series... nice song too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    seems like a hot topic lately...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    seems like a hot topic lately...
    Yeah it does. And woah, I just looked at this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollyx2OxenFree View Post
    Yeah it does. And woah, I just looked at this thread.

    sx/sp :: upward Death :: Metamorphosis and transmogrification. Being burned to death and born again into a body tuned to a higher vibration. Losing the self (dying) in the Other, in an upward peak of flame and ecstasy. The wet fire.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I never see the importance of SO things. When SO relations are necessary, I usually find an SO dom and influence them (manipulate) to use their connections to further my cause.
    IEI-Ni, DCNH-H, 4w5-9w1-5w4, sx/sp, Aquarius sun, Leo rising
    "From their lives, and not least from their greatest fault--their inability to communicate--we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in verbal statements, the boundless overestimation of instruction by means of words and methods."--C.G. Jung on the introverted irrational types

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    Quote Originally Posted by weirdleftovers View Post
    I never see the importance of SO things. When SO relations are necessary, I usually find an SO dom and influence them (manipulate) to use their connections to further my cause.
    So-people usually occupy some of the most powerful positions in society, because that is our 'survival' strategy. They keep track of everything and everyone around them and how they interact with each other. So-things are activism, social change, politics, traditions and culture and even highly spiritual stuff like religion (basically ethics in relation to the higher collective).

    Through my connections I gain advantages, because I am very quick with making myself known to the people I consider important, thus I can gain potential advantages by them liking me and thus telling me about jobs/ special info I can get to know before anyone else does. It helps me to be really quick with self-development too, because the further my perspective is, the better I can see how I interact with everyone around me and how I behave... it also improves my work.

    Some of the most charismatic people out there are actually so/sx and sx/so.

    "Therefore, the social type focuses on society as a whole, and… well… social problems. That is – your job, your school, whether you have homework to do, whether you don’t have homework to do, how well are you doing in life, how well are other people doing in life, how well are you doing in life compared to how other people are doing in life, your role, etc. It compells you to desire to interact with others, and focus on the interactions between you and others, as well as the interaction between you and… things even. It’s a thought that’s very… gear-like. Very… mechanic. There’s always movement. They are aware of also the interactions between others and others, and others and the environment as well as themselves and others and themselves and the environment. It’s being aware of interactions in general. How everything interacts with each other. That’s what makes it very gear-like. One gear affects another, and their aware of how they can harm and help this whole entire process (of interacting with others and stuff). When they lose someone, they feel that a gear was just lost. They can’t interact with it anymore, and it’s gone. That something’s missing (and they know what it is)."

    Last edited by dot; 02-12-2018 at 10:09 PM.

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    hm.... Sx last fits because of my inertia and tendency to need to ignore my true desires to be comfortable, and So last fits because I have avoidant personality disorder. I still do consider and am aware of So matters, and do feel jealous of those who have connections and want them myself, so I could easily be Sp/so. I have a love/hate push/pull relationship with groups I may identify with... I am scared of giving my identity up and becoming one with the rest, but I still want to relate to others and be able to share the same experiences... to the point where I'll give up my own wants and just desire whatever the group wants, because it feels more satisfying. idk. In practice, I never have considered myself a part of any kind of group or community, I am myself and I cannot help but see what separates me from the rest. I've tried but failed to convince myself that all I need is myself and that everyone else doesn't matter.

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    SP-last conundrums

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    Okay. So. Instinct brings to mind either: the first thoughts you have in an average situation OR the first instinctive behaviour you take in an average situation. So if Im the type to, in a party, instantly identify people I would connect with as a sort of "mating advantage", yet dont really seize the situation with fiery passionate masculine penis energy... does that make me at least sx in some way or not at all? Going by this logic Im probably sx first... im just very inhibited in terms of Id energy, I cant just do something because I want to, so im logically not going to seem sx or so behaviour wise. Sx might be more Se/Ni because it has a sense of immediacy and intense attraction which is irrational, Sp is more about permanence and regulation of tje body, a delta theme, and I dont really know what So is besides codependence and willingness to give up one's solitude for a permanent social system that prevents isolation and starvation and homelessness

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    I relate the most to SP... but I'm definitely SO/SP. Well actually SX too, I'm not sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    I relate the most to SP... but I'm definitely SO/SP. Well actually SX too, I'm not sure.
    What difference do you feel with SO/SX's?

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    sp-last (unhealthy)

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    Always thought lacking in time management was weak but there it is

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    These are good besides the sx last one. In my experience sx lasts (depending on their type and tritype) have undeveloped personal style, not just talking about appearance but personality too. They dont really know what they are attracted to and because of that they often get romantically involved with people they arent that compatible with chemistry-wise. They dont turn eachother on, on a more chemistry level ehh. They dont notice this because they dont care about it (because sx is last)

    Sp lasts have an aura of immaturity and naivety to them, like they don't feel responsible of taking on duties etc. Sometimes they come off like they think things in life will just come to them, without effort.

    Like this:

    add 479 (triple fantasy=reality avoidant) plus sp last and they are super responsible-avoidant
    Sp is partly "tough reality" and with that comes seriousness - so Sp lasts lack that too to an extent.
    Last edited by maniac; 10-07-2017 at 01:02 PM.

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    briefly... sp-last individuals are kind of scattered, can never really be pinned down... if it always feels like you're right on the brink, at risk of undermining your health/well-being with little concern, still with some aspect of yourself missing, you're probably sp-last. so-last entails a kind of insularity, like one is never quite aware of the broader social field that in some way shapes their actions, there's a forgetfulness of and lack of regard for basic interpersonal protocol... here what's missing is the 'fresh air' of an external context needed to rejuvenate and open perspective. sx-last is a bit harder to pin down, but what seems to be missing here is a more intimate connection with things in general, it's like the individual always maintains a steady distance, things affect them and can carry intensity, but for the most part are kept on the periphery... there's a certain dryness and latent anxiety that comes with these stackings, like the world is in some way a bit too intrusive, and things should just be managed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    briefly... sp-last individuals are kind of scattered, can never really be pinned down... if it always feels like you're right on the brink, at risk of undermining your health/well-being with little concern, still with some aspect of yourself missing, you're probably sp-last. so-last entails a kind of insularity, like one is never quite aware of the broader social field that in some way shapes their actions, there's a forgetfulness of and lack of regard for basic interpersonal protocol... here what's missing is the 'fresh air' of an external context needed to rejuvenate and open perspective. sx-last is a bit harder to pin down, but what seems to be missing here is a more intimate connection with things in general, it's like the individual always maintains a steady distance, things affect them and can carry intensity, but for the most part are kept on the periphery... there's a certain dryness and latent anxiety that comes with these stackings, like the world is in some way a bit too intrusive, and things should just be managed.
    This is such a great description imo.

    I like your description of Sx-lasts' "latent anxiety" -- I have seen this too. Also, some I have known seem to feel anxious when others they care about step out on what they, the Sx-last, consider a dangerous limb -- there is a sense they would rather the other person just stay on safe ground instead and maintain the status quo, and a bafflement as to why on earth a person would desire anything else.
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    People with so last often make strange choices in the social realm. It could be anything really:
    - Sometimes hiding what most people would find normal to tell family or friends - things like getting married or being severely ill or having a new job or moving to a new place.
    - Or it could be telling too much sometimes, out of not really knowing when (or why or whom) to tell what.
    - Not visiting family or friends and not really paying attention to them unless being in the mood for it, seeing these bonds as a strain rather than a support. May seem uninterested in their families, and talk very little about them (or with them), for example not talking to others about the new baby their sister had, or the illness their father struggles with or the divorce their friends are going through. (so first are generally very good at these things (particularly ethicals) and generally more interested in such talks. (Logical so first may replace more ethical talks with talks about legal trouble their football club is having, or talks about what their friends are doing or thinking lately.)
    - Generally not taking an interest in building these sort of social bonds for real, being secretive often out of not understanding the importance of these bonds.

    sx/sp avoid some of these issues because of the sx fix, that sometimes can look like great bonding skills.
    sp/sx avoid some of these issues because of the sp fix, for example through building bonds for the sake of future "usefulness".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post

    People with so last often make strange choices in the social realm. It could be anything really:
    - Sometimes hiding what most people would find normal to tell family or friends - things like getting married or being severely ill or having a new job or moving to a new place.
    Really I should tell all my friends if I move to a new place or have a new job? :S
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    I have no idea, I'm so last. I forgot to tell my parents that I married….
    I got officially married only to one-up a dude when I heard he announced his matrimony. mine happened one month before his. i made sure common friends let him know (so one can't say I'm not Social).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    I got officially married only to one-up a dude when I heard he announced his matrimony. mine happened one month before his. i made sure common friends let him know (so one can't say I'm not Social).
    I pretty much did the same. I got married to keep up with my cousins who were my age and married. However, the only people who knew I married were my employer and supervisor since I needed the day off. I never told my family. My mother happened upon it while having a phone conversation with my husband in which she jokingly asked "y'all didn't up and marry did you?"
    IEI-Ni, DCNH-H, 4w5-9w1-5w4, sx/sp, Aquarius sun, Leo rising
    "From their lives, and not least from their greatest fault--their inability to communicate--we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in verbal statements, the boundless overestimation of instruction by means of words and methods."--C.G. Jung on the introverted irrational types

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    Isn't it Sx-last that's supposed to neglectful of closeful relationships.

    subvert the fiery energy, tame the fire, don’t honor your passions, procrastinate and postpone if you need to, avoid anything stimulating. Inertia. When the sexual instinct is least developed, the personality can lack a certain charisma and momentum. These people may fear of being a boring, bland person, without passions, be afraid of having 'no juice', and feel flattered that someone wants to spend time with them. Their personal relationships can suffer from a lack of attention or attention that is too scattered.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    Isn't it Sx-last that's supposed to neglectful of closeful relationships.
    not in the examples I gave.

    sx first will make deep bonds with people when around them, but it is so that is the glue over time. On the other hand, sx goes much deeper, sort of penetrates deep into people's personalities. I also think sx first has to do with seeing deeper trends in society, whereas so has to do with seeing societal connections. I guess sx could be thought of as (intense) soul bonding for as long as that is wanted and so would be more social connections.

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    Everytime I read a thread as this, instead of clarifying my thoughts, it makes me even more confused than before!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mega View Post
    Everytime I read a thread as this, instead of clarifying my thoughts, it makes me even more confused than before!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Makes a lot of sense. I'm confident about being so last now
    Yeah, you are sp/sx, imo.

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