Do ENFPs waste a lot of money?
Do ENFPs waste a lot of money?
I don't know about ENFps in general, but I don't. If I have money, I will happily spend money, but if I don't I can be pretty responsible.
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
― Anais Nin
I'm careful with money but it's because I recognize it's a *potential* weakness.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.-Mark Twain
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Did you find the reason you didn't need the object before, or after you paid for it?Originally Posted by implied
When it comes to money, I tend to be very responsible and use it only on things that I really need or wanted for a while. However, I tend to lend money to people and they don't give it back. So I've learned my lesson to only give it to people I trust, which is very few people.
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch
6w7 sp/sx
...and I. This is weird.Originally Posted by Diana
I hate being in debt. I waited until July 4th whent they have sales to buy my truck and I got a very low intrest rate. Then I tacked on an extra $25 to all my truck payments to pay down the principle, lower my interest and pay it off early. Now I dont have a payment. I dont subcribe to any magazines or periodicals. I know where they are if I want them. I dont accept any extra features on my cell phone except the ones I know I will use. I seldom have to have the latest technology either so I usually will wait till whatever I have no longer functions before replacing it. Ive always had a problem with the idea of waste and so I usually will not buy something I think I will not use. When I do I get pretty angry with myself. Even at work Im constantly thinking of ways to concerve. Like I will try to print on both sides of the paper if allowable.
One of the reasons I think I try to concerve on my own spending is because I like having the potenital to actually purchase something if I have to or want to. I like having the option more than having the thing. Also, Im never comfortable with my earning potential. This is due to weak . I really dont like conforming too much to the whole 'system' and being caught up in heavy credit card debt and so forth. In the back of my mind since I was very small is this idea that they human race is just this horrible consuming monster that is destroying the earth. The idea has always disturbed me and I think of all the animals and people that have be slaughtered and oppressed for the sake of Modern 'ideals and progress'. I dont see how I can remove myself from society that Ive become so dependent on but I have never been whole hearted in its ideology either.
There are times when Im somewhat wasteful though. Usually it comes to novelties, like spending something on a cheap garage sale find that I certainly do not need but I just like it. I think the reason I like it is partially due to its low price. If were at the price you might pay in the store I would be so turned off as to only consider it briefly. Therefore I end up with lots of inexpensive treasures that I love to brag about but I could probably have saved even more money if I never bought at all. As an example once I started collecting globes of the earth. All sizes and time preriods, the older the better. I ended up with about 30 or so in a fantastic collection I kept on display. I dont think I paid more than $5 dollars for each of them. Then the tides began to shift and I decided enough of this! So I had a garage sale and got rid of all but 2 because they were gifts.
I used to go to this mall that had expensive cookies that smelled divine. They were like a good $1.75 ea. BUT If you bought 2 you get the third one for .25 cents Sounds like a bargain, but its not really, unless you are really hungry, have a real sweet tooth or have two other friends with you. Other wise the third cookie (and even the second) is a waste of money. Your sweet tooth is satiated after the first one :wink: Therefore if you must, only buy one, unless you are with someone else. Or better yet, go buy and apple.
I know I just rambled on but I just thought I would demonstrate my furgal thought pattern. Im not a hippie.
The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.
Great so I wont be homeless.
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Wow, that sounds like a very sensible approach to money.Topaz wrote: ...
I'm comfortable with my earning potential myself, but I try to avoid spending money as much as I can. I don't agree with consumerism either. Buying stuff doesn't really make me excited.One of the reasons I think I try to concerve on my own spending is because I like having the potenital to actually purchase something if I have to or want to. I like having the option more than having the thing. Also, Im never comfortable with my earning potential. This is due to weak . I really dont like conforming too much to the whole 'system' and being caught up in heavy credit card debt and so forth. In the back of my mind since I was very small is this idea that they human race is just this horrible consuming monster that is destroying the earth.
I sit behind my computer all day (so I use my computer a lot and thus it's important to me), but I don't like buying a new computer because then I have go to the trouble of reinstalling all my software and copying all my files over.
I like the feeling of freedom that I get from being able to make money, but not spending much. If I don't like whatever I'm doing to make money, I can quit without any ill consequences and go do something else, or even do nothing for a while since I have a lot of money buffer.