(tough read).
If we are to believe that + (short-range) and - (longe-range) functions exist, what's their point? Some people believe that + functions are somewhat more apparent than - functions. Take ISFP and ISTP. ISFP has + and ISTP has -. + is more geared towards beauty and asthetics, bodily sensations, etc... - can predict and cure discomfort and health and the like, but it is not as much into "beautifying" the surroundings.
Also, what about the subconcious funcitons? ISTP now has + and ISFP has -. Does this mean that ISTP prefers and ISFP prefers ? Is ISTP somewhat "stronger" than (though unconsious)? And vice versa for ISFP?
This would mean that if Sensory is coupled with Ethics, then Sensorika "dominants" (+), if Sensory is combined with Logics, then Logic dominats, if Intuition is combined with Ethics, Ethics dominant, and if Intuition is combined with Logics, Intuition dominants.
So, the most concious positive functions are found like this;
NT= most Intuitive
NF= most Ethical
ST= most Logical
SF= most Sensory