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Thread: Using Mirror Type similarities for finding your type

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    Default Using Mirror Type similarities for finding your type

    I am an INTj. When reading the ENTp description on, it sounds just like me. [I know that I am an INTj because my primary function is introverted and because of my health issue (hidden agenda).]

    When reading the ENTj description, it definately does not sound like me.

    When reading the INTp description, it sounds a lot like me. This gives me occasional doubts as to whether I am INTj or INTp.

    Is it true that because the ENTp description sounds just like me, that I am INTj? And is it true that because the ENTj description definately doe not sound like me, that I am definately not an INTp?

    I am assuming that my subtype is intuitive, although this may be wrong as I do not come across as extroverted in public.

    Would a logical INTj subtype have a similar description to ENTp?

  2. #2
    Cone's Avatar
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    Quite possibly. I find that I can somewhat relate to the ENTj description. But I can also relate to the ENTp and INTj descriptions, too. (In fact, when I first came to Socionics, I thought that I was an ENTp, mostly because of the hidden agenda, "to be loved." It made sense, until I lived awhile and realized that my hidden agenda was actually "to love.") Funny thing is, I relate least to the INTp description, yet it's the only one that gets all of the details right as to how others see me.

    And strangely enough, the profile that I relate the most to is the ESTp description...

    Your INTp friend,

    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    I'm entp but I test as intj. Once, I asked my husband to take the test with me in mind and I came out intj that time too. I think it's because tests tend to measure behavior. But I'm clearly entp.

    There must be something about mirror relations . . . you could be on to something!

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    Does this help you to determine whether you are a 'p' or a 'j'?

    If you are a ESFx or a ISFx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You are peaceful and diplomatic and know well how to avoid confrontations and conflicts. You know how to make others happy. You always try to uplift any situation, turning negative into positive. You have patience for others inability's and shortcomings. When you interact with others you are tactful, polite and do not like to pressurise or push people. (ISFp/ESFj)
    o You are firm and definite, and if required, can defend yourself and relatives well. You are very hardworking and always keep your home and workplace clean and in order. You achieve your goals through perseverance and systematic consistency. You are straight and uncompromising when defending your point of view or when criticising others. People respect and appreciate your principals and seriousness. (ISFj/ESFp)

    If you are a ENTx or a INTx then choose which describes you the best:
    o Having analysed an idea and understood its importance and potential you are often converted to it. You constantly develop and perfect it. (INTj/ENTp)
    o You are cautious, prudent, wise and clear-sighted. You have the ability to create good conditions in which to function, arranging all items so you can rationally organise your work and leisure. You know how to stimulate others to business activities and enterprises in order that people can achieve a high financial level. (INTp/ENTj)

    If you are a INFx or a ENFx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You understand others moods and dispositions well and will often use your good sense of humour to uplift friends, family and therefore yourself also. You possess a rich variety of emotions and you can apply it to many situations. You depend greatly on your emotions to guide yourself. Sometimes you show great feeling for people and may often idealise others. Wherever you go you create an atmosphere of elation and optimism. (INFp/ENFj)
    o You are prepared to spend time, energy and effort helping people with real need. Your aim is to create peaceful, harmonious, conflict free surroundings, in which others feel comfortable expressing their talents. You are an effective counsellor and peacemaker. You forgive others for negative behaviour, instead appealing to people's conscience where ethical situations are concerned. (INFj/ENFp)

    If you are a ESTx or a ISTx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You have a good business sense. You usually only undertake projects that you feel will be beneficial to yourself in a material sense and you stay away from unprofitable ventures. You can work very hard to achieve a goal. Your method of working is deliberate, steady and with attention to details. Usually you plan every detail of your work beforehand and prepare all necessary items before, often showing inventiveness and practicality. (ISTp/ESTj)
    o You are persistent and persevering when working towards your goals. You know well how to practically utilise reference material. You are a good administrator and make sure that your instructions and plans are carried out to your specifications. You do not compromise when it comes to fulfilling your duties. You can impose discipline on to others especially those who do not fulfil their duties. (ISTj/ESTp)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    You know how to stimulate others to business activities and enterprises in order that people can achieve a high financial level.
    Yes, my entire life is just business and money...
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Does anyone else have any comments about the following. Thanks.

    Does this help you to determine whether you are a 'p' or a 'j'?

    If you are a ESFx or a ISFx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You are peaceful and diplomatic and know well how to avoid confrontations and conflicts. You know how to make others happy. You always try to uplift any situation, turning negative into positive. You have patience for others inability's and shortcomings. When you interact with others you are tactful, polite and do not like to pressurise or push people. (ISFp/ESFj)
    o You are firm and definite, and if required, can defend yourself and relatives well. You are very hardworking and always keep your home and workplace clean and in order. You achieve your goals through perseverance and systematic consistency. You are straight and uncompromising when defending your point of view or when criticising others. People respect and appreciate your principals and seriousness. (ISFj/ESFp)

    If you are a ENTx or a INTx then choose which describes you the best:
    o Having analysed an idea and understood its importance and potential you are often converted to it. You constantly develop and perfect it. (INTj/ENTp)
    o You are cautious, prudent, wise and clear-sighted. You have the ability to create good conditions in which to function, arranging all items so you can rationally organise your work and leisure. You know how to stimulate others to business activities and enterprises in order that people can achieve a high financial level. (INTp/ENTj)

    If you are a INFx or a ENFx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You understand others moods and dispositions well and will often use your good sense of humour to uplift friends, family and therefore yourself also. You possess a rich variety of emotions and you can apply it to many situations. You depend greatly on your emotions to guide yourself. Sometimes you show great feeling for people and may often idealise others. Wherever you go you create an atmosphere of elation and optimism. (INFp/ENFj)
    o You are prepared to spend time, energy and effort helping people with real need. Your aim is to create peaceful, harmonious, conflict free surroundings, in which others feel comfortable expressing their talents. You are an effective counsellor and peacemaker. You forgive others for negative behaviour, instead appealing to people's conscience where ethical situations are concerned. (INFj/ENFp)

    If you are a ESTx or a ISTx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You have a good business sense. You usually only undertake projects that you feel will be beneficial to yourself in a material sense and you stay away from unprofitable ventures. You can work very hard to achieve a goal. Your method of working is deliberate, steady and with attention to details. Usually you plan every detail of your work beforehand and prepare all necessary items before, often showing inventiveness and practicality. (ISTp/ESTj)
    o You are persistent and persevering when working towards your goals. You know well how to practically utilise reference material. You are a good administrator and make sure that your instructions and plans are carried out to your specifications. You do not compromise when it comes to fulfilling your duties. You can impose discipline on to others especially those who do not fulfil their duties. (ISTj/ESTp)

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    Default Response

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    Does anyone else have any comments about the following. Thanks.

    Does this help you to determine whether you are a 'p' or a 'j'?

    If you are a INFx or a ENFx then choose which describes you the best:
    o You understand others moods and dispositions well and will often use your good sense of humour to uplift friends, family and therefore yourself also. You possess a rich variety of emotions and you can apply it to many situations. You depend greatly on your emotions to guide yourself. Sometimes you show great feeling for people and may often idealise others. Wherever you go you create an atmosphere of elation and optimism. (INFp/ENFj)

    o You are prepared to spend time, energy and effort helping people with real need. Your aim is to create peaceful, harmonious, conflict free surroundings, in which others feel comfortable expressing their talents. You are an effective counsellor and peacemaker. You forgive others for negative behaviour, instead appealing to people's conscience where ethical situations are concerned. (INFj/ENFp)
    Sorry, it does not work for me, the traits and strengths described are just rather too similar - and had this basic modelling worked I had not had any confusion in the first place.

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    Works for me but you should probably rephrase the business aspects of the Te stuff as there seem to be a lot of complaints about the terminology.

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