I am an INTj. When reading the ENTp description on socionics.com, it sounds just like me. [I know that I am an INTj because my primary function is introverted and because of my health issue (hidden agenda).]
When reading the ENTj description, it definately does not sound like me.
When reading the INTp description, it sounds a lot like me. This gives me occasional doubts as to whether I am INTj or INTp.
Is it true that because the ENTp description sounds just like me, that I am INTj? And is it true that because the ENTj description definately doe not sound like me, that I am definately not an INTp?
I am assuming that my subtype is intuitive, although this may be wrong as I do not come across as extroverted in public.
Would a logical INTj subtype have a similar description to ENTp?