We often get into the "socionics extroversion is not the same as being socially outgoing" discussion.
In socionics.org there is a ranking of types according to sociability, or "extroversion" in its colloquial usage:
Most sociable types: ESFj, ENFp, ESFp, ENFj
Average: ENTp, ESTp, ENTj, ESTj, ISFp, INFp, ISFj, INFj
Least sociable types: INTj, ISTj, INTp, ISTp
I think this is very accurate, and it's the people in the "average" ranking that tend to get confused with things like "how can I be an extrovert". Their self-perception can go either way.
I know of two ENTjs and one ENFj that had self-perception of introverts, and one INFj that had a self-perception of extrovert.