One thing I probably haven't emphasised enough on this forum in general is that I am very ambitious! Everything is about getting further in life. I am rather phlegmatic and I've had problems with procrastination, but when something needs to be done, I will stop at nothing. There have been plenty of nights when I have stayed up and studied, and then gone to sleep after the exam.

Erkki sees me as an extremely curious person. He thinks that I have an endless supply of what-if questions. He can't always answer them, but he does give a new perspective.

I like to play logical mind-games. After a while, though, I get stuck in my own thoughts. I don't have enough data to continue or I can't choose which facts are more important (if they are exclusive). Then I'll try to think of other things and I keep coming back to the same problem and I can't continue until someone else gives me the solution. I can't really think that I'll ignore a fact, to make the thought process easier. I can ignore facts when someone intelligent has told me that it's OK to do so.

I like details. When I have decided to really work on something, I will do it as close to perfect as I can. Most of the time, stuff just keeps piling on the tables and other surfaces. I wash dishes when I run out of clean ones or when the dirty dishes get in my way. But when I finally do wash them, they are sparkling clean and I will have washed all of them.

When I study, I have to talk about it. Erkki doesn't mind so much, but most of the time he doesn't understand it. Well... it's not easy to suddenly understand molecular mechanisms in the prokaryotic cell. It's not easy even when I talk about it in an exited perky way.