Quote Originally Posted by whecto View Post
Plus and minus functions in this article are not very clear; It would be nice if someone shares an article with the detailed plus and minus functions.
There is ongoing debate in russian socionics community on how these signs should be assigned, and once assigned how to interpret them. In Gulenko's model +/- assignment follows quadra values. All types within the same quadra are attributed the same signs (link). In School of System Socionics model, dual types are assigned opposite +/- signs i.e. if SLI has +Te as creative function, then IEE is attributed -Te as corresponding activating function (pic, article). They've claimed that Gulenko's original model doesn't match their observations of the types, and that it makes more sense for dual types should have opposite signs (opposite signs attract, same signs repel). Which one of these ways of attributing +/- is more accurate is still an open topic for discussion.