Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
I feel like another contingency of Te PoLR, and subsequent transference to introverted logic "hidden agenda", is unwillingness to share information, to explain, to teach, or to critique, even in situations where one is expected to engage in this and where the context would suggest that this would be the logical thing to do.
For some reason I thought you were a specific kind of teacher or had taught classes? If I am not mistaking you for someone else, was it hard for you? I agree that it would make doing things like that more difficult. Even though I did well in tech school, I knew it was not something I could do for a living. The thought of reading a script to people who had issues all day long, plus the thought of the abuse frustrated people could dish out was too much for me. I know my family was disappointed but they also knew it would be rough for me to deal with people's tech problems 8 hours a day.