This is just something I thought I would post. This is just a random correlation concerning Socionics and some information I got out of my psychology textbook for school.
The psychoanalyst Erik. H. Erikson (1902-1994) proposed a "stage theory" of personality that splits life up into eight different levels, resolving an inevitable "crisis" at each one:
1. Trust versus mistrust is the crisis that occurs during the baby's first year, when the baby depends on other to provide food, comfort, cuddling, and warmth. If these needs are not met, the child may never develop the essential trust necessary to get along in the world, especially in relationships.
2. Autonomy (independence) versus shame and doubt is the crisis that occurs when the child is a toddler. The young child is learning to be independent and must do so without feeling to ashamed or doubtful of his or her actions.
3. Initiative versus guilt is the crisis that occurs as the preschooler develops. The child is acquiring new physical and mental skills and enjoying newfound talents but must also learn to control impulses. The danger lies in developing too strong a sense of guilt over his or her wishes and fantasies.
4. Competence versus inferiority is the crisis for school-age children, who are learning to make things, use tools, and acquire the skills for adult life. Children who fail these lessons of mastery and competence risk feeling inadequate and inferior.
5. Identity versus role confusion is the crisis of adolescence, when teenagers must decide what they are going to be and what they hope to make of their lives. The term identity crisis describes what Erikson considered to be the primary conflict of this stage. Those who resolve this crisis will come out of this stage with a strong identity, ready to plan for the future. Those who do not will sink into confusion, unable to make decisions.
6. Intimacy versus isolation is the crisis of young adulthood. Once you have decided who you are, said Erikson, you must share yourself with another and learn to make commitments. No matter how successful you are in work, you are not complete until you are capable of intimacy.
7. Generativity versus stagnation is the crisis of the middle years. Will you sink into complacency and selfishness, or will you experience generativity, the pleasure of creativity and renewal? Parenthood is the most common means for the successful resolution of this stage, but people can be productive, creative, and nurturant in other ways, in their work or their relationships with the younger generation.
8. Ego integrity versus despair is the crisis of old age. As they age, people strive to reach the ultimate goal--wisdom, spiritual tranquility, an acceptance of their lives. Just as the healthy child will not fear life, said Erikson, the healthy adult will not fear death. (Wade & Tavris, 2002)
Of course, one must realize that these psychological concerns aren't limited to being only at the stage of life when they are supposed to occur. Plus, not everyone has equal trouble with each one; in fact, it may just be that there is one stage in life of those 8 stages that bothers different people, i.e. what may be a large concern for one person may never really be much of a concern for another. Hmm...
So, what does this have to do with Socionics? Plenty. If you really look at the different stages, you might notice that each one seems to correspond with a specific concern that each of the 16 types has throughout their lives. And that is the hidden agenda. Is it no surprise that Erikson found eight specific stages?
So here's my classification of the hidden agenda and eight stages of life. See if yours agrees with mine or not:
1. Trust versus mistrust -- Introverted Intuition: ISTj, ISFj.
2. Autonomy versus shame and doubt -- Extraverted Feeling: ENTp, ESTp.
3. Initiative versus guilt -- Extraverted Sensing: ENFj, ENTj.
4. Competence versus inferiority -- Extraverted Thinking: ESFp, ENFp.
5. Identity versus role confusion -- Introverted Sensing: INTj, INFj.
6. Intimacy versus isolation -- Introverted Feeling: INTp, ISTp.
7. Generativity versus stagnation -- Extraverted Intuition: ESFj, ESTj.
8. Ego integrity versus despair -- Introverted Thinking: ISFp, INFp.
Your INTp friend,
Disclaimer: The previous material was only meant to be a very loose correlation between two theories. Technically, the material does nothing except show that other people also think about hidden agendas. This material should not be taken verbatim (as one should do with all of my posts). Instead, view this as an intuitive thought that has yet to be structured into something useful (if ever.)