I don't think it's the same for me as for the LSEs you are describing.

Quote Originally Posted by Diana
I've noticed that I can inadvertantly be a mood-killer. People seem to clean up their language, and start acting more proper and subdued when I'm around.
My interpretation of what Diana said here is that her presence acts as a check on excessive socionics irrationality, in very short-term, immediate situations. I wish I could learn this trick.

Quote Originally Posted by Rick
[LSEs] would like the world to be properly ordered, with each person doing rational things, rationally expending their energy and resources, etc. in a way that promotes the order and well-being of society.
Yes, but LSEs do that in an "accountant" manner. They tend to think that the way to reach proper efficiency is to improve the way things are being managed. That sounds too detail-oriented for LIEs.

That is why the way I related to what you said about was in the sense of socionics irrationality.