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Thread: ESFj type and subtype description from [Hugo]

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    Default ESFj type and subtype description from [Hugo]

    What do you think or would like to learn about them?

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    Default ESFJ (c)

    Ethical-sensory extrovert
    Hugo, The Bonvivant

    Victor HUGO - the famous French writer.

    1. Ardent. He has a wide spectrum of powerful emotions. He is capable of staying true to the vision of his youth throughout his whole life (Henry Schliemann still in his childhood decided to excavate the city of Troy; to achieve his dream he had to get an education, in spite of his poverty, and to get rich). An admirer of the arts as a source of pleasure. He creates his mood by himself and knows how to make it contagious for others. Emotionally fine, kind, compassionate.

    2 Untiring. Always active, he is ever mixing with people, rushing to and from. He can easily switch from one task to another. He works very diligently. He does not prefer one errand to another, all should be accomplished whether interesting or not. This is not something to be discussed or analyzed; simply the work must be completed. He appears very self-assured and self-satisfied, as if succeeding without effort in all endeavors. It seems like he acts promptly and gets good results. However, he himself might not see it that way, so he greatly appreciates sincere compliments for his work.

    3. My home is your home. Hugo is a pleasant interlocutor and a very attentive listener. He can pick the right key to any person. He joys himself in making others happy. Revels in table talks and all sorts of merriment. All his considerate attention is for his guest. He is capable of understanding other people, admire them, approve of their deeds, and express compassion. He trusts people, is distant from envy taking pleasure in the successes of others. He accurately detects their flaws and makes fun of them, without any intent to insult the person.

    4. Traditionalist. He does not seek or like new solutions preferring older, time-tested methods. To solve the most intricate problems it is necessary for him to work alone, he gives too much attention to people and would be distracted if someone is around. When working among others he makes a lot of unnecessary movements, as if to disguise what he is really doing. In this way he draws to work his dual (The Analyst), which does not tolerate a commanding tone. He loves when people trust his word and do not demand for him to substantiate what he is saying. He is not aggressive, but he defends himself very actively. He won’t even let his superiors offend him.

    5. Adherent of order. He loves to dress up and takes good care of his appearance. He can’t tolerate any disorder or uncertainty in everything from his appearance to his garage and cubbyhole. He does not wish to adapt to the tastes of others. Compliments on his appearance are in vain – he believes he knows better how he looks. He takes not of not just spiritual qualities of his partner, but physical as well.

    6. Relationships in his life. People around him usually respect his opinion, but try not to communicate with him for too long, it is not easy to withstand his emotional charge. For the same reason he hasn’t too many close friends. He reaches his goals through his own hard work and does not hope for the assistance of others. What he values most in his life is his family. If he had to choose between love and a degree, he would choose the first, considering it a priority, while viewing science as a self-indulgence, a pleasurable avocation.

    Your dual (psychologically complementary type): Robespierre (The Analyst) (logical-intuitive introvert).

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    Default ESFJ (c) Gulenko

    ESFJs always have a straight, upright posture and the body itself is often firm and slim. In fact it is rare to find an ESFJ with a full figure, especially a male. Their figure can also be somewhat elongated. ESFJs have a wide range of facial expressions. When receiving logical information they react with a look of extreme concentration. ESFJ's facial details are usually fine but proportional. They like to tell stories emotionally and in details. Some preferred topics of conversations are movies, art and books.

    ESFJs also can show a wide range of emotions during conversation. They have very characteristic negative emotions, periodically showing indignation which can flare up without warning and which can die down just as quickly. Their negative behaviour often cannot be explained logically as they can create a drama from something that may seem unimportant. During conversation ESFJs pay close attention to the ethics and good behaviour of others. They like to give ethical evaluations and analyses on who behaved well and who did not. They also watch that the norms of politeness are obeyed. ESFJs react negatively to people who do not obey ethical norms. This is why others can sometimes consider them to be confrontational and difficult to live with. Many people believe ESFJs could be very demanding and tactless.

    ESFJs have got very characteristic movements. When walking they often look like they are in a hurry. In fact, ESFJs always seem to be in a hurry. They are always going somewhere or visiting someone. They often seem to be overloaded with work that is not so urgent. They do not like to be criticised on this point and can sometimes take offence.

    ESFJs take very good care of their appearance. They always show good taste in clothes, making sure that everything is in harmony and that colours are perfectly matched. When choosing clothes ESFJs always rely on their own taste. They will not purchase a fashionable item if it is not compatible with their own physique. They always wear the right clothes for the occasion.

    When explaining something ESFJs often repeat specific details again and again and keep asking if they have been understood. By doing this they can easily offend as it can seem that they think their interlocutor is stupid. However, this is not the case. ESFJs repeat themselves because they are never sure if they have been clear and logical enough. ESFJs like to talk about people they know. They easily make new friends, because of their sociability and friendly approach. From friends ESFJs demand unselfishness.

    ESFJs do many things motivated by pure enthusiasm, but they always show practicality and a sharp-wit in business matters. They always try to buy the best quality goods. If these goods do not live up to their expectations they do not hesitate to complain. Items can be old but they must be of good quality. ESFJs have an excellent eye for composition and can create a warm atmosphere from nothing.

    ESFJs are incredibly hospitable and are always trying to surprise their guests with something unusual. ESFJs work on the philosophy that guests should first be fed and then entertained. However they can sometimes be over the top with offers of food as they have difficulties judging when enough is enough.

    ESFJs pay good attention to health matters and the general well being of themselves and their family. For example, after visiting a doctor they always want an accurate diagnosis in order to decide the method of cure for themselves. When someone helps ESFJs with home matters they appreciate it very much. The fact that someone helps them is more important than the actual result.

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    Default Subtypes

    These subtype descriptions by Valentina Meged - Psychologist (intuitive-ethical extrovert) ENFP and Anatoly Ovcharov - Craftsman (sensory-logical introvert) ISTP, can be confusing and opinions on them are divided but nonetheless they should be worth looking at, in my opinion they can be of some use in typing.

    This description was from
    Sotsionicheskaya newspaper: № 01 (01), 22.11.2002

    Note of editorial staff.

    Attention! Until now in sotsionike there is a large problem because the authors of the different theories of subtypes so did not agree about the general terminology. There exists as the minimum of 3 theories of 32 subtypes (authors of present article, V.V.Gulenko and Ye.S.Filatovoy). In each of these theories the type is divided into two subtypes, as the authors consider, with the "intensive" first or second function (i.e. for example logico- intuitive introvert it can be "logical" or "intuitive" subtype). Problem in the fact that each divides type in in own way own way, and here terms are used the same. We request to consider this with reading of article.

    We focus attention on the fact that also the pseudonyms of types all the more subtypes, used in this article, they are not in sotsionike conventional.

    Ethics- sensory ekstravert: COMMUNICATOR, ESFJ
    ESE distinguishes rapid, tenacious view, attentive and observant, but not very expressive. During the conversation it can affably and interestedly to look into the eyes to collocutor and to at the same time cast looks all around, checking external situation. In the minutes of emotional excitation the eyes become nonblinking, view acquires significance.

    Mimicry in ESE is living, but is sufficiently monotonous. Smile appears rapidly and directly, under the effect of the thoughts, emotions or the reactions of collocutor. Frequently it serves the purpose to raise mood as other and is is very infectious.

    Gestures are irregular, are impulsive, frequently impatient. The gait is rapid, is chased. Carriage usually is ordered. ESE - is energetic, zhizneradosten, it is fussy. It is cordial, with a feeling of humor and the ease in the contact, this person rapidly becomes the soul of company.
    He tries to please itself by all, it dresses with the taste.


    Ethical subtype is amiable and courteous, but it is obstinate and intractable in the questions significant for it. Because of this it can manifest superfluous persistence. It is inclined to lead everything to the end. To it it is difficult to in time stop, about which subsequently it can be sorry. He tries to be serious, restrained and polite in the contact, but it can render prolonged emotional pressing on those, who enter, from his point of view, it is incorrect. It loves to take collocutor for the hand, to touch his clothing. It knows how to prepare and to assume guests, but makes this not frequently, since more greatly it is absorbed by social activities. It loves to make gifts close one and knows how to find the suitable occasions for this. It dresses with the taste, but it is relatively modest. Gait is rapid, only jumping. More frequently it is thin, a little angular. Face can express dissatisfaction and disturbance, that are changed by radiant smile.


    Sensory subtype is energetic, efficient and practical. It is emotional and sufficiently straight-line, but it is responsive and benevolent to the people it knows how to correct impression from its sharp statements. It is confident in itself, it is daring and skillful in the skill to be pleased. It is coquettish and pleasant, the intimate atmosphere in the contact is created. It is affectionate, frequently it embraces and forces against itself those, who to it are likable. It is attentive to the people is very thoughtful and obliging, but it can easily poskandalit', if something does not please itself it. In it sharp uvula, after the word into the pocket does not climb. The speech, as a rule, rapid, emotional, it willingly makes compliments, sometimes with the quip. It is fussy and restless, but it knows how interesting and gaily to rest. Epicure, knows how to tastefully prepare, gostepriimen. Mimicry is living, motion rapid and elegant. Somewhat rounded shapes of body frequently has. Dresses izyskanno, also, with charm, it loves expensive things, it occurs wasteful.

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    Default how to meet ESFjs?

    I have a girl firend who is ESFj, but we live too far and she doesn't interest in me in that way ,how I would want her to interest. So, how to become friends with ESFj? I find it quite hard, cause I'm at the moment not so social and my l life doesn't take me into places where single ESFjs hang out (and where do they hang out?).
    Semiotical process

  6. #6

    Default how to find duals

    I'm considering teaming up with a mirror, in my case ENTp. Mirrors are Activity to Duals, and Activity relations are easiest to forge. maybe I'll bring along an activity of myself, which in turn gives the dual mirror - what I'm basically saying is, go via the quadra. find dual by pathing your way through what's easier to get.

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    Default I met an ESFj...

    Well, I THINK I've finally identified a male ESFj that is around my own age. Should be interesting to see how things may develop.

    This is kinda funny.
    First "conversation" I had with him was when we both responded to the First Aid building for a call (he's a firefighter, sometimes they show up to drive the ambulance).

    Me (getting out of car): *remembers how hot he looked in his FF gear at the other call where I first saw him*
    Cute ESFj FF : Hi
    Me (getting out of car): Hi
    Cute ESFj FF: How are you?
    Me (barely making eye contact): Fine. *runs into the building to find out what's going on*

    Real smooth, Ms. INTj.

    BTW, is it just me, or do ESFjs have a noticeably distinctive habit of using people's names alot in conversation?
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

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    Edited for gayness.

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