The problem I have is that when I try to talk about things, I get quite self-conscious about how I'm trying to explain things. The way I see it, my thoughts are like this big clump of tangled up bits of string. They're all linked and related, but generally only one's relevant to the conversation at hand. If I'm slow and careful, I can tease out the right bit of string, lay it out straight and it makes sense. Well, to me at least. But the whole ball made sense as well in my head as well, so that might not matter as much. But anyway, a lot of the time I don't have the liberty of taking my own time with a conversation (ie someone asks me face-to-face about a problem they have with someone) so I have to try and pull it all out quickly. If/when I fuck that up, I just blurt out this wordknot that makes no sense to the other person, and all I can do is give them this helpless look, apologise and change the subject. I used to do it to Khola a lot. ("He likes you because, well, he just does. You can't see it?" "What sort of things?" "... D: *flee*")

But extraverts like helping with knots!