Okay let me see, I'm pretty sure I am an ENTp, so let me say what I am not good at, which might relate to my PoLR.

  • I am not good at making desicions concerning relationships.

    If I am concentrating on something, I have a tendency to forget something important about a person.

    I have little or no regards for ethical norms, and if I did I would only use them for personal gain (but not dishonestly).

    I do not express emotions readily, simply because I am not aware of them, this leaves some people to think I am emotionless.

    When I am focused on work, I can step on other people. My co-workers complain that I am bossy.

    I have a hard time feeling how important somebody or something is, I can realize it if I was in a situation where I might lose it/the person. (although I know this is true for everybody, this seems to be especailly true for me.)

    I am also very moody and needy in relationships.

    I absolutly hate to be obligated by someone else.

Hopefully this helps.