Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
If that would be the case, than most people would be adept at Fi, but many of them aren't. I do not agree with you, I believe I was born with the capacity of a innate moral compass, which obviously had to be developed, but it would have developed even when it would have met counter forces (and it did). I have one brother who also has the same moral compass and developed it against all odds. Another brother of mine doesn't have such a compass, but is receptive to such information from his dual wife and leads a stable life. Then I had another brother, who lacked a moral compass, and developed into a drugs criminal and a womanizer, screwing every woman who was willing to spread her legs for him (and an astounding number of women did). He died last year from a cerebral haemorrhage, all alone, drenched in his own blood before he was found three days after he probably died.
Would you say she was using role function in some form there according to this? That is if you agree with the summary at all.

- Subjective logic. It is my own logic, my understanding, explanation, description,
concept, and theory of things. It is my hierarchy of notions of the things that are closer
or farther, higher or lower. It is what I was taught, my view of this world, my world
outlook. It includes my education, i.e. the system of my ideas and my schooling.
Sorry about your brother.