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I'll bet you thought the day would never come...
I think I may be an ESFp. When I look at how I was before I started taking any medications, I look more ESFp than ENTp by far... but I have been looking back at that period of time in my life as not me because I was so miserable. I hate the idea that I am that person I used to be. I got a lot better when I started taking Wellbutrin, but I still had a hard time keeping up with chores and errands, so I sought treatment for ADD. Since I've been on ADD meds, I have been more xNTx. I've been less impulsive, less emotional, and more introverted.
A forum member told me recently that I'm too dynamic to be an ENTp. I think this may be the case. My talents are interpersonal and also have to do with my spirit... the "there is no such thing as failure, only feedback" thing. I have always had a "can do" attitude (when I am not in the middle of a divorce). Speaking of which... I have had two failed marriages and more than 20 jobs, and I'm 24. Also, I've always had a thing with piercings. I've had 12, and one tattoo. Hehe, I'm just a little bit impulsive. Also... if I added up all the time I've spent alone, not involved with anyone, since I was 14... and I'm talking a couple weeks here and there... it's easily less than 6 months total.
I talk about a lot and enjoy using ... this makes sense for a role function. As far as ... this is tricky. I DO feel irritated when people rub it in my face. It seems odd that one could mistake their 2nd function for their POLR... but I never did think that my hidden agenda was to be loved. Even when I'm being bitchy I still have people's best interests in mind. To me it's better to tell someone what they need to hear but don't want to and have them hate you than it is to say what they want to hear. I think someone with a hidden agenda would do the latter before the former. I have never been one to not care about other's feelings though... I do think people take themselves too seriously a lot of times, and then I feel that I should show them that. I sorta see it as logical to shake the up a little, like breaking a bone in order to reset it properly.
Also... I talk to an INFj a lot. We give eachother advice and emotional support. I have NEVER felt like she was supervising me, though I could sorta see an argument that I supervise her. It's tough to say though because her situation is so serious.
My experiences with my ISFp sister also seem to suggest that she is not my dual. To me ISFps are too weak. It annoys me. My sister is too meek. I love her and we get along, but I get so frustrated about how she doesn't DO anything about her problems. For example at work her employers treat her unfairly, and she won't do anything about it. If I was the one in that situation, I could fix it without causing a problem. In fact, when I start a new job, after 3 months the people who didn't used to like eachother are buddies, and it is because of me. Of course, I end up stiring up all kinds of drama.
The only person from the forum who has met me IRL is discojoe. We'd spent hours a night talking to eachother on line for a couple of months, so his idea of what I'd be like was based on how I presented myself via broadband. After meeting me he said that he was pleasantly suprised. He said that he wasn't expecting me to be so bouncy and smiley and feminine. Of course I argued that I am not bouncy or feminine... but regardless, that was his impression. I do smile a lot though IRL. I find that my smile is disarming, that I can be damn charming when I want to be.
Anyways... this is just an idea.