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Thread: INTps enjoying making fun of people

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  1. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    But in general I would doubt the typing as ILI of anyone who makes fun of people to their face or who leads a crowd of others in making fun of someone.
    Yeah that type of making of fun of someone seems unlikely for NiTe's.

    In theory, with dual-seeking Se, ILI is not confident of Se and would not tend to provoke people by making fun of them.
    That's not entirely the case. For example FeNi's often provoke people, but they also have weak Se. And sometimes Se-DS does appear in Se-like behaviour. And it's also something that can be learned from Se-egos. It's a matter of if it's constant or random behaviour.

    However that type of provoking people, is unlikely motivation for NiTe's. And NiTe's would be unlikely initiate attack on someone or lead a group, especially that type of group bullying attack. But that's not necessarily what Tuturututu meant.

    Calling someone stupid, seems like quite rare form of group bullying.

    Fe "PoLR" is actually another reason why ILIs would not be inclined to make fun of people: They judge the mood of the group poorly, and they know this. So they're not inclined to lead a group in making fun of someone; it would likely backfire.
    In that way yes. But on the other hand in a different type of situation, NiTe might not even care what other people think of him. Or just be blind to the entire situation. It would depend on the Fi-connections, or connections that the NiTe wishes that would establish.

    But I do concur that someone who seems to be ILI and is bullying people is more likely LIE, SLE, or LSI. Those types might appears ILI-like in some ways but would be more confident going on the attack, and more likely to relish doing it.
    Someone who appears as NiTe, but seems abhorrent to the idea of attacking, or critical of it, is more likely to be FiNe, TiNe or NeTi, therefore I find NeTi's less likely to attack someone, and based on my observations that seems to be the case.

    NiTe's are likely to avoid situations that lead to physical confrontrations, but not really otherwise. TeNi's and NiTe's can be aggressive in a more general sense (actually this was a bad choice of word, but can't think of better, maybe expansive). By that I mean people like John D. Rockefeller, Milton Friedman etc.

    Just as likely as to mix NiTe's with TiSe's or SeTi's (well in case of SeTi more likely), is that it's a NiTe who has learned from their duals or semi-duals more confidence in this area, or their confidence is being boosted by them. This depends on what exactly is meant by bullying. It is unlikely that NiTe is a bully in the most traditional sense.

    Privately commenting on peoples' "stupid" behavior (in general) might be consistent with ILI though. Also, I can see that ILIs might make public statements that seem abrasive, arrogant, even shocking for their honesty. But that's very different from "making fun" of people in a bullying sort of way.
    There are other type of scenarios too, where the basic notion of "making fun of peoples stupidity" would be true in case of NiTe's. It all depends what exactly tuturututu meant by what he said, and of the situation.

    IRL the type of making fun of peoples stupidity what I meant, is more of darwin-awards type of stuff. Not even about people I know (behind their backs), but stories that I've heard or read somewhere. Or just general commentary of human stupidity, stupid ideas or about stupid political decisions etc. So it's fair to say that I make lot of fun of stupidity. Only times when I call someone stupid directly, is when I have gotten frustrated with their constant stupidity, and there's nothing more left to say. There's less than 5 of those people RL. On the internet, there's seems to be lot more stupid people And calling people stupid on the internet, don't usually have any consequences (to me).
    Last edited by Warlord; 05-19-2009 at 05:48 PM.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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