What do you think or would like to learn about them?
What do you think or would like to learn about them?
Intuitive-logical extrovert
Don Quixote, The Searcher
Don Quixote - a hero or the world's most famous literary work (author: Miguel Cervantes, Spain).
1. Two birds in the bush [he often chooses this option instead of one in his hand]. He is a genius at finding new opportunities and possibilities. What he has completed always seems to him less important compared to the dawning perspectives which are irresistible an inexhaustible. Scientists of this type tend to procrastinate with the publishing of the results of their research, thinking that the greatest discoveries are still ahead. He lives for the future; meanwhile being not acknowledged does not intimidate him. He chooses to do what is interesting rather than what is lucrative.
2. Recharge. He needs to feel emotional enthusiasm and ardor, and thus needs permanent sensory and emotional "recharge". He is unable to supply it himself, so he depends a lot on his surrounding. If nobody feeds him with impressions and positive emotions (nobody can do it as well as his dual The Mediator) – he mopes about life, loses ability to work and taste for life. To compensate for the absence of his dual he begins to mix with a lot of friends, becomes active in social projects, starts up clubs or scientific schools (Sigmund Freud, a representative of this type, invented the concept of sublimation to explain this fact).
3. A leader. He is a good organizer because he remarks potential possibilities in people and situations. If he is to wield power, he needs justification for it: why he must take that position, e.g. a critical situation that nobody else can deal with, assignment from the top. When he takes power, he begins to analyze the needs of his subordinates, tries to provide them with everything and only then makes the necessary demands on them.
4. A servant. His dependence on the emotional ambiance of others produces an effect of extreme compliance in minor and routine things. Having freed himself thus from having to pay attention to such unpleasant things, he switches for his favorite activity – figuring out the essence of things and phenomena. He does not differentiate people into “us” and “them”, tries to be equally polite to everybody.
5. Undifferentiated feeling. He believes that all people in their essence are kind and love one another. Therefore he looks funny enough when the situation requires initiative in expressing feelings – they are not his line at all.
6. Danger. Critical situations pep him up as much as good others’ emotions. The more emotions and panic there is around him, the more active and assertive he becomes. It is impossible to intimidate him – an attempt to do so produces just the opposite outcome. He willingly takes responsibility in critical situations; however, in peaceful and quiet conditions he starts to doubt his right to occupy a responsible position, gets frustrated by the competition and leaves.
7. Liberty of communication. He likes familiarity in communication, however, does not show initiative in this, but awaits it from others.
Your dual (psychologically complementary type): Dumas, The Mediator (sensory-ethical introvert).
ENTPs normally have a long, slim figure. Other parts of the body are also stretched, especially the legs and fingers. They often have rounded shoulders. Their nose is often projected or elongated. Sometimes ENTPs have a characteristic inwardly sloping chin that smoothly converts to the neck while the upper jaw is more prominent. Because of their particular physical structure their clothes always seem to fit pretty badly, often slipping down and hanging off them in an unflattering manner. Their buttons also seem to have a habit of falling off.
ENTPs usually have a distant, far away look in their eyes and it often seems as though they are paying little attention to what is going on. During conversation ENTPs like to play with objects, like a pen for example, often accidentally breaking it. They may gesticulate when passionately telling a story.
ENTPs do not know how to keep the right psychological distance with people. This becomes especially noticeable during long term interaction. One day they can be friendly and the next day they can be completely opposite. They often behave unceremoniously and can rudely butt in on others conversations. ENTPs can also find it difficult to evaluate how others feel about them and therefore can make mistakes when choosing friends.
ENTPs like to explore everything and are usually completely unaware of how others react to this. They often propose ideas that although have great potential are completely impractical at the time. As usual, they soon forget about that idea and generate a new one, which has no less potential and originality but has no logical connection with the previous. ENTPs pay little or no respect to their past achievements. They hardly ever admit when they are at fault. Even if they apologise formally they usually continue to behave the same as before.
ENTPs are interested in and talk about everything that is new and unusual even if it is not in their main field of knowledge. It is as if they are magnetised by all brand new theories and are fascinated by all phenomena that can not be explained with logic or reason, for example: ESP, telekinesis and UFO's. They cannot logically explain their ideas as they are always intuitive and vague. Most people cannot fully comprehend their concepts, they simply believe or do not believe.
The main peculiarity of ENTPs behaviour is an incredible absent-mindedness. They usually leave items where they used them and have a tendency to constantly lose smaller objects. ENTPs work place and personal belongings are often kept in disarray. They invariably forget what they have already done and what they need to do. However, they are quick and shrewd in day to day matters, taking advantage of every opportunity that arises. Because of this others may consider them to be crafty or shifty.
The other main peculiarity of ENTPs behaviour is the ability to mobilise in extreme conditions. If somebody puts pressure on them they immediately counterattack, often with more than equal force. They also like to give people advice on how to extricate themselves from difficult entanglements, often proposing the most radical solutions. If ENTPs are not interested in a particular job, they try to leave it until the last moment. Then in very short period of time they can complete all awaiting jobs, but of course the quality suffers.
One more peculiarity is the element of chaos and destruction that ENTPs bring to every field of their activity. This is especially noticeable in well established institutions where strong discipline is commonplace. However, they implement this chaotic element creatively, generating reform from the destruction. Because of this quality ENTPs often become leaders.
1) inventor
Inventor has a feeling for everything new. Often he becomes the author of a great number of inventions and discoveries. He’s an unsurpassed generator of ideas and is very daring in his propositions. However he easily gives up boring work and switches over to something new and more fascinating. He may show his worth in business. It’s typical of Inventor to be dynamic, to have a fast speech and use a plenty of gestures. Attaches great importance to his appearance.
2) extractor
Extractor is a self-profound and thoughtful person. He is attracted to ideas what have nothing to do with the reality, for example philosophy, religion, bio-energetics etc. His favourite occupation is to compare different systems of logic - he’s a typical armchair scientist. He may be awkward, he does not pay attention to his appearance, and doesn’t care about health.
Hay! Could you help me to find out who i am? I think i'm ENTP, but don't know my subtype.Intuitive?Logical? All i know that ISFP type is sympathetic to me.
Semiotical process
Not me, sorry.Originally Posted by male21
By the way, are you gonna change your nick every birthday? :mrgreen:
No!I'm forever Young. What's your type? ENTP? @least you sound like one girl from that type who i know.
Semiotical process
Hucksley (Sawyer)
Have you got any experiences witht the two types of ENTPs? It's so hard to find this type of people, i'd like to know what kind of people they are.
Here's typical me. Sits comoftably in crouded place, f.e in pub and drinks good tea, eats good meal and time to time says for himself :''From this mathematical formula we could get the formula of physics.''People look weirdly, '' it could be the formula of w=V1/V2 why coffe mixed with milk becomes bigger in space,'' people start to smile if they look at me,'' there has to be a connection between the season of the year and the frequency of hits in autumn.'' I'm totally like nutty professor in crowd. There's so much ideas coming into my head, that sometimes i feel as if i'm going to explode. That's why i think myself as the Searcher. And ISFP seems to like those ideas. Is this familiar for ENFP type, who also has a strong Black Intuition, that you have so much new ideas ,that you can't sit back.
Semiotical process
male21, go to http://www.humanmetrics.com and take the test. I've found it to be pretty accurate.
As i thought! I'm the Searcher. Now i'd like to know my subtype. Reading the descriptions is one thing, but being one is another.
Semiotical process
Well, you can still start from there, do you pay attention to your appearance?Originally Posted by male21
I do want to look well and i buy always fashionable clothes. But the intuitive subtype is very social, which makes me feel frightened cause i have always been a quiet person. Mostly because of the depression which i have lived through almost twenty years (and i'm only 21). It just feels right that my social role should be a role of a quiet person who lives more in his head than comunicating around. That's why it feels like i should really be the other subtype.
Quess that i can't really determine my subtype. The reason for that is that i'm taking a medicine which is ment to make people more active and not paing attention what's going on in their inner world. The drug works so well that i can't even read a book. It's really hard for me to relax and even harder to have an inner monologue, which i have always liked. It's a nightmare in my head. I really wish i could sit down and to nothing but having a thought.
That is too bad. But do not fret over finding your subtype. I believe all they are are preferences of which main functions you developed most...etc I was more like one subtype at one point in my life, like another at another time. Simply two poles of the same sociotype really, nothing to fret about. Good luck.
It seems to me, that the subtypes use their first and second function differently. I'm very extraverted right now and i use my logic only to quikly think through my ideas and then i switch back to idea gathering. But the logical subtype seems to use its logic not for explaining it's ideas, but rather to have a state of mind where he compares one idea with another.
I'm not in fret. Just, if you have my desease, then after two years of taking bills, you wish nothing more than to have a one calmly quiet clear moment in your head. Nobody really understands (exept my dual, she lives in another city unfortunately) how i wish inner peace. This unrest in my head is so big that i haven't read in two years not more than two books.
I am very sorry to hear about your illness, I consider myself to be a logical subtype and I think that you described this quite well. An inventive subtype would be more interested in ideas; logical subtype would rather compare them. I am definitely not an expert but I would say that you are an inventive subtype since you quit out guessing your subtype so easily. You might also want to check Huxley(ENFP) since your first function is often easier to guess.
In my life (I've traveled so far :roll: ) I also had problems finding inner peace, maybe this is a common problem for EN types, since EN generates so many ideas that you sometimes feel like drowning. Anyway hope that things will get better, try to find some ISFP chick. :wink:
We should really find out how to get SF alfa types into here. Any thoughts?
It would be great to attract here anybody at all (((((:Originally Posted by inovator
Yeap, but you won't find many sensing persons at the internet, they are out somewhere: enjoying life. Maybe you can find them at the sensing forums. Now, what would that be?
Here's a list of words Don usually uses in his speech (that can help to typify a person).
Theory, idea, inspiration, improvisation, creative impulse, abstraction, scientific hypothesis, inspiration, grand project, prospect, interesting undertakings, future, new trends, innovations
Intellectual curiosity, inquisitiveness, wide outlook, to change hobbies, rationalization activity, discovery, invention, research, creativity, ingenuity, quick wits, original idea, to solve in a nonconventional way, to comprehend the situation, spontaneity, fast reaction
To think, think out, dream, imagine
Patterns, classifications, logical problems, puzzles
Untidiness, unpretentiousness in private life, full neglect to clothes and appearance, spontaneity in contacts, neglect to servility, not an intriguer
Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, unassembled
Freedom of speech, human rights, democracy, discussion
also see http://www.socionics.com/advan/prof/entp.htm
1. I
He can see the perspectivity of new ideas and projects. He is interested in everuthing in hope to find something unique. He rejects quickly the ideas that appeared unpromising and switches over to something new. Has various interests. Quite often his hobbies are not connected with his main work. Aspires to know all discoveries and innovations on the problem that interests him. Generates courageous, alternative ideas on any matter he faces. Can’t stand routine and traditions. If the job he has to do does not carry him away he will make it in his own new and more interesting way. He may find a plenty of new ways to apply some invention or discovery. He is persevering and expansive in spreading his developments. To get inflamed with an idea he should make it "his own".
2. L
Aspires to study and explain complex objects or phenomena concerning which there are no concepts that have a single meaning or logical theories. Finds out interrelation in various schemes or structures. Compares various systems among themselves. If the idea does not “fit” into the resulting scheme he has made he’ll change it so that it blends with the plan. He analyzes any problem fully, studies all its sides. He can explain in which case this or that aspect works. He assembles the whole structure as in a meccano using existing component parts. He links all interesting observations with his theories. Aspires to find a unified explanation to diverse phenomena. It is important for him to find cause-and-effect relations between particular and whole.
3. F
He is non-aggressive but may fight for his way of life and theories with fury. He reacts violently on any attempt to subordinate him to unreasonable (from his point of view) restrictions. If put under pressure, he rushes immediately to counter-attack; at that he becomes overexcited and incontinent . During a conversation he tries to to grip all the interlocutor’s attention, at that he gesticulates wildly, speaks loudly, twiddles some object or touches the interlocutor. Though he may accept a challenge it’s hard for him to compete for a long time not having enough strength to stay mobilized for a long time. Therefore he avoids direct rivalry.
4. R
He communicates with other people “on a short psychological distance”. He estimates relations according to their democratism. The less formalism and ceremonies there are, the better it is for him. He may sometimes be rather inconsistent towards his relatives or friends: one time he is democratic up to familiarity, than he suddenly is severe and unapproachable as if he were talking to strangers. He may help people who asked him for it disinterestedly. It’s difficult for him to falsify the relations and stop communicating with a person. He feels bounded by relations. He shares his problems with others without hesitating. He inclines to discuss people’s behaviour or way of life.
5. S
He is frequently uncertain in an estimation of physical qualities of subjects. He examines, sniffs, feels everything. He needs to have a quite lot of some food or drink to understand their taste. He maintains his vitality using some external stimulators. His own convenience is foremost for him. He spends without stopping to think of keeping a bit in reserve. He doesn’t even think of keeping his things in order, he leaves objects where he was using them and then searches for them for a long time. He takes interest in questions of illnesses and health. When being ill he takes increased dozes of medicine, searches for radical methods of treatment. However he doesn’t take daily preventive measures. Usually he has an inaccurate appearance, his clothes wears out quickly.Rarely changes the decor of his room he got used to. He is conservative in tastes and household habits.
6. E
Loves companies, parties, emotional contact. He stays in a lazy apathetic mood for a long time without “being charged” by positive emotions. He is always ready for boisterous exchange of opinions or to an interesting dispute. He reacts on emotions by expressing emotions, therefore it is important not to “overdose” the degree of involvement, otherwise he may forget the initial reason of disagreement in a burst of inspiration. When he is excited he speaks quickly and chaotically. Ideas begin to outrun their expression by words, hie speech becomes rumbling. He sometimes has very sharp mood drops. Noisiness, humour, cheerfulness are replaced by depression and unsociability.
7. T
Don constantly keeps an eye on the amount of time he has in reserve. He urges other people on, but handles his and other's time as he pleases. It is quite often that he comes late or forgets about his promises to make something by the time fixed. He may sometimes be either too fussy or pronouncedly slow. He can’s adjust an average pace of live. He has his own understanding of time. He is inclined to discuss matters that are of an interest to him at the moments others may find improper but never will listen to what seems to him untimely. He can predicts the basic tendencies of events quite accurately as he is guided by their previous course. He takes interest in accidents, acts of nature, mass death of people and other fatal events.
8. P
He manages the technology of parallel actions and is able to make two or more diffirent activities at the same time. Aspires to combine a maximum of operations. He demonstrates resourcefullness and sharpness in financial and business spheres. He undertakes too many diffirent jobs to keep an eye on them andsuffers from incompleteness, goallessness because of that. He likes to be in command of some business to issue orders. He needs to have influence on something which he might move as he wishes. He makes a large affair demanding high “power inputs” for the realization from a small one. All new ideas will immediately be tested practically. A good experimenter and adjuster of unique equipment, he is very useful in the sphere of new technologies.
In my opinion these lists of words are not very useful in typing. People like hearing pleasant things about themselves and if it makes them happy, why not. The trouble though is that these words descripe certain kind of well-rounded behaviour which you might find fairly frequently in your idealized version of Don but it is a pretty general description of human behaviour, not a type description. This list does not highlight the type-related differences, many smart and balaced people with other types would equally well fit this picture and if you type by relying on this list you would be a singular failure in recognizing many of the less gifted and less well-adjusted Dons.Originally Posted by Malyshka
Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
Having attended lections of a really good socionist (or whatever that may be called (((: I've really seen how good that all works.
Some words, you see, are typical for one function or another. A person tends to use words typical for 1st and 2nd function.
Our lector typified people asking them questions about their childhood and noting (of course not to forget the language of gestures and mimics!!!!!) words they use to see the 2 leading functions and dichotomies of Reinin to see the type.
I would have posted the list of words that are typical for the functions - the one our lector gave us, it's really much much better, but unfortunately my synopsis isn't complete ))):
I would be delighted to read more about the method. What I would object to is the attempt to define the type almost exclusively based on the first and second functions (the egoblock). Everyone of us would be in dire straits just coping with the challenges of daily life if we only had the two strongest functions at our disposal. This way of thinking easily leads to a highly stereotypical typing which does not take into account the fact that people of the same type often appear and behave very differently from the standard image of their type.Originally Posted by Malyshka
Do you know if there is any evidence of how reliably different socionists type people? For example, how often do they reach the same result and do their test subjects agree with their typing, do the relationships fit, etc.
You're completely right. Most of the people do that very mistake typifying by finding signs of 1st, 2nd and 4th functions - the easy-to-find ones, making the whole thing absurd and mixing up even activators (4th and 7th are look-alikes. Imho you can "hit" the 7th so that it will be even more painfull. Besides superid - one wants to create using it so desperately! Especially the 6th - all one needs is a teacher. So 5th can be easily mixed up with 2nd.)Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
All I believe in is that to typifying must be done face-to-face, not on a forum or something (that's why I didn't want to answer male21's question) - first of all because when wearing a mask or simply being asked about his 4th one could say one thing and think something completely diffirent. But his gesture, his mimics could have given him out...Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
This man whose lectures I have attended was always 100% right - but he is a 60-year-old psychiatrist who has life-long practice and being a Balzac gives a "diagnosis" about one's type only when he has tripple-checked every bit of data and feels absolutely sure that he's right.
If somebody reminds me in the beginning of February (my "Winterferien") to translate it - I have a very interesting article about typifying by Gulenko.
These subtype descriptions by Valentina Meged - Psychologist (intuitive-ethical extrovert) ENFP and Anatoly Ovcharov - Craftsman (sensory-logical introvert) ISTP, can be confusing and opinions on them are divided but nonetheless they should be worth looking at, in my opinion they can be of some use in typing.
This description was from www.socionics.org
Sotsionicheskaya newspaper: № 01 (01), 22.11.2002
Note of editorial staff.
Attention! Until now in sotsionike there is a large problem because the authors of the different theories of subtypes so did not agree about the general terminology. There exists as the minimum of 3 theories of 32 subtypes (authors of present article, V.V.Gulenko and Ye.S.Filatovoy). In each of these theories the type is divided into two subtypes, as the authors consider, with the "intensive" first or second function (i.e. for example logico- intuitive introvert it can be "logical" or "intuitive" subtype). Problem in the fact that each divides type in in own way own way, and here terms are used the same. We request to consider this with reading of article.
We focus attention on the fact that also the pseudonyms of types all the more subtypes, used in this article, they are not in sotsionike conventional.
Intuitive- logical ekstravert: INNOVATOR
Has a somewhat scattered, pensive, stray view at times it it becomes attentive, frankly studying man or details of his clothing, which surround objects, interior apartment and so forth now and then OF ILE fills to itself seriousness, importance or looks into the support, thinking about by something its.
The mimicry of face in ILE little changes with the conversation. The person expresses shyness, feeling of awkwardness by time. It frequently smiles inadequately at situation, trying to arrange to itself collocutor. This smile seems cordial, but not by not very natural. The manners of behavior are democratic, are free, now and then somewhat pert. He tries to appear unconstrained, it can sit after being pulled down.
Motions frequently raskoordinirovannye, acted unsure. It seems that ILE he does not know, where to place hands, leans to something, although for this there is no need. It is round-shouldered or it walks only by the bent elbows, it can superfluously swing by hands.
Intuitive subtype can produce the impression suspended, flying in the clouds, childlishly naive person. It is sociable, easily it enters into the conversation. Much reads, it is very inquisitive and it willingly discusses the obtained information with those surrounding, it is interested in their opinion. Its apparent shyness and shyness are combined with the imperturbability and the obstinacy, when it starts to defend its point of view. It loves to discuss, but rarely it leads to dispute would ending by conflict. It frequently smiles at those surrounding, even if they do not give to this of occasion. With the identical smile he tells about the ridiculous and about the serious. He tries to be amiable with all and is not offended to the observations. In its occupations it is patient and, in spite of a certain sparseness and forgetfulness, then that greatly it interests it, it leads to the end. Gestures and speech either are retarded or they are accelerated. Poses are unconstrained, view scattered, defocused. Gait and motions are weakened, they seem acted unsure or weakwilled.
Logical subtype tries to produce the impression of serious person. It can be sharp, at times even unceremonious. It is confident in itself, he says rapidly, usually in categorical tone. It is superfluously categorical in its judgments, it has a tendency to tie by others its opinion. It sometimes seems energetic and self-confident. It is impatient and always it cannot listen collocutor to the end. He frequently is fascinated by something new, attempts to find to it practical embodiment. It actively and energetically defends its interests. In this case it can flare up and offend man, but, after noting this, he tries to correct position. It is very proud and it can be insulted because of the trifle, talk roughnesses, and it will be again affable and benevolent after a certain time. It is not predicted and contrasting in its behavior. View - first scattered, then testing, tenacious. The gait and the gestures sweeping, confident, but are badly coordinated. Poses free, flattened. It easily draws together distance, it can embrace, kiss collocutor.
Which subtype (intuitive or logical), places GREAT importance on appearance?
Where was this information found? I would like to see what it says about the other types.
1. I
He can see the perspectivity of new ideas and projects. He is interested in everuthing in hope to find something unique. He rejects quickly the ideas that appeared unpromising and switches over to something new. Has various interests. Quite often his hobbies are not connected with his main work. Aspires to know all discoveries and innovations on the problem that interests him. Generates courageous, alternative ideas on any matter he faces. Can’t stand routine and traditions. If the job he has to do does not carry him away he will make it in his own new and more interesting way. He may find a plenty of new ways to apply some invention or discovery. He is persevering and expansive in spreading his developments. To get inflamed with an idea he should make it "his own".
2. L
Aspires to study and explain complex objects or phenomena concerning which there are no concepts that have a single meaning or logical theories. Finds out interrelation in various schemes or structures. Compares various systems among themselves. If the idea does not “fit” into the resulting scheme he has made he’ll change it so that it blends with the plan. He analyzes any problem fully, studies all its sides. He can explain in which case this or that aspect works. He assembles the whole structure as in a meccano using existing component parts. He links all interesting observations with his theories. Aspires to find a unified explanation to diverse phenomena. It is important for him to find cause-and-effect relations between particular and whole.
3. F
He is non-aggressive but may fight for his way of life and theories with fury. He reacts violently on any attempt to subordinate him to unreasonable (from his point of view) restrictions. If put under pressure, he rushes immediately to counter-attack; at that he becomes overexcited and incontinent . During a conversation he tries to to grip all the interlocutor’s attention, at that he gesticulates wildly, speaks loudly, twiddles some object or touches the interlocutor. Though he may accept a challenge it’s hard for him to compete for a long time not having enough strength to stay mobilized for a long time. Therefore he avoids direct rivalry.
4. R
He communicates with other people “on a short psychological distance”. He estimates relations according to their democratism. The less formalism and ceremonies there are, the better it is for him. He may sometimes be rather inconsistent towards his relatives or friends: one time he is democratic up to familiarity, than he suddenly is severe and unapproachable as if he were talking to strangers. He may help people who asked him for it disinterestedly. It’s difficult for him to falsify the relations and stop communicating with a person. He feels bounded by relations. He shares his problems with others without hesitating. He inclines to discuss people’s behaviour or way of life.
5. S
He is frequently uncertain in an estimation of physical qualities of subjects. He examines, sniffs, feels everything. He needs to have a quite lot of some food or drink to understand their taste. He maintains his vitality using some external stimulators. His own convenience is foremost for him. He spends without stopping to think of keeping a bit in reserve. He doesn’t even think of keeping his things in order, he leaves objects where he was using them and then searches for them for a long time. He takes interest in questions of illnesses and health. When being ill he takes increased dozes of medicine, searches for radical methods of treatment. However he doesn’t take daily preventive measures. Usually he has an inaccurate appearance, his clothes wears out quickly.Rarely changes the decor of his room he got used to. He is conservative in tastes and household habits.
6. E
Loves companies, parties, emotional contact. He stays in a lazy apathetic mood for a long time without “being charged” by positive emotions. He is always ready for boisterous exchange of opinions or to an interesting dispute. He reacts on emotions by expressing emotions, therefore it is important not to “overdose” the degree of involvement, otherwise he may forget the initial reason of disagreement in a burst of inspiration. When he is excited he speaks quickly and chaotically. Ideas begin to outrun their expression by words, hie speech becomes rumbling. He sometimes has very sharp mood drops. Noisiness, humour, cheerfulness are replaced by depression and unsociability.
7. T
Don constantly keeps an eye on the amount of time he has in reserve. He urges other people on, but handles his and other's time as he pleases. It is quite often that he comes late or forgets about his promises to make something by the time fixed. He may sometimes be either too fussy or pronouncedly slow. He can’s adjust an average pace of live. He has his own understanding of time. He is inclined to discuss matters that are of an interest to him at the moments others may find improper but never will listen to what seems to him untimely. He can predicts the basic tendencies of events quite accurately as he is guided by their previous course. He takes interest in accidents, acts of nature, mass death of people and other fatal events.
8. P
He manages the technology of parallel actions and is able to make two or more diffirent activities at the same time. Aspires to combine a maximum of operations. He demonstrates resourcefullness and sharpness in financial and business spheres. He undertakes too many diffirent jobs to keep an eye on them andsuffers from incompleteness, goallessness because of that. He likes to be in command of some business to issue orders. He needs to have influence on something which he might move as he wishes. He makes a large affair demanding high “power inputs” for the realization from a small one. All new ideas will immediately be tested practically. A good experimenter and adjuster of unique equipment, he is very useful in the sphere of new technologies.
To use logic, you have to develop logic. To develop logic, you can learn to code computers.Originally Posted by male21
To use your logic, you have to learn to concentrate.
Ne is being used to design system. To code, you must use your logic.
So, code and code, concentrate and watch your logic develops.
It is good to see other ENTps.
I've had quite the whirlwind of information, trying to process relations between people until I stumbled onto Socionics. It's been my life hobby ever since (marking me in itself as a primary intuitive).
If you ever get bored feel free to email me at pnephi@yahoo.com
Hi everybody, just found this site - how great that it is up and running. This is my first post.
Either fortunately or unfortunately, I am almost one hundred percent sure that I am entp. I feel like I'm going out on a limb to admit that, what with being compared to ****** and Osama binLaden.
I do enjoy my strenghts but struggle with weaknesses related to fourth function. I turned forty this year and get a little better in this area but it is almost constant effort, with only limited success. Can anybody or any of my fellow entp's relate?
Neither ****** nor Osama is an ENTP. Whoever tell you that is a crackpot or a non-American INFJ.
uh, I think it is on the socionics.com website . . . this link traces back to there.Originally Posted by MysticSonic
But it would be good news for me if you were correct . . . please do tell more!
Heh, heh, that non-American INFJ crackpot would be me.Originally Posted by MysticSonic
At this stage I seem to be the only one who believes that ****** was an ENTP, and maybe I am following Gulenko's theory and gradually turning into my ENTJ semi-dual:
I must dominate.
I must dominate in relationships, in the home, in all the groups to which I belong, and at work.
but trust me, I have read an awful lot on ****** and I know what I am talking about. Just keep on checking and rechecking till you see the light.
The article is, to be honest, rather shoddily written, but writing about the types of celebrities seems quite frustrating when the only answer I get to a long article is "I see where you are coming from, but I still disagree with you." As long as there is no method of verification socionics remains just another crackpot theory - so please be kind and hand me the rope with which I can hang you.
The fact that ****** was an ENTP does, of course, not mean that ENTPs in general would be evil people. As they say, some of my best friends are ENTPs...
www.socionics.com maintains www.socionics.info which just lists all Socionics sites. The link does not in any way imply endorsement. The article, ****** ENTP, reflects strictly the opinions of its author, and and does not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the owner of this website, nor is anyone else to be held accountable for the statements made in the article.Originally Posted by Blaze
Thanks for the welcome! It's nice to find a place where people are interested in discussing theories. I'm from Western New York, although at one point in my life I spent some time in your neck of the woods, LA to be exact!
oh, only time will tell Pedro the Lion... only time will tell.... :wink:Originally Posted by Pedro-The-Lion
Nietzsche, an INTJ? What a crock. He was either an ENTp or an INTp, most probably an ENTp. He basically advocated overuse of one's extraverted sensing.