I'm not really sure I believe in subtype theory, especially as presented by Gulenko... but I want to have a subtype to put in my signature. Here's the descriptions:
The intuitive subtype (strong base function of Ni) appears to be calm, tactful, sluggish and uncertain of itself. It seems torn from reality, slow to react and maladjusted. This impression is a false conclusion because it possesses excellent intuition which helps it to establish useful connections to find support in those of importance. It acts on those surrounding itself by calming and relaxing them. It is outwardly serene, but within it is very sentimental and has a tendency to take a long while to persevere through it's own complexities. Their expression is somewhat monotonous and is frequently expressed with light surprise or complete interest towards anyone they are giving attention to. Their perspective veiw is dreamy, slightly stressed and radiant. It is frequently sad, attentive or ironic. Their speech is measured off, smooth, intimate and sincere. They are most often polite on the surface and may display a pale smile. Gestures are usually modest,timid and non-demonstrative. Gait is often slow and smooth.
The ethical subtype (strong creative function of Fe) produces the impression of a soft, charming and emotional person. It usually appears enthusiastic and optimistic. It possesses a good feeling of humor. About its problems and failures it can tell with the smile. It is ironic, sly, unpredictable and inconsistent in behavior and conversation. Creating original contrasts, it can unexpectedly prick and so rapidly embrace, kiss. Artistic, charming, are natural in the contact, now and then even with the nuance of familiarity and unceremoniousness. It knows how to draw together distance. It is courteous, amiable and thoughtful. At times it is simply fascinating, is so great of its skill pleasing and of locating to itself people. It knows how to persuade. It presents requests in such form, which to it is difficult to refuse. Motions are elegant and can even be theatrical. Gait is often graceful yet rapid. Speech is usually emotional, rich in nuances and sometimes melodious.