I'm yet another ENTp with ADD. I have never been officially diagnosed but have been diagnosed with Graves Disease, a hyper-active thyroid disorder which can cause ADD.

There do seem to be an awful lot of ENTps with some type of attention disorder. Both Blaze and I have Graves disease which can cause the same symptoms.

Its worsened by the fact we're such bad procrastinators that we don't take care of ourselves sometimes which even worsens the symptoms. Sometimes I swear I need a personal assistant just to make sure I'm taking my pills, going to the doctor etc. etc. because I put it off so bad.

There just seems to be too many of us for it just to be random coincidence. I've even heard autism mentioned before when referring to ENTps. I see autistic kids in my line of work. That is the one I don't really agree with. As children, we may have autistic-like symptoms occassionally but I think we grow out of them as we learn to pay attention (at least somewhat). As a child I felt very disconnected from those around me. I still do a little but nearly as bad.